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The People's Voice Must Get Louder

The People Have A Voice. Now That Voice Must Get Louder! Globally Broadcasting Information The Mainstream Media Won't Touch

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The People's Voice Must Get Louder

The People's Voice Must Get Louder

The People's Voice Must Get Louder

The People's Voice Must Get Louder

The People's Voice Must Get Louder

The People Have A Voice. Now That Voice Must Get Louder! Globally Broadcasting Information The Mainstream Media Won't Touch

The People Have A Voice. Now That Voice Must Get Louder! Globally Broadcasting Information The Mainstream Media Won't Touch

The People Have A Voice. Now That Voice Must Get Louder! Globally Broadcasting Information The Mainstream Media Won't Touch

The People Have A Voice. Now That Voice Must Get Louder! Globally Broadcasting Information The Mainstream Media Won't Touch

David Icke
David Icke
David Icke
David Icke
3 Campaigns |
London, United Kingdom
$133,696 USD $133,696 USD 2,800 backers
25% of $518,386 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

CLICK HERE to view TPV's LIVE STREAM in a new tab

Update - 31st January 2014

British Actress Margi Clarke shares kind words about TPV!

I am writing this letter of support to stand shoulder to shoulder with David Icke. A Pioneer for truth in ours or anybody else's time. If like me, you tune into TPV daily and look forward ton receiving the treasure trove of information; It's time to get serious about keeping them on the air!!! Before this ground breaking TV channel - We the people, didn't have a voice in any of the mind controlled MSM, until David's Herculean effort to successfully manifest an internet television company on the back of personal donations ONLY, until advertisers and sponsors come forward to part fund it. An important component of TPV fosters our own reporting, new media, journalists, bloggers, video makers - to bring up daily reports and understand of what's truly taking place on our planet. With a fantastic range of subjects, and free benefit of the out put of all the volunteers at The People's Voice. Let's all show our support, dig deep to keep this channel on the air. It's tough times for us all, myself included, however, if we all throw a few bob in together, then what's already been established, can be maintained. I have so much of my education to thank David Icke for.

I've always liked David, right from the off. Even when he was a top goalie with the safest hands and the brightest, most inquiring mind on the planet. In 1991, I came across his first book and loved it. The original lifting of the veil for me. It gave WORD to a new language of awakening... The earliest transmission of The People's Voice.

Love Infinite,

Margi Clarke



"Can you imagine,  being 39 years old and realising that whatever happens, you'll never be involved in anything more important than what you are doing right now? That's how I feel abut TPV. It's scary and exhilarating at the same time. We've broadcast more fair and balanced news in just a few weeks, than the corporate media has in years......"


“The world is in need of a news media network they can trust that is not biased and not run by corporations. Most of the human population are now faced with problems they know nothing about and wouldn't know how to deal with. We can not continue living the global lie that the people can now see will lead to our demise.
We have now created a platform for the people that are aware enough to wave the flag and shed the light on the truth of our reality. We now have an agent to counteract all we have been subject to.
Rome wasn't built in a day and its clear that such a task has and will require a tremendous effort and with enough support we something made by the people, we are bound to make significant changes”


“The People’s Voice is for WE the people. Without
alternative media the corporate owned mass media
would be our only alternative, and they don’t serve
WE the people”.


"I am Gareth Icke. I am the presenter of The Banned. A show that gives artists and comedians the opportunity to show off their talents, to a whole new demographic.
I have toured for years in various bands, and have seen so many incredible musicians that never get the chance to break into the mainstream, for reasons that are nothing to do with their ability.
When I was asked if I was interested in being part of what TPV are trying to achieve, I jumped at the opportunity. It's a hard slog driving through the night to volunteer, but it's certainly worth it when I see what we are able to do.
It's been on air 10 minutes, and everyone is learning as they go. And the fact TPV has done what it's done so far, tells me that the things it CAN achieve, as a station, are limitless."

Update - 22nd January 2014

Hollywood Actress Mary Sean Young / Help save TPV 

British Model Leilani Dowding / Pro TPV

“I think that today with mainstream media being owned by so a few corporations, it is so important to have independent TV stations that that actually do give you the peoples view. 

We need to get the true story across, rather than the one-sided views of the powerful networks who need to appease their sponsors and advertisers keeping, them happy and pushing their own agendas. 

I am pro Peoples Voice TV and David Ickes hard work to bring us the truth!”

Leilani Dowding - Model, TV Personality and Truth-Seeker


Update - 21st January 2014


Donated by DAVID ICKE BOOKS - The Ultimate David Icke Collection


Donated by Kimberly & Foster Gamble - ANOTHER 100 THRIVE DVD's !

A message from Foster and Kimberly Gamble :

'Virtually all of the critical issues threatening our survival  result from a breakdown in the wholeness of a natural system. Whether it’s the  contamination of an ecosystem, the corrupt manipulation of an economy, a violent  and dirty approach to accessing energy, turning “healthcare” into “sickness  promotion,” or bending schools and media outlets into propaganda tools, the  integrity of human interactions has been co-opted by an elite cabal of would-be  controllers.

The response that is needed is to expose the truth – about  the destructive agenda, as well as about how to restore the natural integrity of  all our systems. To that end, THE PEOPLE’S VOICE is a
rare and courageous  tool for creating a world where all have the opportunity to  thrive.'

Hang in there. What you are doing is sooooo important!'


Update - 17th January 2014

David Icke on the end of The People's Voice very soon unless arses and sofas part company - THIS IS NOT A GAME ...

CLICK HERE to view TPV's LIVE STREAM in a new tab

Update - 16th January 2014

What do some of our contributors have to say about TPV?

MAX IGAN - Surviving The Matrix

"The Peoples Voice is an important tool that needs to be not only preserved, but expanded upon. This is the first time the people have ever had a real platform for free speech but if the people themselves do not actively support this initiative, it may very soon be silenced. This is a platform that was created by the people, for the people and through sheer effort of those volunteers who worked to make it a reality. More importantly though, it was created due to need for it to exist; a need for the world to have the information this station provides to them, and I believe the march forward to freedom will suffer a huge blow, at a crucial time if this station is brought to a close due to being undermined by outside influences, or to a lack of support from the public. If given the chance to grow I believe the potential for positive change this station provides simply cannot be overstated." - Max Igan


JEANICE BARCELO - Birth Of A New Earth

" When I first learned about the intention to create The People’s Voice, something inside of me jumped for delight.  I had the STRONG sense that this station could awaken billions.  Now, two months after going on air, and several television shows under my belt, I am even more convinced of the need for this station.  The mainstream media is the mouthpiece for evil forces.  All they offer are visuals and audio designed for the express purpose of MIND-CONTROLLING THE MASSES!  We need real news and real information – i.e., the type that will help humanity break the mind-control and bust open the chains that have been holding us hostage for centuries.  The People’s Voice does that.  Please support this station.  We MUST stay on the air." - Jeanice Barcelo, M.A.


DR. MANJIR - Hidden Science

"I am the presenter and co-producer of the Hidden Science show. When David asked me to consider being involved with the show and with TPV, I realised that this was an opportunity to showcase many of the ideas in science that just do not even get considered by the mainstream media who like to present science as a homogenous voice. I am delighted and amazed at the positive response to the show so far - the public really appreciate the Hidden Science show. I feel we are making waves in consciousness and it would not be possible without TPV which gives ideas like these a credible platform. TPV is populated with talented teams of people working towards common goals. It has achieved so much so far and so many people have expressed how much they want it to keep going". - Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton MBBS, Dip Bio-energy


MARK DEVLIN - The Sound Of Freedom

"When I first heard about The People's Voice, I knew it offered a  unique opportunity to present the type of radio show I now do with the  Sound Of Freedom. It's clear there's no way any mainstream, corporate- owned station would allow a show of this nature. The last thing they  want is intelligent, articulate individuals freely presenting truthful  information and alternative viewpoints, unshackled by corporate  interests or establishment agendas!" - Mark Devlin

JO CONRAD - Free Spirits

"The mass-media play a pitiable role in this changing times. The People´s Voice is vital in waking up more and more people to the dangers of total enslavement and poisoning of all life on earth. people spend so much money for absolutely unnecessary things, even for things that harm them. Wouldn´t it be wise to spend something for this project, that can make a real difference for life on this planet? I am happy to be part of it (TPV) with the Free Spirits program." - Jo Conrad


BEN STEWART - Waking Infinity

"It's enough to shatter any forward progress when having a thousand people speak slightly different messages with similar intent if the doesn't exist a way to show cooperation.  Just the simple fact that some of the most amazing researchers and artists looking for true lasting change have chosen to have their work represented through something as aptly named as The People's Voice."

Ben: Stewart is an artist.  Nothing less.




Who Are We?

We are the global television and radio station funded by the people, for the people. 

A not for profit organisation which seeks to deliver real news and empowering information to the public.

TPV launched and was received by the public in an incredibly positive, encouraging and moving way. Despite the lack of financial support we pulled out all the stops and made nothing short of a miracle: A free global internet TV & Radio station broadcasting the information, background and opinions the mainstream media won't touch

What we want to achieve

We need to spread the word. The People's Voice was made possible by the generosity and decisive action taken by many incredible people to fund an idea. 

We want a larger contributor base for people to submit their content and have their voice heard. 

We want live location reporting from around the world so that we can break the   news stories as they happen.

Our remit is simple:  INFORM, INSPIRE, EMPOWER

You did all of this for just £300k?

With a tremendous amount of support, dedication, hard work, passion and love and a large amount of that hard work done by volunteers we achieved the impossible. 

Right now we are delivering content and information as we promised. And we are working at our fullest capacity to do this. However it is not enough. Not enough to be truly effective and groundbreaking like we all want it to be. 

Why don't we have advertisers sponsoring TPV now? 

We've only been on air for 4 weeks and have put all our resources into making the content we promised we would delver. It takes time to build up momentum, gain a following and attract sponsors and advertisers. It costs a lot of money to run a 24/7   television station, even as humble as ours, so we need your support to keep us on air for these vital next few months. But thats not enough. The People's Voice must get louder. With your support we can expand our reach to a wider audience.

CLICK HERE to view TPV's LIVE STREAM in a new tab

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Currency Conversion $6 USD
£5 GBP
You will be sent a private link to catch a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes here at The People's Voice studio
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
108 claimed


Currency Conversion $16 USD
£12 GBP
You will receive a one year subscription to Veritas E-Magazine - Kindly donated to TPV by Brian Creigh (Executive Editor) to celebrate the launch of their E-zine!
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
210 out of 9919 of claimed


Currency Conversion $19 USD
£15 GBP
You will be sent a private link to a video - virtual introduction to the cast & crew of The People's Voice AND a private link to catch a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes here at The People's Voice studio
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
38 claimed


Currency Conversion $32 USD
£25 GBP
You will receive an EXCLUSIVE TPV "Thank YOU" poster signed by one of our hosts You will also be sent a private link to a video - virtual introduction to the cast & crew of The People's Voice AND a private link to catch a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes here at The People's Voice studio *price includes shipping & handling
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
65 claimed


Currency Conversion $110 USD
£85 GBP
Have your name mentioned by one of our hosts, who will publicly thank YOU on-air You will also be sent a private link to a video - virtual introduction to the cast & crew of The People's Voice AND a private link to catch a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes here at The People's Voice studio
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
23 claimed


Currency Conversion $1,296 USD
£1,000 GBP
Receive a VIP pass with backstage access to Green Room (incl. free food & drink) & guaranteed meet and greet with David *please note: you are responsible for arranging your own travel to and from the venue You will also be sent a private link to a video - virtual introduction to the cast & crew of The People's Voice AND a private link to catch a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes here at The People's Voice studio
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
8 out of 17 of claimed


Currency Conversion $12,960 USD
£10,000 GBP
13 signed titles Personal thank you letter from David 2 x VIP tickets to David’s live show at London’s Wembley Arena on 25th October, 2014 including : Access to the Green Room and a meet and greet with David. *please note: you are responsible for arranging your own travel to and from the venue
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 1 of claimed
sold out


Currency Conversion $45 USD
£35 GBP
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
100 out of 100 of claimed
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