We have a new perk. It's is a maquette of an alien that will be in the film. He's a pretty wicked character. It's sculpted by Rudy Garcia and limited to 10. The pics above show the maquette at about 70% done. There's more detail and clean up still to do. If you have any questions, please e-mail us at therunawaysunfilm@gmail.com
Anyone who buys THE DVD PACKAGE or higher gets a print signed by the artist at no extra cost!
The print is a illustrated by Kyle Strahm. It is a concept of an anroid that will be in the film. They will be shipped with t-shirts and posters within 3 months after the indiegogo campaign ends. If you ordered the DVD package, it will be sent out with the DVD when the film is complete.
THE RUNAWAY SUN is going to be a heartfelt tale and a visual feast of a science fiction/fantasy short film, with all kinds of unique robots, aliens, and cool visual effects. But we can't do it without your help. You complete us! We're navel lint without you. It's up to you to make this film a reality.
Every product that we deliver will be high quality. Whether it be t-shirts and posters, or the actual film, we will not rest until it meets our standards. We pride ourselves in doing the best job that we can no matter what. Everyone of us here on The Runaway Sun team care about what we do. We love what we do. And nothing makes us happier than when we please our audience. You can trust us when we say, all of us are doing our best work to date.
We need $30,000 to complete this film. Every dollar that goes over our goal will be spent on enhancing the production quality of this film, starting with the score and working our way to higher quality fabrics on our costumes.
So what happens if we don't meet our goal? Well that all depends. If we raise half of our goal, then we will proceed with pre-production (set building, robot making, prop building, etc) and try to raise the rest of money along the way. We must raise at least $7000 to move forward with pre-production. If we don't raise at least $7000 then the release of the film will be delayed.
We will start pre-production as soon as we get the funds. We estimate the film will be in the can 4-5 months after that. Post-production is going to be a lengthy process. We estimate that it will take 6-8 months to complete the visual effects, sound design, and score. Our goal is to release the film by May 2014.
Remember, you can upgrade your perks by donating more money and sending us an e-mail at therunawaysunfilm@gmail.com letting us know you upgraded!
Of course you can't get your DVD or digital download of the film or score until the film is complete. But the t-shirts, posters and prints will all be delivered within 60-90 days after the Indiegogo ends.
Art by Devin Koehler. It measures roughly 17x7. When you buy a perk with a concept art print included, this is what you get! Isn't it beautiful?
The two pictures above represent an android head that is about 50% done. It's missing paint and a bunch of small pieces. But the pics represent a descent idea of what you're going to get.
The android head prop is going to be made mostly of resin. There will be other other parts attached to it that will either be made of foam, styrene, resin or some kind of metal.
Most likely the prop will not come with eyes, because they will be cg in the film. And the side of the head will hold LED lights. The prop may or may not come with LED lights, depending on what we decide to do for production. There will be a cool looking plate that goes inside the circle on the side of the head. But if you buy the android head prop package, you are gauranteed a head that was used in production that is not broken.
This is the concept for the space helmet. The final result will vary, but it will be awesome no matter what. We won't actually build it until pre-production starts. These will be shipped out in the fall of 2013.
Yes, you get every single one of the perks we offer on this page. But being Executive Producer is more than just awesome perks. It's about being apart of the team. Whatever events we put on for this film, you'll be invited to join us. You'll be in our photo ops, you get a bio on our site, you'll have an unlimited pass on set during production. You can even stop by and see how the sets are coming along. If you have kids, bring them along! I'm sure they would find it fascinating. I know my 12 year old self would. You'll also be able to see rough cuts of visual effects and edits. Stuff that only producers get to see. It's very exciting! If you want to do this, but have questions, then e-mail the director at therunawaysunfilm@gmail.com. He will read your e-mail and get back to you ASAP.
It's ok. We know how you feel! There is a list a mile long of stuff that we need. First of all, if you haven't yet, please share the link to our Indiegogo page on your facebook, twitter and whatever else you have! Blogs, forums, groups. Every bit helps big time. We have a Facebook page!
www.facebook.com/therunawaysun. That's where we post all our newest blogposts, pics and videos. You can share that page too! If you or someone you know has a blog or works at a newspaper, we'd love to do an interview or video. Just point us in the right direction! Also, if you know someone who can get us a deal on Smooth-On Rebound 25 silicone or any kind of smooth-cast resin, please let us know. We can use it!
David Matheny is an award-winning writer, director, and producer from Overland Park, KS. His deeply rooted love for film began at an early age and he started filming fight scenes with friends after school. While attending Avila University, Matheny created a short film entitled “The Scientist,” which one Kansas City Star critic called “A short film so intuitive, visually acute, and narratively assured that it required no dialogue. It may be the best student short I’ve ever seen.”
Since graduating, Matheny has worked in Los Angeles as an editor for the hit series “Bite Me,” from Lionsgate and Machinima.
Born in Kansas City, MO, Jenny Brinkman began to develop a serious interest in film not long after she graduated from Bishop Miege High School. She worked as a production manager on the 2009 award-wining feature, “My Step-Dad’s a Freakin’ Vampire,” which has been distributed to Netflix, Amazon, bestbuy.com, and other sites.