Thank you to everyone who helped us to meet our goal! If you wish to learn more about how you can be a Working Artist, visit us at WWW.THEWORKINGARTIST.COM
It's everything they never taught in art school!
Crista Cloutier has taught The Working Artist master class to artists and photographers throughout the world. Using what she has learned from her extensive background in the art business as a dealer, publisher, appraiser, curator, gallerist, and artist herself, Crista has a unique understanding of the challenges artists face, and she gives artists the tools they need to create a successful career. Join us in bringing The Working Artist online, as a downloadable program, so any artist, anywhere, can have access to this essential and practical knowledge.
The script is written, the artwork is ready, and the class has been taught to hundreds and hundreds of artists and photographers internationally. It works. Your support for The Working Artist will allow us to film and edit this two and a half hour program, and to create the embedded workbook. It will also cover the very groovy incentives we are offering: exclusive interviews with artists who are at the top of their game as they discuss success and their work practices. We are also offering private consultations with Crista, and even artwork by Kiki Smith! Additional funds raised will allow greater production values to make it an even better program, and will also go toward the creation of an online artists' community, bringing working artists the essential opportunity to receive support from one another.
"Good business is the best art." Andy Warhol
"I found the workshop powerful and not at all what I had imagined." Deborah Phillips, Artist, London
"This class was worth every penny - really, priceless." Taunya van der Steen-Mizel, New York
"Crista, you truly are 'The Artist Whisperer." Benn Abdy-Collins, London
"Such stunning advice..." Heidi Benn, Capetown
"95% of the artists I know should take this class." James Robischon, Robischin gallery, Denver
"Crista is the most knowledgeable person in the art world that I know. In the workshop she ties together the artist, the marketing, and the buyer. She helps the artist put into words that what we need to attract buyers. She is sensitive to the artist and the dilemmas that we face, but helps them understand the need to run their art as a business – and she supplies the tools to do that. Crista will turn your art practice into a more profitable business and help you to be a better artist because of the questions she asks and the goals that she helps you to create for yourself." Kent Corbin, Artist, Scottsdale