Hi, I'm Raini Ostler Pachak, a videographer, film producer, independent researcher, musician, singer, songwriter, photographer, athlete, poet, writer, many other nouns and more. I have a place in my heart for all forms of life, and want to dedicate mine to enriching ours.
My campaign supports the production of a documentary style film. The name, "Utopia or Oblivion," asks the question the viewer faces at the end of the film, after learning that paradise is an option. It will take an all-inclusive look into humanity, staying true to where evolution and creationism meet, in an effort to unite us all. Delving deep into our history, it will expose our original symbiotic nature, our "fall from grace," our disconnection from nature, and it's role in the current dividing and destructive actions of our species. By understanding how we, slowly and unconsciously, made this mess, we will be able to clean it up, quickly and consciously.
Contributions will provide the equipment needed to record and organize footage, produce music for the film, time with interviewees, and a website to promote and launch the film.
My funding goal is 15,000 dollars, it will provide everything needed, on a relatively shoestring budget.
I will be shooting with:
The Canon 5D Mark III
A Canon EF Wide-angle Lens +
The Manfrotto 526 545BK Video Tripod
I will be editing with Final Cut Pro
Producing music with Logic Pro 9
All on a Macbook Pro
I will meet with various visionaries for interviews, visiting permaculture sites, botanical reserves, sustainable operations/communities, and the Woodstock Fruit Festival, where I will find a collection of people to interview, key to the vision of the film.
I have three different perks.
If you support the project with $50 or more, we will meet in person, on the telephone or on Skype, atleast once. I hope to connect with you on a personal level.
With a donation to the project of $100 or more, I will give you a hardcopy or downloadable version of the finished project. We can also connect for a conversation, if you wish.
With the super generous donation of $1000 or more, you will recieve all of the above perks, and I will also make a short film or video delving into the topic of your choice.
If this doesn't sound appealing to you, I am open to appropriate suggestion.
Whether I reach my entire goal or not, I will continue the project at whatever level possible. This film is very important to me, I feel it is my duty to make it.
The Impact
This project is priceless to the world, for it trancends any monetary value, by reaching deep into the heart of the viewer, pointing to the light at the end of the tunnel, to inspire change within, which will immediately change our lives and the earth we live upon. We must be the change we wish to see. The time is now to ask the question, "Utopia or oblivion?"
This is my first professional quality documentary, I have no professional track record other than my videos on Youtube. I am however, a well educated perfectionist, and will make this film of the highest quality possible. My project launch video, that can be seen above, was the best I could have done at the time, my budget was inexistent, and my maturity, knowledge, and ability to unite theists and athiests, was limited. I have no intention of speaking of evils of religion, like I did in the video above, but instead will focus on the most important positive aspects, where science and religion co-mingle and agree. This way, we will all beable to comingle, and agree on the most important issues we face.
Other Ways You Can Help
For those of you, like myself, who have no money to spare, don't dispair.
You can still help this project, by sharing my campaign through using the Indiegogo share tools, subscribe to my Youtube, and share the videos I have on there. Above all, you can help this project by being the change that you want to see, breathe deeply, remain present, and you will be able to make positive changes in your life that will spill over onto to the rest of us. Stay hydrated, eat your fruits and veggies, plant a garden and move your body. It's the revolution.