The Purrch
was developed by Eric Hosler, a concert violinist and violin teacher, for his
students and himself, as an aid to correct posture. Little did he realize that the Purrch would become
much, much more.
Every time
someone new sees the Purrch there seems to be another use for it. Our research subjects included people who use
stand-up computers, golf tournament spectators, soccer moms and dads,
musicians, beauticians and barbers, to name a few of the many ways they tested
the Purrch to great effect.
The Purrch's patented arching shaft is bent from strong but lightweight aluminum. It will easily hold people weighing up to 400 pounds. The arc allows the Purrch to meet the floor at the perfect angle for optimum function, reliability and comfort.
The exceptional polyurethane rubber compound for our custom designed foot was selected after extensive testing of materials to ensure the safest and best adhesion to the floor - and the unique foot pattern on the bottom provides the ultimate in gripping potential on the widest possible variety of surfaces, both indoors and out.
We tested hundreds of seats trying to find the right mix of comfort and support for the Purrch. We finally realized that we had to make our own seat. Covered with vinyl and filled with memory foam, our seat is exceptionally comfortable and durable.
The Purrch
is great for most people who have to be on their feet or on their seat for
long periods of time. The Purrch takes
50% to 67% of your weight off of your feet and thereby relieves the stress on
your ankles, knees, hips and eases your back into a more comfortable upright
We’ve spent four years and $100,000.00 in product development costs and legal fees, and two years field testing the prototypes that were created. We’re finally ready to launch the Purrch and order the first production pieces.
This is where YOU, our supporters come in. Be the first to own the Purrch and be a part of introducing it to the rest of the world. By becoming a sponsor you will be pre ordering your Purrch before it’s available to the general public and at a 30% discount from the suggested retail price of $100.00. We’ll also throw in free shipping.As our tag line says…'Where will YOU Purrch?’
Thank you for supporting the Purrch.