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Tyler Park Kiln

Help us build a community wood fired kiln in a beautiful state park!

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Tyler Park Kiln

Tyler Park Kiln

Tyler Park Kiln

Tyler Park Kiln

Tyler Park Kiln

Help us build a community wood fired kiln in a beautiful state park!

Help us build a community wood fired kiln in a beautiful state park!

Help us build a community wood fired kiln in a beautiful state park!

Help us build a community wood fired kiln in a beautiful state park!

Jennifer Miller
Jennifer Miller
Jennifer Miller
Jennifer Miller
1 Campaign |
Richboro, United States
$8,802 USD 154 backers
103% of $8,500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

                We are building a MANABIGAMA kiln.   

 We gratefully offer beautiful gifts of wood fired clay.

Who are We?  Tyler Park Center for the Arts is a non-profit community art center with a mission to support artists in a manner that facilitates the sharing of talents through art based educational programs. We foster community engagement with like-minded organizations, schools and individuals.  We have a strong base of volunteers who do everything from performing operational functions to baking food for our fund raising events and coffee house.

Learn more about us at

 Tyler Park Center for the Arts


                           The Tyler Park Kiln Project

 Manabigama Kiln


MANABIGAMA translates from Japanese as "a beautiful learning kiln"

Designed by potter, John Thies, this type of kiln was chosen for the qualities it lends to the workshop setting. The manabigama is a very efficient kiln, using about 3/4 of a cord of wood to achieve the same beautiful results as traditional firings consuming 3-5 cords of wood. With a 30 cubic foot chamber we can fire lots of artwork, yet this medium sized kiln is not overwhelming for the student new to wood firing. The fired results are sure to please serious professionals proficient at this craft.  

Weighing about six tons, this kiln will be a permanent fixture in Tyler State Park, lasting for years and experienced by many. Students from high schools and colleges, professional artists, and adult students will come from all over our region to participate in this oldest form of firing.

With generous support from individuals, and intrigued approval from the State Park Commission and Newtown Township we laid the foundation for this fascinating kiln. We are fortunate to have government entities sharing our belief that this project is a valued addition to the park atmosphere and surrounding communities!

We will be firing up to 2400 degrees by stoking a flame every ten minutes for 12-16 hours.  Stoneware and porcelain clays will reach a temperature where they become somewhat molten.  It is then that ash from the burning embers travels through the kiln and sticks to the pottery.  Wood ash containing silica melts at high temperatures and forms a glass like surface on areas of the ware inside the kiln.  Where the ash does not land the flame touches up against the clay leaving its mark.  It is a chosen aesthetic unreachable through any other method.



The kiln site is ready:

The cement pad has been poured

Eight posts support a 24ft x10 ft, volunteer built, shingled structure.

 Building the Kiln @ Tyler


We need to raise an additional amount of $8,500 to pay for the kiln shelves, angle iron, mortar, ceramic fiber insulation, clay, glaze, and a much needed log splitter. If you help us exceed our goal you will be contributing to our kiln scholarship fund.  In scholarship, we could provide opportunities to deserving underserved students, local teachers, and emerging artists.

To many community art centers, a kiln of this magnitude would be cost prohibitive with final costs approaching $25,000.  We started with a pledge from a local artist, a pile of repurposed bricks, and very hard working volunteers.  Our dreams are within reach! 

Support of our project will be far reaching.  You will help ensure the longevity of our art center as this permanent kiln will be a source of revenue for many years to come.  In helping us you also bring job opportunities to regional artists and opportunities for creative expression to our local population.


Wood Fired Pots

A gift Idea: We would be happy to send a gift certificate for someone you know who would appreciate the aesthetics of our project!

Local Business Sponsorship We will gratefully include the names of our business Sponsors in our Kiln Manual.  An informative Kiln Manual will be given to each workshop participant.  It will contain key information on the safety and firing protocol of our kiln.  All Business Sponsors at any level will be acknowledged in our Kiln Manual


Thank You for your consideration. Please enjoy reviewing our gifts. 

Thanks to Indiegogo for this opportunity to raise funds for our project.  

Please help promote our project by liking us on Facebook and by following us on Twitter.  




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Choose your Perk

Fire Starter

$1 USD
For this pledge, we will email you a big thank you and an awesome image of our inaugural kiln firing. Support us at this level and you are truly a fire starter! With lots and lots of small pledges in the early days of our campaign, and beyond, your help ignites the flame of interest in our project. Please like us on Facebook and Tweet about us. Help us pass along our fiery excitement about this kiln.
Estimated Shipping
April 2013
10 claimed

Brick Layer

$10 USD
For this pledge, you will receive a big thank you and a small wood fired tile/tablet,(about 2”square). Once each brick, laid by hand, is mortared in place this kiln will be a permanent fixture in Tyler State Park. Like the bricks used to build this kiln, your support will have a long lasting impact on our art center!
Estimated Shipping
April 2013
24 out of 200 of claimed

Log Stoker

$25 USD
For this pledge, our thank you gift is a Sake Cup from our kiln. Small cups and bowls can be used to contain many foods or liquids. We have chosen the terms sake cup and tea bowl to pay homage to the ceremonial use of pottery in Asian cultures. The earliest pots, dated 12,000 years ago, were from the small islands of Japan.
Estimated Shipping
April 2013
33 out of 150 of claimed

Flame Dancer

$50 USD
For this pledge, our thank you gift is a Tea Bowl from our kiln. Using a variety of clays, we will be creating many small bowls to be fired in our first few firings. The placement of small bowls and cups in various locations throughout our kiln will give us knowledge of the fire's path and help students understand the effects of wood ash on clay.
Estimated Shipping
April 2013
9 out of 100 of claimed

Life of the Fire

$100 USD
Be the "life of the fire" and receive a Tea Bowl made by a regionally or nationally known professional potter. "The qualities unique to wood fired ceramics result from a complex drama involving human intention, material properties, and a factor known best as The Life of the Fire," Jack Troy
Estimated Shipping
April 2013
12 out of 50 of claimed

Kiln Shelf Partner

$150 USD
Receive two cubic feet of space in a firing. Fill a shelf with your work and, if you wish, you may participate in the firing. (The first ten pledges will be invited to be part of our inaugural firing). Measuring 12in.x24in. and weighing in at about 18 lbs., the kiln shelf is made of silicon carbide. Although these shelves can withstand multiple firings, they need maintenance and periodic replacement. This level of giving supports clay students and professionals.
Estimated Shipping
April 2013
15 out of 20 of claimed

Kiln Shelf Partner/Business

$150 USD
We will acknowledge your gift with a Donor Recognition Tile for you to hang in your place of business. Your Company Name will be listed in our Kiln Manual under the category of Kiln Shelf Partner.
0 claimed

Keeper of the Flame

$250 USD
Join Gloria Kosco and Earth Center Pottery for a one day workshop. Learn about the subtle effects of flame and ash on clay and make stoneware pottery or sculpture for firing in our new Manabigama Kiln. You can choose to participate in the firing of your artwork. For Business Sponsors at this level, we will acknowledge your gift with a Donor Recognition Tile for you to hang in your place of business. Your Company Name will be listed in our Kiln Manual under the category of Keeper of the Flame.
5 claimed

Bad Mamma Jamma

$500 USD
With this distinction you receive the "pick of the Kiln." You will be among the first persons to choose a pot, tile, or sculpture. (The first person to pledge will choose first and we will go in order from there based on when the pledge was received).
Estimated Shipping
April 2013
3 out of 5 of claimed

Bad Mamma Jamma/Business

$500 USD
A Donor Recognition Tile with your company's name will be hung at our kiln site. You will receive a Donor Recognition Tile to hang in your place of Business and you will be acknowledged in our Kiln Manual under the category of Bad Mamma Jamma
0 claimed

Kiln god/goddess

$1,000 USD
Sponsor a firing. This can be a firing of your own work. Business sponsors may fund a firing for a school or group. We will make a clay "kiln god" bearing your company's name and display it permanently at our kiln site. Kiln gods, found in the traditions of ancient cultures including the Chinese, (Tung-the god of fire) and the Egyptian, (Khun- protector of all things made on the wheel), are placed over the entrance to the kiln to appease the personified elemen
0 claimed

Kiln god/goddess/Business

$1,000 USD
A sculptural wood fired ceramic donor recognition Kiln god/goddess will be permanently installed at our kiln site. You will receive a donor recognition tile to hang in your place of business and your company will be acknowledged in our Kiln Manual under the category of Kiln god/goddess. Kiln gods, found in the traditions of ancient cultures are placed over the entrance to the kiln to appease the personified element of fire.
0 claimed
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