Everyone gets angry, sometimes.
It might be that guy who cut you off on exit 5. Maybe they ran out of glazed donuts. Maybe you run an advice podcast and someone sent you their math homework. It happens. People get angry.
A lot of different people have come up with a lot of different solutions for dealing with anger. Yoga, tea, alcohol, any number of remedies can be good for some people. Some people however, just need to flip a table.
The Portable Flipping Table
Flipping tables can be hazardous. Sometimes the table can take a strange trajectory while airborne and take an eye out. Sometimes it might hit a wall and put a hole in it. They're unwieldy beasts, and they're not very portable.
We've developed a small, portable table that is made for one true purpose, to flip. And how glorious it feels to flip that table. Got an F on that social studies test? Flip this table. That pretty lady turned you down? Flip this table. Milk went bad because you didn't drink it fast enough? Well, stop buying gallons, start buying half gallons. Oh, and flip this table.
The Cost
We're working with Trendex, the company behind great products like the Minecraft Foam Swords / Pick Axes, the Portal 2 Cookie Cutters, the Talking Turret toys, and a slew of other well-manufactured toys. We want to make something that isn't going to break after a couple of flips. Making a quality toy isn't cheap.
The mold itself is the most expensive part of the process. The mold for our table is going to cost $3,300, and the tables themselves are going to cost even more. So. that's why we need to raise at least $5,330. We've got a number of great stretch goals that will make the product more fun, and in the event of great success, we'll also be making some of our other pet projects a reality.
Stretch Goals
$5,850 - All tables will get an additional optional keychain attachment. EDIT: DONE
$6,500 - All tables will get a deluxe art box for safe keeping. EDIT: DONE
$7,000 - We'll buy a low-end Mac and port Love+ to Linux and Mac OS X. note: I've decided that if we can hit the $7K mark, I'll pay the rest out of my own pocket.
$8,500 - We'll get a print run of James Bennet's Moon Dogs & Other Toy Animals, and everyone who donates over $35 to the project will get it added to their order for free.
Free Bonuses
Everyone who donates at least $5 to our cause will be receiving a nice little slew of free downloadable content, including but not limited to:
- A DRM-Free copy of Love+
- James Bennett's 2006 EP "Moondogs & Other Toy Animals"
- Sure to be Ban'D Year One (in PDF format)
- Exclusive Bancast Clips that were just a little to rough to broadcast.
Other Ways You Can Help
We at the Bancast can relate when it comes to not to having expendable income, so we understand that not everyone can chip in. That doesn't mean you can't help out, though.
- Tweet the link "igg.me/at/table", use the HashTag #FlippingTable.
- Spread the link "igg.me/at/table" on Facebook and Tumblr!
- Tell your friends to check us out!
Subscribe and listen to the Bancast! Okay that's unrelated, but it helps our self esteem!
We hope you'll support us