What this is all about...
We are three girls who started an online store four years ago as a hobby. Last year we started a blog called Treasures & Travels where we share DIY Projects, Recipes, Style, Everyday Life, and can get connected with other small businesses. It has been a great year getting our feet wet in the world of blogging and we want to learn more!
Everything we have learned so far has been self-taught and as we make the transition with Treasures & Travels from hobby to business we want to learn from the best. Alt Summit is a Blogging Conference held in New York this summer by some of the top people in the industry and it would be an amazing ecperience for us to learn from these experts, we just need some help to get us there!
How you can help...
To get to the Alt Summit Conference this summer we have set a goal of $5000, which will help us cover registration, flights, accomodations, and all the little things in between!
We really want to be able to continue blogging, improve our blog and expand our knowledge this year and Alt Summit is just what we need to enable to us to continue moving forward.
We're not sure if we can express how thankful we are for the support we recieve, but we are going to try! We've made a list of perks you will recieve for your contributions, and we think they are pretty sweet! Lots of advertising options for businesses, product packages full of goodies, and special ways we can try to say thank you!
Spread the word!
Even if you are unable to contribute you can hep us out a TON by sharing this campaign! Tell your friends, post it on facebook, on your blog, or anywhere else you like to post stuff!