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Drama students lost their school - The Summoning of Everyman

The drama students at Holberg Theater School, Copenhagen, had their main teachers fired and school closed by an unscrupulous board. We lost everything.

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Drama students lost their school - The Summoning of Everyman

Drama students lost their school - The Summoning of Everyman

Drama students lost their school - The Summoning of Everyman

Drama students lost their school - The Summoning of Everyman

Drama students lost their school - The Summoning of Everyman

The drama students at Holberg Theater School, Copenhagen, had their main teachers fired and school closed by an unscrupulous board. We lost everything.

The drama students at Holberg Theater School, Copenhagen, had their main teachers fired and school closed by an unscrupulous board. We lost everything.

The drama students at Holberg Theater School, Copenhagen, had their main teachers fired and school closed by an unscrupulous board. We lost everything.

The drama students at Holberg Theater School, Copenhagen, had their main teachers fired and school closed by an unscrupulous board. We lost everything.

Komedien Om Enhver
Komedien Om Enhver
Komedien Om Enhver
Komedien Om Enhver
1 Campaign |
Copenhagen, Denmark
$982 USD $982 USD 23 backers
20% of $4,912 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

(music by: vincent knobil)

The Summoning of Everyman - Komedien om Enhver

(Se Dansk tekst nedenfor)


At the end of February 2013, the students at Theatre School Holberg, Copenhagen, suddenly lost all their teachers. The board of the school fired our artistic directors and hired a new school leader, who fired the rest of our teachers. He thought that was smart – we thought it was ridiculous, that in only a couple of days, we went from stopping our beloved Shakespeare rehearsals to returning to an arrogant and hostile atmosphere at the school. We didn’t sign up for that. We didn’t pay for that. And we protested. So they just closed our school, leaving us behind with nothing, and then opened it up again, with the same name. And they seem to think that they have no obligations towards us. (No worries though, we have pressed charges)

But we couldn’t stay stuck in those people's political scheme and had to move on and make some theatre. And the decision was to put on the play “The Summoning of Everyman” by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, which will have its premiere at the 5th of June 2013 in the Gethsemane church, Copenhagen.

The Summoning of Everyman tells the story of Everyman, a shopaholic rich-bitch, who, in her late 30s, is suddenly summoned to answer for her deeds; in her entourage we also find her young gold-digging, coke-snorting fuck-buddy, Sigfried and her BFF, whose arrogance is only to be overshadowed by her stupidity. 

When Death shows up at one of her parties, Everyman gets only a few hours to balance out her Karmic Account, or she will end up in hell. 

Not only is she about to die and go to hell, but also has to answer the question: 
“How do you clean up your shit in only a couple of hours?” – That’s a tough one!

Only to make things more interesting for Everyman, she has to deal with a psychopathic bible-basher - her beloved mother, Dorotha, a crazy, begging Gipsy-Polack hypocrite mutant, and even the cousins, Satan and Mammon appear to her on her last day on Earth. The play is filled with bizarre characters, which put our own human existence and ethics into perspective – in a church where the taboos are broken and the fun is free for all.


This is a plead. We need your help. We need your help to show Copenhagen that real artists do not let political schemes and internal powerplay ruin their work - it makes us only stronger.

Please share this - that's also helping alot. Your mom's friend could see this on Facebook and think: "Holy mother of Jesus, this is so important!" And boom - your moms friend is now a producer! Thanks to you!


What you will get for your money (Not to mention the fact that you keep our hopes, about coming professional actors, alive) See on the side, and at the bottom:



Komedien om Enhver

Gethsemanekirken i perioden 5-9 juni, 2013.

Kvinden Enhver var rig på aktier og fede tasker, og havde både venner, der drak hende under bordet, og en fræk toy-boy hun kunne lege med om aftenen. Da Enhver får påbud af Døden om, at hun skal på den rejse, hvorfra ingen vender tilbage, laver hun et desperat forsøg på at tage alt det hun ejer med sig, men finder hurtigt ud af at livets pølse er speget – ligesom alle hendes venner.

”Komedien om Enhver” er en klassisk komedie, bygget over middelalderens kirkelige Mysterie- og Moralitetsspil. Det er skrevet i 1911 af Hugo von Hofmannsthal, og handler om livets store moralske og eksistentielle spørgsmål; om dødsangsten og troen, om dyder og laster, om penge og venskab.

Stykket er sprængfyldt med bizarre karakterer: En stressramt Gud, Døden og hendes Baby, en sarkastisk Engel, en dødsangst Shopaholic, en snu Polak, en gold-digging Loverboy, Fætter Grådig, en feststemt Mammon, ja selv en forsmået Satan kommer på besøg i dette dramatiske festfyrværkeri, hvor alt er tilladt og intet er helligt.

Komedien bliver opført i Gethsemane-kirken i perioden 5 – 9. juni 2013, og er en produktion af de tidligere elever på FILM+Teaterskolen Holberg.

Eleverne mistede deres ledelse og to hoved-lærere i februar 2013, da skolens bestyrelse fyrede dem fra den ene dag til den anden. Dermed var skolens to grundpiller fjernet. Efterfølgende blev en ny leder ansat, der valgte at fritstille resten af lærer og senere lukkede skolen.

Røvrendt og svigtet står vi, uden kostumer, sminke, øvelokaler, regi, lys og lyd. Men integriteten har vi stadigvæk og viljen til at skabe. Derfor beder vi jer om hjælp til at finansiere dette projekt, som vi brænder så meget for, og som har været med til at definere os – både som kunstnere og som mennesker.



Engang var der en almægtig Gud.

Op på et kors han hængte sin søn,
Gav os nådesord og strenge bud.

Men nu, handler livet om Vuitton og kønsdele.

Ingen fattig jomfru sidder læng’re i løn

Så Gud gav os teatret til at ta’ pis på det hele!

At skabe og dele
– det er vores vision.



Hvad fu får / What you get! :


A TREE WITH YOUR NAME ON IT - (The "I'm so proud of it, I put my..." effect)
We will plant a tree, outside our old school, and hang all of our supporters’ names on it. It will resemble our life and what we have to give up in order to fulfill our dreams. Your name will be on the tree of our life! 

A poster with our signature on it. Your name on the tree of life.

You get 8 different posters with our signature on them. Your name on the tree of life and a stress ball with a character print!

A DVD with “Behind the scenes”, a poster and your name on the tree of life.

A DVD with “Behind the scenes”, 8 different posters from the play and your name on the tree of life.

Probably the most relaxing perk on Indiegogo right now.

You will be titled “Producer” in the brochure. And you will get your name on a crown on the tree of life! Now how about that?

1000€: (2 pledges possible)
If pledged by 26th of May, you will get your own character in the play – based on you. The photo of YOÜ will be hung on the tree of life.


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Currency Conversion $1 USD
€1 EUR
(The "I'm so proud of it, I put my..." effect) We will plant a tree, outside our old school, and hang all of our supporters’ names on it. It will resemble our life and what we have to give up in order to fulfill our dreams. Your name will be on the tree of our life!
3 claimed


Currency Conversion $27 USD
€25 EUR
You get a character poster with a signature on it. And of course, your name on our tree!
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
2 claimed


Currency Conversion $38 USD
€35 EUR
You get 8 different posters with our signature on them. Your name on the tree of life and a stress ball with a character print!
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
2 claimed


Currency Conversion $44 USD
€40 EUR
A DVD with “Behind the scenes”, a poster and your name on the tree of life.
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
5 claimed


Currency Conversion $87 USD
€80 EUR
A DVD with “Behind the scenes”, 8 different posters from the play and your name on the tree of life.
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
1 claimed


Currency Conversion $109 USD
€100 EUR
Probably the most relaxing perk on Indiegogo right now.
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
3 claimed


Currency Conversion $546 USD
€500 EUR
You will be titled “Producer” in the brochure. And you will get your name on a crown on the tree of life! Now how about that?
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $1,092 USD
€1,000 EUR
If pledged by 26th of May, you will get your own character in the play – based on you. The photo of YOÜ will be hung on the tree of life.
Estimated Shipping
May 2013
0 out of 2 of claimed

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