As filmmakers living in KwaZulu Natal, we have witnessed the devastating effects of crime, poverty, sexual violence, unemployment and HIV/Aids on people living in townships like Inanda. Producer Elle Matthews – a proponent of yoga – began researching the effects of yoga on health, especially diseases like tuberculosis and
HIV/Aids. South Africa has the highest incidence of Aids in the world, and nearly 40% of the HIV/Aids population live in townships in KwaZulu Natal.
We decided to launch the TOWNSHIP YOGI project, set up yoga studios in the heart of Inanda township and film a documentary that follows five people living in Inanda as they embark on a poignant journey of transformation, through the practice of Yoga. We focus on the benefits that Yoga can have on people suffering with HIV/Aids and whether it could be used as a practice to improve their health and quality of life – which could have huge consequences for South Africa going forward, as the country struggles to manage its Aids crisis.
A large percentage of the profits of the film will go straight back into the TOWNSHIP YOGI project. This will enable us to set up yoga studios in neighbouring KwaMashu and other townships, and to train and employ yoga teachers from within these townships, so that they can go out and teach yoga to the people suffering in their communities.
TOWNSHIP YOGI opens a window into the hopelessness and despair that comes with township living today, but also shines a light on the hope that can come from change through yoga.
The aim of Green Shoot Films is to make movies that matter. And this documentary matters to hundreds of thousands of people struggling in Inanda today. As a team of filmmakers we can’t do much to change the suffering of those victims of crime, poverty, sexual violence, unemployment and HIV/Aids in townships today…but by exposing them to the practice of Yoga, we can give them the opportunity to develop the physical, mental and emotional strength they need to deal with their life circumstances…and change them.
TOWNSHIP YOGI will be filmed over a six-month period and cost $180,000 for setup of the yoga classes in the township, and filming.
To set up the TOWNSHIP YOGI project and film it over the six-month production period. Most of the funds will go to crew, equipment rental, travel and transportation. We are trying to reach a goal of $180,000 so that we can make the best film possible and bring about the changes needed in the lives of those living in Inanda township.
If we are in the fortunate position of having surpassed our minimum goal, we will use this money towards marketing the film so that proceeds of the profits can go back into these townships – and to set up yoga studios in KwaMashu township, and launch the TOWNSHIP YOGI project there.
Whatever we raise, we will use towards the project, and continue sourcing the funding we need until we reach our goal. TOWNSHIP YOGI is a project that needs to be implemented in the townships in South Africa, and this is a documentary that needs to be made.
TOWNSHIP YOGI will be produced
by South African screenwriter/producer Elle Matthews, who has 14 years experience as a film producer. Elle heads up the independent production company Green Shoot Films, producing eco-friendly films and documentary productions out of South Africa. Elle Matthews wrote and produced the 2006 international feature film, ‘Oil on Water’, a niche film aimed at the mental health industry, which won Best Feature Film at the Everglades International Film Festival and was nominated for a number of other film festival awards.
Film director Peter Matthews is one of KwaZulu Natal's most respected film and commercial directors, as well as the chairman of the non-profit organisation, 'PawPrint Africa Project'.
Green Shoot Films is currently in development on three feature films and a documentary about trans-cultural adoption in South Africa.
View the official 'Oil on Water' website and trailer here
We would sincerely appreciate your help in spreading the word of this important cause. Tell your friends, share on Facebook or tweet about it. The more people who know about TOWNSHIP YOGI, the more likely it is that we will reach our goal, and begin changing the lives of people living in townships, through the power of yoga.