Sixteen-year-old Jacob wants to save his mother, Helen, from the claws of his father, Emmanuel, who is an alcoholic and a gambler, and who systematically abuses her. Our story begins the evening of the great escape when Jacob manages to put in motion a carefully designed plan for their exit from the paternal home. The evening before their escape, Jacob has an important dream, that gives him courage and motivates him to act. In this dream, the comic that Jacob designs in his spare time, called "The Noir Project", comes alive, and the characters, which reflect the morbid reality in which he lives, predict, in a strange way, the events that will follow that night...
For more about the film's character's visit our website:
"The Noir Project" is a short film that deals with the subject of domestic violence, a powerful character drama with a strong element of suspense. Using an original mix of animation & real acting, and through a strong narrative structure we give hope, an important message of courage and perseverance in the face of hardships and difficulties of everyday life.
The objective of this effort, apart from its artistic innovation, is the involvement of society against domestic violence, which, unfortunately, in times of crisis like the one that we are experiencing, currently, is growing, daily. The message of the story is optimistic. It supports the escape from the vicious circle of violence and encourages the victims to stand up against their own oppressor. It also aims to alert people on this subject, and to achieve this through the co-operation and support of non-governmental organizations and charities both during the stages of film production and distribution as well as during film screenings in festivals and elsewhere, by participating in local information campaigns, public debates, etc.
The Noir Project is the brainchild of the director Gregory Vardarinos and the screenwriter Anastasia Bartzoulianou. Both artists were born and raised in Greece. We have been assisted in the making of this film by a great team of professionals and volunteers alike. For a complete list of our achievements so far, and in order to see who has worked for this film, you can check out the "Production Cast & Crew" page on our website www.thenoirprojectmovie.org/pages/en/production.html
The Noir Project is a unique film for many reasons. First of all, it is a film of historical value and significance, because it is the last film ERT (The Greek National Television) has ever made! Shooting was completed in June 2013 with the help of the ERT Microfilm program. The same day we returned the shooting equipment to ERT, the Greek National Television was abruptly shut down by the Government!
By helping The Noir Project get made, you help the last film of ERT Microfilm program ever made, find its way to the silver screen.
Another reason why you should help this film get made, is because of its social significance and its impact. Our subject matter is domestic violence, and we have been working along with organisations that combat this phenomenon in order to bring the film to the audience and use it as a tool for informing the public about this important matter. So, by helping out The Noir Project you help us out work for a cause that is dear to us and valuable to the society as a whole.
For more info about the organization that support us, watch this video https://vimeo.com/77363879 and check out our "Organizations" page on our website
The Noir Project has been funded by various sources so far. Contributors include, the South Eastern Europe Cinema Network (SEE Cinema Network), an Alpha Bank sponsorship, and a previous crowdfunding campaign. However, we are missing funds to complete post production, as our previous crowdfunding campaign has gathered only 56% of our 8.000 goal.
In order to pay for the editing facilities, the completion of the animation sequences, the sound design and mixing of the film, and the recording of the film soundtrack, plus indiegogo/paypal fees and VAT charges to the post production services and facilities we need the amount of 5.000 euros.
To see a breakdown of the Post Production costs (combined with the current Indiegogo Campaign costs) visit https://infogr.am/noir-project-post-production-cost/ (publication date 7 November 2013).
For more info about the programs that support the Noir Project, visit our website
So, join our campaign now, and you will receive great perks! Film souvenirs, such as the film's dvd, or t-shirts, mugs and movie posters with the film's logo, are available to you if you contribute to the making of The Noir Project. We also have a unique perk for you, one of the movie's props, the Key Fob Clover. It's a Limited Edition gift of the actual four leafs clover key fob prop used in the film by our protagonists, handmade by the props master of the film, Lisa Psomiadou!
If you cannot contribute much, it does not matter. Even a 10 euro contribution can get you a great perk: an exclusive preview of the film on Vimeo right after it is completed! Plus, a thank you credit both on the website of the film and the film credits. And if you don't have enough for that, send us 1 Euro as a symbolic gesture for the support of a social cause. We will appreciate you making this symbolic gesture by thanking you at the film's credits.
As the shooting of the film has been completed and it is now in post production, if this campaign does not reach its goal, it is not the end of the road for us. Every contribution you make will be used to complete the film, and we will continue seeking funds in order to bring this film to the audience.
We are currently working with European Anti-Violence Network, Woman's Shelter in Thessaloniki, Greece and the European Network Of Women, among others, in order to plan and fund a series of The Noir Project film screenings throughout Greece, in 2014, in an effort to create awarenes on the subject of domestic violence. Our plan is to show the film in various cities around Greece, and involve the audience in Q & A's with our director and screenwriter. Specifically, we hope to follow the program "Drama Festival on the Road" throughout Greece, to as many locations as possible.
This film is very personal to us, and especially to Anastasia, our screenwriter, who has written this film based on personal experience in the matter of domestic abuse and is prepared to speak to the audience from the heart. Anastasia's commitment to the cause is absolute. She has abstained from receiving her screenwriter's fee. She has signed a contract with the film's producer, stating that her percentage of any of the film's potential profit in the future (through tv screenings abroad etc) will be given directly to the organizations that have supported the making of this film.
The Noir Project participated in last year's 28th Euro Connection Forum in Clermont-Ferrand, France http://www.clermont-filmfest.com/index.php?m=174 and the pitch for The Noir Project gathered the attention of the organizers and the other participants, getting very good reviews. We are prepared to submit the film to this festival once it is completed, as well as to other film festivals abroad.
We will also submit the film to the Greek national short films festival: Drama International Film Festival.
If you cannot contribute to our campaign financially, please make some noise about our campaign on the social media, Facebook and Twitter, and tell your friends about what we are doing! You can use the Indiegogo share tools for that!
Stay in touch regarding the news concerning The Noir Project through our social media, and also don't forget to check out our Press section on out website for more