Urban Exposure
Urban Exposure will be a great day for young people in Thanet, on the eastern edge of England.
Free workshops and tryout sessions in parkour (free-running), graffiti, string art, T-shirt and trainer stencil painting, graphics and music, have been set up to give them a chance to get involved, try something new, find an interest and be inspired by other young people.
It’s all happening at the Eastcliff Bandstand in Ramsgate, Kent on Sunday 25th August.
The climax will be a thrilling parkour display at 8.30pm followed by open mic for rappers, spoken word, poetry and song, performed in front of a public audience.
We've teamed up with local Thanet youth leader Jestress Flo, whose mission is to bring young people from all backgrounds together, to channel their energies and give them positive skills, through extreme sports and creative activities.
Backed by Ramsgate Arts
Urban Exposure is produced by Ramsgate Arts, a charitable trust led by creative professionals and local people who have come together to make things happen in the Kent seaside town of Ramsgate.
Ramsgate's a great place, but there's neglect and deprivation too. There's a need for creative and challenging activities that people of all ages (but especially younger people) can participate in.
For five years now we have been staging events and exhibitions to enhance the town, and this year is our fourth annual Summer Squall festival, running for three days over the August bank holiday weekend. It’s a huge collection of theatre, dance, music and art, mostly free of charge, to create a sense of excitement and entitlement in the people who live here. Urban Exposure is the first time we’ve included a special day for young people and we want it to be a huge success.
Funded by you!
We need to raise £1500 for Urban Exposure to take place. It will transform the neglected, Grade II listed Eastcliff Bandstand on the promenade above the beach into an exciting attractive space for young musicians and performers for the day, giving them a great sense of achievement and the enjoyment of showing their work to a public audience.
We'll be eternally grateful for anything you can afford to donate, but £5 or more will get you a name check on our website, and £10 or more will get you an invite to our festival launch party in Ramsgate on Saturday 24th August at 5pm.
So please watch our short video and then hit that Paypal button! Even if you can't afford to donate, do use the share buttons help spread the word on social media.
Thank you.