WOS 2.0
It looks frightening. It IS frightening. The second edition of the WOS is even more powerful than the first one, definitely the most powerful iPhone speaker and possibly the most powerful single speaker on the market. With 44 elements plus four mega powerful subwoofers and a weight of 178 kilos it is only for people who believe music should be enjoyed loudly.
But apart from being insultingly powerful, the WOS 2.0 is also a piece of exquisite handmade art, made by skilled carpenters and engineers, equipped with graceful mids and crystal clear highs.
Listening to music the WOS 2.0 way is not a statement. It's a way of living.
Apart from the basic features you might except from an iPhone speaker, Bluetooth, tube amplifier, individually built chambers for the speakers we have built in some pretty cool stuff you might not expect from a speaker. Like a monkey head.
The small monkey head is warning you if playing too loud. Normal (high) volume and the monkey has no problem, his eyes are glowing blue but if you play very loud the eyes turns golden, if you keep on increasing the volume they will turn red. Red means there's an immediate risk for permanent hearing loss. After five minutes playing in the red zone, the monkey´s head pops and the music stops. Once the monkeys head is returned the speaker can be used again, This is a safety feature to prevent damage to ears and property.
The Story
Four years ago, we at Studio Total made the first batch of Wall of Sounds. The news spread across the world, making it perhaps the most hyped Audio Gadget in 2008. Our limited edition sold out in days, but the orders kept flowing in from all around the world. Even Kanye West wanted one for his New York crib. Sadly we had neither time nor resources to make so many. We also had other things to do.
Some of the media coverage from WOS 1.0
(We are a special agency, you can watch some of our work: Bears, The Micasa Labs, Hervis Pillow Fight.
Now we have finally developed a follow up. It is basically very similar to the first: the worlds most powerful iPhone speaker, only even MORE mind bendingly, intelligence insultingly powerful. At full throttle it outputs more than 8000 watts, enough to fill a football field, making your electricity bill a serious issue. Of course we also packed it with the latest tech; like bluetooth connection, the new iPhone dock and a improved tube amplifier. Integrated volume control and an ornament (eyes that glow, white when playing normally and red when playing loud). We also developed an iOS app what controls the WOS 2.0.
The first version of the WOS was among the most talked about audio-products in the world. Thousands of magazines and blogs were lyrical. We have received literally thousands of flattering reviews. Some of them you'll find below.
<iframe width="850" height="478" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/MAYYAHhTl-s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br>
Read more at www.thewosexperience.com