This campaign is closed

The People's Voice and you!

The People’s Voice is a TV channel like no other. Reporting balanced news and challenging mainstream media coverage of world events.

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The People's Voice and you!

The People's Voice and you!

The People's Voice and you!

The People's Voice and you!

The People's Voice and you!

The People’s Voice is a TV channel like no other. Reporting balanced news and challenging mainstream media coverage of world events.

The People’s Voice is a TV channel like no other. Reporting balanced news and challenging mainstream media coverage of world events.

The People’s Voice is a TV channel like no other. Reporting balanced news and challenging mainstream media coverage of world events.

The People’s Voice is a TV channel like no other. Reporting balanced news and challenging mainstream media coverage of world events.

David Icke
David Icke
David Icke
David Icke
3 Campaigns |
London, United Kingdom
$40,778 USD $40,778 USD 817 backers
62% of $64,947 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects


New programmes, new beginnings! 
And many of your favourite programmes returning!

Share this link far and wide!!

As we approach the grand finale of this campaign, we would like to thank every one of you for expressing such commitment, dedication and support for TPV. It's good to know you all want to see this channel thrive and grow as much as we do!

With the contributions to date, we will be able to push forward with, some...not all, but many of the development plans on the table, and we are now in the strong position where we can re-launch in May; maybe not with all the whistles and bells, but either way, it'll be pretty incredible! As soon as we have the launch date set, we'll blast a newsletter out to you. So please look out for that!

The new programmes we have in production are beyond exciting! Not to mention the plans we have in the pipeline for the updated platform and website, which will offer you a much more user-friendly experience. All this development is only possible because of your commitment to this campaign.

One very new programme that we can reveal here is The People's Video. This is long overdue,(and rest assured, we have been receiving your emails, and are working through the vast amount of content that we have already received),and has been in the making for many months. What this programme will do is offer you, the viewer, an opportunity to reflect, express and deliver your own content on what defines you, and your opinion - it could be videologs (vlogs) consisting of political views, or music videos by unsigned artists, poems, creative rants, vox pops from city hotspots, or literally any other creative offering that you feel is relevant and of interest to our audience. This is a great opportunity to put The People into TPV! If you have content to submit, please email us

This next stage of TPV is nearly ready, we have pulled out all the stops to make the impossible possible. It's not been easy, but we have got through it, and we are ready now to shine brighter than ever and deliver some of the best content to date. TPV now has a very positive future ahead and we look forward to sharing it with you.

Please help us, as we conclude this campaign, to give this one last MASSIVE push to raise as much as possible to ensure we can add more to your TPV experience!

Share this link far and wide!!

Please keep in touch and keep watching!


As we approach the finishing line of this campaign, remember, it's  choices that TPV offer - if you want to have the global conversation, you need to know the full story! And TPV can give you the real news, the researched news, journalism that goes deep down the rabbit hole. Please share this link with all your friends! Thank you!


We have one exclusive new perk to offer: 13 signed titles from David's back catalogue of books (including out of print rare books). 

+ A personal thank you letter from David  

Plus 2 x VIP tickets to David’s live show at London’s Wembley Arena on 25th October, 2014 including :  Access to the Green Room and a meet and greet with David.  

To access this perk please go to


It's Monday, and as a new week heralds, we are planning the future, and we want you to join us for the ride! It's looking good! Help us bring TPV to the NEXT STAGE! Thank you!

Here's a word from Cara St Louis...what's she got in store for you???!


Here are some of presenter Richie Allen's best bits! Enjoy! And please share this page to show others what they are missing! Thanks!


The People's Voice: shout out to you!

THIS SUNDAY 6 April: Join TPV presenter Richie Allen live on Facebook for a live question and answer session 6pm-8pmGMT (2pm-4pm EST /10am-12pm PST) when he will be discussing The People's Voice, The Indiegogo campaign and the station's future.


The People’s Voice – With Your Help This Is What We Can Do Within Weeks … Make It Happen While You Still Can!

We now have an opportunity to broadcast from new purpose-built studios, with significantly reduced running costs, which will restore live news programming, and expand our coverage to satellite transmission from Europe to China, and across the Middle East and Africa.

This would take us into a whole new stage of communicating the vital information that the mainstream media suppresses or ignores, and adds to our 24 hour global Internet coverage, and on-demand YouTube service.

Please support The People’s Voice – The Next Stage … and help us to make this happen …


Please note: that viewing figures show that The People's Voice is gathering pace and popularity all the time - despite all the challenges.

Latest figures electronically recorded with 100% accuracy show that the TPV to-air screen had nearly 1.6 million views last month with this month promising to surpass that.

Taking all views together, the to-air page, YouTube and other platforms, The People's Voice has so far had more than 6 million views since the station went on air in late November.

The potential is fantastic, especially if we can gain access to two satellites which is now a strong possibility if we get the support.

Support TPV- the dream has only just begun.

"The revelation of thought takes man out of servitude into freedom."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

What is The People's Voice (TPV)?

TPV is a TV channel like no other. We balance what we, and the public who have made the station possible, see as a massive flaw in mainstream media coverage of world events. We challenge the mainstream's biased reporting and address fairness, balance and impartiality. This is important to us all, otherwise we can end up making life choices, opinions and decisions that are based on a skewed version of the truth. 

The story so far, thanks to many of you who have generously offered your ongoing support!

We have managed to create something many thought impossible, and to those of you who have been following the progress of TPV, let us bring you up to speed. We have been overwhelmed and encouraged by the support we have received from so many of you who have helped thus far, and that help has enabled up to get the studios up and running, and programmes on air. We are broadcasting!

That's 'phase one' now completed, and we have achieved all we set out to achieve in the original campaigns, so a big thank you to all those who supported us, enabling us to get this far. Since the launch, we have broadcast a comprehensive mix of news programmes and debate, science programmes, the arts and not forgetting the ever popular David Icke offerings. The audience is growing and feedback is positive. And we are happy, because we fulfilled the promise we made in our first campaign!

We are now entering 'phase two', which is where we need your help again!!!

To continue to provide independent, non biased news costs money. It requires hours of research, vigilant and reliable journalism, and robust marketing to reach the largest audience possible. For us to do full justice to TPV we need to ramp it up, and that's where we are heading right now.

We want you to be a part of this next big push where TPV will deliver a broader level of programming, asking the very BIG questions, getting to the bottom of the burning issues around corruption and greed, and exploring the positive solutions presented at this time on the planet. 

Why media, and in particular TPV, is important

The popular public lexicon is searching for truth. Do you hear things on mainstream media and question them, are you following the power games being played out, are you aware of what your reality is all about?

Austerity appears to be punishing the poor for the mistakes of the rich. It's difficult to see it any other way currently. So how is it that the mainstream media spin these hot subjects, using tactics to instill fear and loathing of all those worse off, is attracting so many followers of this formulaic reporting? Well, it's nothing new. It has been a political, and sometimes religious scam since the beginning of time, however, there is another option. TPV delivers news and reporting without this formula, because there is simply no need to! The clue is in the name.

TPV is all about delivering impartial and clear information, and without information it remains difficult to make choices, important choices around every day concerns; politics, education, health, science, environmental issues, taxation, fact all issues that are aired via mainstream media. But what if, through mainstream media, you're getting a particular version of that information that is serving a purpose other than informing? We are not suggesting that all mainstream news and information is propaganda designed to serve an elite group, but it is an odd thing that an elite group seems to remain untouchable in this age of information, and that many of the big media corporations are beholden to the purse strings of the elite. 

We see international media growing less and less independent, which in turn makes them even less likely to ask the difficult questions for fear of retribution from their 'sponsors'. TPV is not compromised by sponsors. 

What you can do to help TPV informing and reporting real news

We are inviting you to be involved in helping TPV grow, expand and evolve into something seriously important to those who want to receive information on how the world really is, not the illusion that we are fed currently, but the real truth behind the stories. Who is in control; how does the existing paradigm affect you; why is there a vast disparity between the rich and poor; why are people going hungry in a world of abundance? All these, and many more questions are constantly being explored and reported back to you, the people.

There is a lighter side to TVP, it's not all heavyweight debate, (although some of it is!), there is a thriving arts programme bringing forward unsigned bands, diverse music, comedians and the arts. It's growing in popularity each week, which is encouraging more and more acts and artists to join the programme and get involved.

Let's help raise the frequency, change the narrative and engage with what we know can effect positive change.

With your help and generosity, however big or small, we can further develop a TV channel like no other, a channel that really reflects the thoughts, opinions and ideals of the people!

We invite you to join us, have your say and be part of this ever growing, forward thinking community always questioning what is right and what is truth!

There has never been a more important and exciting time in history to be alive than right now. In this age of information ignorance is a choice. What's your choice?

Welcome to TPV, where your voice will be heard.

Please share this campaign with your friends and family. Thank you!

“Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.”

George Orwell 1984   

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Choose your Perk



Currency Conversion $6 USD
£5 GBP
A big thank you on TPV *website, plus a ticker tape mention across the top of the website pages. *Appears on website for a month.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
62 out of 200 of claimed

Wish you were here!

Currency Conversion $13 USD
£10 GBP
A big thank you on TPV *website, plus a limited edition, signed TPV postcard. *Appears on website for a month.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
124 out of 200 of claimed

Ticker tape thank you!

Currency Conversion $32 USD
£25 GBP
A big thank you on TPV* website, a TPV postcard, and a ticker tape scrolling thank you on TPV home page! Appears on website for a month.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
43 out of 200 of claimed

Face to Facebook!

Currency Conversion $32 USD
£25 GBP
A big thank you on TPV *website, plus a very public thank you from TPV official Facebook page linked to your own page! *Appears on website for a month.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
33 out of 200 of claimed

Big burning questions!

Currency Conversion $65 USD
£50 GBP
A big thank you on TPV *website, plus your chance to pose a question, accredited to you, on the relevant show! *Appears on website for a month.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
23 out of 100 of claimed

Front row seat!

Currency Conversion $97 USD
£75 GBP
A big thank you on TPV *website, and a rare opportunity to be part of a limited audience for a pre-recorded programme! *Appears on website for a month.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
11 out of 100 of claimed

Behind the scenes!

Currency Conversion $325 USD
£250 GBP
Visit TPV studios and see all the behind the scenes action! Note: appointments will be arranged to suit, travel at your own expense.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
2 out of 50 of claimed

Part of the team!!!

Currency Conversion $325 USD
£250 GBP
Be part of the team behind the scenes for a record of one TPV in-house shows!
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
2 out of 20 of claimed

David Icke show!

Currency Conversion $649 USD
£500 GBP
A free pair of tickets to the David Icke show at Wembley Arena, 25 October 2014, meet David and receive a signed book.
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
1 out of 20 of claimed

Be a journalist for a day!

Currency Conversion $649 USD
£500 GBP
Send your own *video short to be aired on TPV! *Terms & conditions, and editorial guidelines apply.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 out of 20 of claimed

Be our guest!

Currency Conversion $974 USD
£750 GBP
An opportunity to appear on TPV, be interviewed and air your opinions!
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
1 out of 20 of claimed

Spreading the word!

Currency Conversion $1,299 USD
£1,000 GBP
Your website link to appear on TPV website! Plus a big thank you on TPV *website, and a limited edition, signed TPV postcard. *Appears on website for a month.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
1 out of 20 of claimed

Forever and ever!

Currency Conversion $2,598 USD
£2,000 GBP
A free pair of tickets to the David Icke show at Wembley Arena, 25 October 2014, plus a PERMANENT link on TPV website!
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed

On the show with David Icke!

Currency Conversion $3,897 USD
£3,000 GBP
A signed copy of David Icke's new, book 'The Perception Deception', plus be a.guest on a show with David Icke, and debate hot topics (prepared questions in advance).
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed


Currency Conversion $6,495 USD
£5,000 GBP
13 signed titles from David's back catalogue of books (including out of print rare books). + A personal thank you letter from David Plus 2 x VIP tickets to David’s live show at London’s Wembley Arena on 25th October, 2014 including : Access to the Green Room and a meet and greet with David. *please note: you are responsible for arranging your own travel to and from the venue
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 out of 1 of claimed
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