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The Studio Album Tutorial Project

Funding for a home studio, album recording, featured artists, and tutorials to better the quality of the Youtube videos, production, and products for you guys

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The Studio Album Tutorial Project

The Studio Album Tutorial Project

The Studio Album Tutorial Project

The Studio Album Tutorial Project

The Studio Album Tutorial Project

Funding for a home studio, album recording, featured artists, and tutorials to better the quality of the Youtube videos, production, and products for you guys

Funding for a home studio, album recording, featured artists, and tutorials to better the quality of the Youtube videos, production, and products for you guys

Funding for a home studio, album recording, featured artists, and tutorials to better the quality of the Youtube videos, production, and products for you guys

Funding for a home studio, album recording, featured artists, and tutorials to better the quality of the Youtube videos, production, and products for you guys

Eric Calderone
Eric Calderone
Eric Calderone
Eric Calderone
1 Campaign |
Los Angeles, United States
$19,155 USD 526 backers
95% of $20,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

What it's about

Hey there guys,

      As many of you know, I'm Eric (or Erock or 331Erock). I've been doing Youtube for about 2 1/2 years now and my subbers and facebookers mean the world to me. They've done so much for me with their encouragement, suggestions, and support it's beyond words. Ever since picking up a guitar, music has been my addiction. However, the "Tubing" has challenged me not to let my watchers/friends down and has pushed me to try and better myself and the music every day.  

      My campaign is basically concentrated on providing better quality products to all my friends on there. I can't count how many times I've seen the comment "get a better camera" haha. I've been working very hard to make the best videos/songs I can but, just like my guitar playing, I'm always looking and working on making them better. 

      The heaviness (pun intended) of this campaign will impact everything about the videos. Achieving the highest quality in all aspects: Music, high definition video, lighting, big name artist collabs, and really a much better final concept. The upcoming album will also be hit pretty hard. The production for that (and future albums) will be improved and being able to hire some well known shred-masters to battle and collab with will make it pretty interesting to say the least. And also highly requested tutorials and "making ofs" can finally happen. 

      Never in a million years did I ever think that I'd be doing Youtube for a living. And it's all because of the viewers and their constant support. They deserve the very best.

What the shindig needs and what good stuff you can get

      As I stated, the viewers mean the world to me. I will NEVER ask them for anything. Most Youtubers ask their viewers to subscribe/like/and share. To me, if someone wants to do one (or all three of those) then they will. That is why IndieGoGo really caught my eye because the campaign is not asking for donations. If the person viewing likes something they see, then they can get if they want. And if they don't I still love 'em.

      The funding needed for this little shindig is 20,000. Every part of it, goal met or not, is going to the production of bettering the videos, the album, and the artists involved.

      * 10,000 for recording/studio equipment, home studio and youtube room construction and lighting

      * 5,000 for artist solo/collab/appearance fees

      * 5,000 for cd duplication, dvd duplication, artwork, merchandise and a better more interactive website.   

The perks

      This is the exciting part (hopefully haha). I tried to make the perks involved as unique as possible. They range from digital downloads before the album comes out, tutorial bundles, to limited editions of merchandise. But getting really nutty and heading towards covering and delivering any requested song, skype time (lessons or not), my 8 foot joker portrait, one of my video guitars, and more. Be sure to take a look!

      Like I said, all funding made (goal met or not) will go to whatever it can.

The Craziness of it all

      I wanted to do this not only to better the music and production for myself but for everyone who watches and listens. Currently I produce everything on a laptop which I plug my guitar into and do the videos in a room that has 2 out of 4 light bulbs working haha. As a lot of you already know, I tend to stay away from "corporate" backing. You guys are all I need and made many of my dreams come true already. I'm indebted to you forever, which I why i want to provide you with the freshest and best I can.

Other Ways You Can Help

      For anyone that has given me the time of day to sit through a video is all I've needed. Big ups always. 

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Choose your Perk


Exclusive Met Metal Tee + CD

$50 USD
* ADD $5 for US shipping and $10 for international An exclusive tee shirt for crowd-funders. Also included is the personalized hard copy of the new album. Shirt's in the gallery.
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
79 out of 300 of claimed

Digital Album Download

$10 USD
Get the upcoming album before it comes out. I won't ruin the surprise appearances on it but I will tell you, it will be nutty.
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
183 claimed

New Album Hard Copy

$25 USD
I personally still love hard copies of cds. Get a hard copy of the new album personally made out to you from me :)
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
177 out of 2000 of claimed

Tutorial Bundle

$60 USD
A hard DVD copy of the upcoming 'Licks and Playthrough' tutorial which includes my favorite solos from the 'Meets Metal" videos and my favorite techniques. Also comes with the bundle of all three tab books out already.
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
36 out of 500 of claimed

Skype it up!

$100 USD
Anything you want for an hour on Skype. Be it a guitar lesson, comic/movie/video game talk, or just B.S.
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
14 out of 50 of claimed

Personalized Meets Metal

$250 USD
Not sure if I'll do a specific tune on Youtube or need one for some reason or another? Covered in steel and metal, any song you want.
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
9 out of 20 of claimed
sold out

Any shirt you want!

$40 USD
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
5 out of 5 of claimed
sold out

The Batman charcoal painting

$500 USD
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
1 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

The Joker portrait

$1,000 USD
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
1 out of 1 of claimed
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