Hey friends, TCG here, we recently finished recording our sixth full length record “The Death of The Self Preservation Society”, which, all hyperbole aside, we feel is far and away the best record that we have ever made.
As we’re sure you are all aware the landscape of the music business is evolving, and evolving quickly. No one is really sure what the right moves are, but it has become clear to us over the last few years that most bands, especially independent bands, are going to have to forge their own individual paths. We have been fortunate throughout our career to have a string of lovely people helping us put out our previous records, now, however, we are in a unique position to do all of the things that, in the past, had been handled by a record label, by ourselves. Or, at least, in a hybrid manner. Our good friend Travis Hill at Last Chance Records has agreed to help us with the logistical aspects of releasing “The Death of the Self Preservation Society” but, make no mistake, the financial burden is firmly placed on our shoulders, and, a burden it is. So here is where we stand….
We’re asking for your help in this endeavor. The production and promotion of a record is an expensive undertaking. Always has been. We want to do this, and do it correctly. We have set our financial goal as a guideline for what we feel we need to produce and promote this new record. Should we reach that goal, obviously the money would be used for those specific purposes. If we were to surpass that goal the extra funding would go directly to future projects and other band related issues that always seem to be coming up in one way or another (van repairs, back catalog releases, giant foam cowboy hats, etc…)
There are various bonuses and fun things (some practical, some things that we just think are cool, and some things that are very important to us) that we are offering as compensation to you, for your contribution to us. We hope these are a little extra incentive to entice you to help.
We cannot overstate your importance in this project. We live in creative symbiosis with each and every one of you, and we are very lucky for that. Help us, and we promise to keep delivering, honest, introspective, and passionate rock and roll music to you. Forever.
Thank you,
Micah, Murph, and Shane