The Video Game Years & Why We Need You
I am John Delia, co-founder of and the creator of The Video Game Years series. I've loved working on this show and so have all the rest of us at Retroware who have given time and effort to get it done. We are seeking funding to keep producing this web series as time and resources have made it difficult to shoot and edit these as quickly as we'd like. Each episode can take hundreds of man hours and we've been doing it with minimal funds. Help us make this show even better than before and with more frequently released episodes. Right now, we are only able to put out a new episode of each year every 2-3 months. We would like to be able to put out a new 45 minute episode covering an entire year of video game history each and every month up to at least the year 2000.
The Video Game Years takes the year-over-year talking head and clip show model and applies it to video games and the culture that made them huge. The Video Game Years examines the history, milestones, and the oddities of video game history. It will have you learning, laughing, and scratching your head as it examines all that transpired in one of America’s most popular entertainment mediums.
Through interviews with industry insiders, gaming historians, comedians, personalities and even a few celebrities, The Video Game Years let’s everyone wax nostalgic, crack wise and provide personal anecdotes related to the video games they grew up with.
With the help of fans, we can not only produce this series faster, but with better content, more guests and with the ability to potentially give some sleep back to the group of people who have been working for free for the last year.
** Check Out the GALLERY for Sample Episodes of the Show **
What We Need & What You Get
We are looking to raise at $10,000 for the next 10 full-length episodes of the show. With this money, we will be able to hire professional editors (who are very expensive), secure new interviews with more guests, buy better equipment, and advertise the show to attract new talent to take part in producing the show with us. In addition, we will be able to produce and print the first volume of The Video Game Years on DVD, complete with bonus features and commentaries. With a few specific donation levels, you will receive that DVD as well!
Stretch Goals
$20,000 - Help us fund & produce episodes through the 16-bit era up until the Playstation era!
$30,000 - Help us fund & produce episodes through to the Dreamcast era!
$40,000 - TBA
$50,000 - TBA
Why The Video Game Years is Important
2012 marked the 40th anniversary of the home video game console. This milestone spotlights the fact that more than two generations of Americans have grown up on video games and many have a recollection and a fondness in their hearts for the games they played in their younger years.
As geek culture has permeated media over the last decade, video games have surpassed box office revenues and have evolved into a mainstream medium. There has never been a program that approached the topic of video games quite like this.
With a well-known and approachable clip-show format, fans of video games, comedy, and this year-over-year episodic format can truly enjoy every episode.
** Check Out All Episodes of The Video Game Years HERE **
Other Ways You Can Help
Even if you can't donate, please spread the word! Share this link on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Friendster, Carrier Pigeon and Smoke Signal!
If you love the show and want to see more of it and see it better than ever before, please share!