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Unmanned: America's Drone Wars

Help ground-breaking filmmaker Robert Greenwald complete this documentary and help change the U.S. Drone policy

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Unmanned: America's Drone Wars

Unmanned: America's Drone Wars

Unmanned: America's Drone Wars

Unmanned: America's Drone Wars

Unmanned: America's Drone Wars

Help ground-breaking filmmaker Robert Greenwald complete this documentary and help change the U.S. Drone policy

Help ground-breaking filmmaker Robert Greenwald complete this documentary and help change the U.S. Drone policy

Help ground-breaking filmmaker Robert Greenwald complete this documentary and help change the U.S. Drone policy

Help ground-breaking filmmaker Robert Greenwald complete this documentary and help change the U.S. Drone policy

Hamida Rehimi
Hamida Rehimi
Hamida Rehimi
Hamida Rehimi
1 Campaign |
Los Angeles, United States
$6,785 USD 136 backers
22% of $30,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

The Problem with the U.S. Drone Policy...

Drones kill. Last year, I traveled to Pakistan to investigate, interview and film the damage that unmanned drones are doing to innocent people and families in Pakistan. I heard gut wrenching stories of lives destroyed, families decimated, and communities dismantled. A Pakistani photographer, with children of his own, talked to us about the pain and suffering of parents whose children had been killed. We heard from a father whose 65 year old mother had been killed and a teenager whose best friend was killed by a drone on his way to play soccer. A Malik explained to me how his community could no longer provide jobs because the terror of drones prevented people from going to work and a teacher told me about how schools are closed throughout the area because parents were fearful to send their children to school.

I was able to get all of these people to talk to me on camera. We were also able to interview prominent journalists and national security experts in the United States who explained how the drones killing of innocent people around the world is actually making us less safe. Revenge and blowback are guaranteed they tell us.

Father with children

Unmanned is a film that must be made to give a face to those whose lives have been forever altered by the remote control killings. We have excellent footage, but the film must be edited to shape the interviews into a full length documentary. We can't finish editing the film without your help. Join us and contribute to make sure the truth sees the light of day. BNF has a powerful and effective model for getting the word out and influencing public debate, from Outfoxed to Walmart to Koch Brothers Exposed to the Afghanistan War. We know how to make a film and reach those who are the decision makers. But we cannot do it without your help. We need to finish the editing and you can help us.  

Robert Filming in Pakistan

Director Robert Greenwald filming in a rural village outside Islamabad, Pakistan

What We Need & What You Get

At BNF, we believe that all of this information should be disclosed to the public and that there should transparency regarding drone policy and accountability for the devastation that has been caused. Our film, Unmanned: America’s Drone Wars  will put a spotlight on the impact of Drones on innocent people around the world, including in Pakistan and Yemen as well as the effects the U.S. Drone policy has on our own national security. We’ve been incredibly lucky to have many generous donors and supporters, but we need just a little bit more help to finish the film. With the help of Indiegogo, their well-established crowd-funding platform, and YOU we will be able to finish Unmanned and make an impact! Check out the perks we've detailed to the right here that you will receive in addition to helping save innocent lives. Every dollar raised will help!

About Robert Greenwald and Brave New Foundation

About ten years ago, we started Brave New Foundation because myself and the filmmakers I worked with saw a distinct lack of coverage around progressive issues affecting our country. We formed this non-profit organization to champion social justice issues by using media to inspire, empower, motivate and teach civic participation that makes an impact.

Before starting BNF, I produced and directed more than 50 films, TV movies and miniseries, as varied as The Burning Bed with Farrah Fawcett and Xanadu with Olivia Newton-John. I turned to documentary filmmaking in 2004 concerned about the impending war and the lack of progressive media. 

That year, I directed the films OutFoxed:Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism and Uncovered:The War on Iraq. We found audiences eager for substantive investigations of social issues, told through personal stories, and chose to bypass the usual gatekeepers by devising creative means of distribution by partnering with other social justice organizations, first through house screenings, and ultimately through the Internet and social media. Brave New Foundation has produced and distributed Wal-Mart:The High Cost of Low PriceIraq for Sale:The War Profiteers, Rethink Afghanistan, Koch Brothers Exposed, and War on Whistleblowers along with many short pieces and campaigns.

Since our start, we have successfully married digital storytelling and new media technologies to engage networks of people that advocate for change. We now also partner with community-based groups to produce short but impactful public education and advocacy campaigns. We have created a strong and loyal following that has helped to fund our efforts, but our latest project requires extra attention because of the controversial content and the unique distance we must travel to discover the truth. 

Other Ways You Can Help

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Choose your Perk

Your name on our website

$10 USD
We will list your name on our website as a special hero in getting this film made!
13 out of 2000 of claimed

Get a DVD copy of the Film

$25 USD
Have your name on the website plus we will send you a DVD copy of the finished Unmanned film.
52 out of 1000 of claimed

Become a Producer

$50 USD
Your name will appear in the end credits of the film as a 'Producer' and you get a copy of the DVD.
24 out of 1000 of claimed

Original Film T-Shirt

$100 USD
You get all of the above PLUS you will receive an original Unmanned t-shirt.
6 out of 500 of claimed

BNF DVD Boxset + signed poster

$250 USD
You'll get all of the above perks + a special Boxset which contains all of our previous full length documentaries plus dozens of short videos and Robert Greenwald will sign an Unmanned poster personalized to you!
4 out of 100 of claimed

Personalized video message

$500 USD
You'll get all of the above perks PLUS Robert Greenwald will create and send a personalized video thank you message.
0 out of 50 of claimed

Studio Tour + Editing Demo

$1,000 USD
You'll get all of the above perks PLUS a day with us in our Los Angeles studio. (You need to get yourself to LA for the tour!). We will take you through our facilities where you will meet the staff who put together the film PLUS you will spend a couple of hours in the Editing Room learning how we put together our short and long films and talk with our Social Media experts about how our successful distribution model works. Spend a day seeing how we create and distribute our work.
0 out of 8 of claimed

Lunch with Robert Greenwald

$1,500 USD
You'll get all of the above perks PLUS take a break for lunch with the film's director and our founder, Robert Greenwald. (You need to get yourself to LA but we will pay for lunch!)
1 out of 4 of claimed
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