Ticketshuttle is a tool to help you create events, invite people to your events, spread the word about your events, to control your guest lists, and to collect money for your paid events. It is fast, easy-to-use, and cheap as never before.
We are focusing on the niche market of small artists, fashion designers, speakers, businessmen, university organizations, and the like that are currently not using any event organizing platform.
Why Ticketshuttle?
- Fast: Professionals can create an event in less than 5 minutes right from the landing page. The process is a time saver.
- Easy: It only takes one page to create and promote the event. Media tools help event organizers spread the word about their event (social media buttons, mailings, tell a friend function, and a short link to the event are all conveniently located on the event page).
- Cheap: Ticketshuttle platform is free for the event organizers. We charge 5%
all-inclusive commission on the tickets for paid events (slicing in half the industry standard).
On the Ticketshuttle website there will also be a blog with tips and advice from other event organizers. We will keep adding new posts to it every week. This will give everybody who wants to create an event a good roadmap to how organize and run the events they envision.
Another project in the works is a venue directory and search tools. It will be a private search available for free to all Ticketshuttle event organizers that will allow them to search locations for events in their area.
At last, we will keep the event information organized and under control (event organizers will be able to check and edit their guest lists, view statistics, and track how the event goers reach their events).
In three words, Ticketshuttle makes event organizing easy, fast and cheap!
Why Crowdfunding?
Our platform is already designed and about 60% programmed. We need your help to finish this project. The money we are asking for will go for the following items:
- Finish programming of the site and go live.
- Create an “event venue” search. This tool will enable venue (location) owners to register their location with us and it will allow event organizers to see locations available for events in their area.
After we receive the needed funding it will take us 3 months to finish the site and go live. Thank you for your help!
Check out our video and learn why, how and what we aim at with Ticketshuttle.
We would like to thank Tecnopanorama for working on the video for this campaign.