safeword presents the world premiere of turtleneck, an original Canadian play written by Brandon Crone from February 7th to 17th at hub14 (14 Markham St.) in Toronto ON. Thurs, Fri, Sat evenings at 8pm and Sat and Sun matinees at 2pm. Tickets are $15.
safeword is a brand new independent theatre company focused on producing original Canadian plays that embrace controversy, rawness and realism. Our objective is to faciliate, through the medium of theatre, a forum of philosophical discussion and critical thought surrounding issues that are relevant to modern society.
In role-playing fantasies, participants are often obliged to create a 'safe word' which is used only when the actions in the scene border too far into reality. Our company is interesting in pushing our limits into these untrodden territories and challenging our audiences to ask themselves which words are 'safe' and which ones are still out of bounds.
turtleneck is a play about sex addiction, pornography, gender roles and the exploration of human limitations. It's about Vicki, a recovering sex addict who befriends Darcy, a rehabiliation worker. But when she accidently gets introduced to Darcy's volatile sex-obsessed older brother, a spiraling chain of events occurs which threatens her new life and everyone around her.
This is a play that will horrify you, haunt you, tantalize you, tickle you, mock you, shock you and rock your socks off! You'll want to see it just so you can talk about it afterwards. A play that's wildly entertaining, fall-on-the-floor funny, deeply moving and an all-around thrilling experience. You won't want to miss it.
what's in it for you?
- great perks are available through this campaign if you support our goal, including discounted ticket prices to come see the show
- a chance to play an integral part in the artistic growth of what hopes to be one of the leading creative forces in Toronto theatre
- the joy and pride of helping to support independent theatre
what's in it for us?
the money that you help us raise will be used towards the many needs that befall any humble independent theatre production.
- sufficient lighting equipment and opportunities to use rentals
- set design/props
- costume design
- additional rehearsal space
- promotion and publicity to reach a broader audience
- program printing/posters
- transportation of equipment
the very little resources we have can only go so far. you can help us put a real substantial mark on the theare community by assisting us with these costs.
our gratitude
we thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts for taking an interest in our show. please donate if you can, or just come to the show if you can, or tell your friends about what's going on. spread the news. we'd love to share this daring new work with everyone we can and hope very much to see you there this February. Help support indie theatre!