The Whole Human
The Whole Human
The Whole Human
The Whole Human
The Whole Human
Integrating Wellness in Modern Life
Integrating Wellness in Modern Life
Integrating Wellness in Modern Life
Integrating Wellness in Modern Life
This campaign is closed
The Whole Human
Integrating Wellness in Modern Life
Integrating Wellness in Modern Life
Integrating Wellness in Modern Life
Integrating Wellness in Modern Life
Integrating Wellness in Modern Life
Well-being is available to all and integrating it in modern life is essential for humanity.
Most of us live in a fast-paced, constantly changing environment with a focus on surviving everyday stresses. The culture is largely one that often dismisses wellness when challenges arise and attaches guilt when it is prioritized.
The integrated nature of different dimensions of wellness is largely ignored so root causes of illness are not identified, often causing a life time of needless suffering for millions of people. Systems created with great intentions to support us, instead hold us prisoner. This is the real global pandemic of our time.
The Whole Human: Integrating wellness in modern life is here to illuminate how it is all connected at an individual and societal level, how to integrate meaningful changes easily into your own modern life, and how together we can enact meaningful changes; integrating well-being directly into society.
My name is Luna Gladman and I am the author of The Whole Human: Integrating Wellness in Modern Life.
I wrote this book following an awakening time studying and practicing the ancient Indian holistic wellness medicine Ayurveda. It began an exciting and scary journey exploring aspects of wellness often ignored in today’s society. Believing that one’s well-being is for all, not just hippies in the Himalayas, I examined the current perceptions of wellness in our modern life, especially in healthcare, business, and education. Seeing that there are many pioneers leading the way to integrate wellness into modern life yet few integrating it in a holistic sense, I set out to build an integrated vision, combining ancient wisdom, modern trends, expert insights and of course my own perspective.
My hope is that, in reading this book, you will remember and recognize the importance of acknowledging all aspects of yourself; in an individual and collective sense. In this book, I hope to instill in you the same sort of passion and excitement that I have for shameless, intuitive, and natural well-being. Ultimately, I want you to see this book as a tool to help you experience for yourself what well-being means and reflect on what is really happening in today’s society that limits this potential we all already have.
In this book, you'll learn about all dimensions of well-being and the impact this has for you as an individual and also for us as a society. You'll hear stories on what holistic well-being really means through lived experiences from a range of well-being advocates. Such as...
They and others are embracing different ways to bringing us back to our true nature, either in or outside current systems. You'll hear how this is impacting business and what we even think of as healthcare and education today.
You will love this book if you want to understand the connectivity of well-being within ourselves in a practical way and crucially with each other. We are not independent entities, our wellness is linked together as one collective wellness.
The Whole Human: Integrating Wellness in Modern Life is a nonfiction book that speaks to those ready to embrace well-being in their life and the visionaries in wellness who already know that wellness needs to be further integrated into our daily lives. I look at the way we do business, provide healthcare, and instill education in a new way; the wellness way.
The book is written into 3 parts:
Part 1 encompasses chapters 1-4.
This section re-connects and goes inward in a simple way, exploring who we really are and what well-being is actually all about. We’ll discuss how it’s all connected, simplify well-being, and learn about coming back to our natural state of well-being through the opposite of what we’re used to: less doing and more listening.
Part 2 encompasses chapters 5-7.
You’ve got to breakdown to breakthrough! This section challenges beliefs, cultures and values at the societal level; to look at ourselves and connections with others from a radically altered perspective, allowing us to truly humanize globally.
Part 3 encompasses chapters 8-11.
Re-align and get into flow! So we’re connected and humanized - what happens now? This section explores key areas of society impacted most by this altered perspective: healthcare, business and education. Finally, I bring it all together and establish next steps beyond reading this book.
What I Need & What You Get
This book will be published with New Degree Press. I set up the pre-order tiers to help cover the costs for publishing my book. Money raised will go towards the following:
I am also offering some exclusive rewards for people who pre-order my book now:
Campaign Goals
Tier 1: Hit $5,500 and the ebook/softcover editions get published (this is the minimum needed)
Tier 2: Hit $6,500 and the book will get a hardcover edition
Tier 3: Hit $8,500 and we’ll get an audiobook edition.
Who is Luna?
Luna is a globalised Wellness Catalyser experienced in full-scale change and transformation in both her career and personal life.
Luna wrote this book following eye-opening experiences that led to a deep understanding of why holistic wellness is so important to integrate in everyday life. It initiated a deep curiosity about wellbeing in a holistic sense at the individual and community levels. She wanted to bring wellbeing ideas often dismissed and show how they can be applied in a practical, global way in modern life.
In her spare time Luna is learning to pole dance, she also enjoys hiking, camping and travelling and visiting funky cafes with friends.
For more information you can connect with Luna at:
International Preorders (non-UK)
For international preorders, please do the following:Identify the perk that interests you, e.g. 1 or 2 paperbacks
Select the pink "Back it" button to "Make a contribution" for the same amount (this choice bypasses the shipping address page)
Use this form to share your mailing address, so I can calculate the international shipping costs and invoice you for that amount via PayPal/Venmo
Risks & Challenges
The biggest challenge with publishing a book is delivering the finished book to the backer, specifically my mailing of the book to you. I have eliminated this risk by building into the campaign the mailing and shipping costs of your signed copies to you within each pre-order tier.
The risk of delivering the pre-sale copies of my book is contingent on the publisher we use. I will be working closely with New Degree Press to make sure we get the earliest possible ship date of the signed book copy to you. We will keep all pre-sale backers up-to-date as my book hits each key milestone and publishes. You will know when the copies are expected to ship.
Not everyone can support, but that doesn't mean you can't get something out of it!
I will reward the top 3 people who refer the most backers at the end of the campaign (30 days). Here's how:
At the top of the campaign page, you will see the "share" buttons. Click on the "chain" icon to get a custom link just for you. (Note: don't use the URL in the browser window as it won't work to track referrals and you won't get credit ?)
Copy that link and paste it on your social media, email it to a friend, or text a fellow book lover.
When someone clicks on that link and backs the book, you get 1 entry!
Please use #thewholehuman and tag me as well as my publisher, New Degree Press, so we can help amplify your efforts!
Tag: #thewholehuman
Instragram - lunagladman / @newdegreepress
Facebook - lunagladman / @NewDegreePress
Thank you so much for of all of your love and support!
With immense gratitude, love and oneness
Luna Gladman