The Stories We Tell: Survivor Testimonial Workshop
Hi! We are Emily Bergl, Christa Desir, and Clare Gagne. We are three members of The Voices and Faces Project, a documentary project giving voice and face to survivors of sexual violence. We are looking to fund a writing workshop in New York City called "The Stories We Tell" for survivors of sexual violence, domestic violence, and sexual trafficking.
This one-of-a-kind writing workshop provides survivors a two-day opportunity to learn and use the power of their own testimony to write and speak out about the violence they have lived through. Survivors pay no money for this workshop, it will be funded completely from the generosity of donors.
This workshop has already travelled to more than five North American cities and many more have requested it. This workshop will cost $15,000 for twenty survivors over two full days. Those costs include workshop space, food and beverages, reading materials, and presenter travel and fees. So every $750 we receive will fully fund one participant. Again, survivor participants pay nothing. Your gift matters - sexual violence, domestic violence and trafficking are issues that affect women and men from every walk of life, and every race and creed - and often the survivors most in need of programs like ours can least afford them
And for every donation over $40, we will send you a CD created solely for the Voices & Faces Project by artists such as Neeko Case, Joseph Arthur, & The New Pornographers who care as deeply about this cause as we do.
We are grateful for every dollar you donate. We are equally grateful for you sharing the message about this campaign. Please let your friends and family know. And if you want to learn more about The Voices and Faces Project, you can check us out at:
Thank you!