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Vanessa's artist residency

Help fund Vanessa's artist residency in Cadiz, Spain for the month of August.

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Vanessa's artist residency

Vanessa's artist residency

Vanessa's artist residency

Vanessa's artist residency

Vanessa's artist residency

Help fund Vanessa's artist residency in Cadiz, Spain for the month of August.

Help fund Vanessa's artist residency in Cadiz, Spain for the month of August.

Help fund Vanessa's artist residency in Cadiz, Spain for the month of August.

Help fund Vanessa's artist residency in Cadiz, Spain for the month of August.

Vanessa Di Gregorio
Vanessa Di Gregorio
Vanessa Di Gregorio
Vanessa Di Gregorio
1 Campaign |
Montreal, Canada
$1,035 USD $1,035 USD 34 backers
73% of $1,403 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

above image © Polina Terleeva 2013

Who's Vanessa, yo?

I'm a recent photography graduate, and am currently obtaining my BFA in Art History & Film Studies at Concordia University.

I am a second generation Italian immigrant, whose family originates from a small town in the southern Italian countryside. Over the past few years, I have been strongly interested in the culture that has developed in North America: the traditions that have remained, and those that have taken on the influence of North America, Canada, and specifically Quebec's own traditions and beliefs. I have also grown extremely interested in learning specifically about the dialects and traditions that have remained in these small towns throughout Romance language countries in Europe, decades after the waves of immigrants left these places.

images of my final portfolio critique at Dawson College, May 2013. © Claudio Calligaris 2013 

What is the purpose of Vanessa's campaign?
I recently was accepted to participate as an international artist-in-residence at Linea de Costa, a program based in Cadiz, Spain. In the two months prior to my residency, I will be travelling along Italy, France, Spain & Portugal, recording the regional dialects and photographing the individuals in towns that are quickly disappearing in favour of large cities. I will then attend the residency program, where I will gather the photos and information and self-publish a small photo book on these towns.
My project aims to serve as a visual anthropological project, where I document and record these small towns whose stories risk extinction. This project will also be, finally, a return to my own heritage, one that I have attempted to cling to and immortalize here in Canada as well, through my "Un ricordo" series.

my photographs hung at Dawson College Professional Photography graduating vernissage, May 2013.

What will donations do?
They will help in funding my one-month long residency in Cadiz, Spain.
They will help in funding my travels to coastal towns along the Mediterranean and into these small towns and communities.
They will help in funding necessary materials to photograph, record, and document, as well as to compile and successfully self-publish my photo book.
They will help in bringing necessary awareness to these small communities and for heritage that is vital in archiving, remembering, and continuing to keep alive.

in front of Linea de Costa Residency (IKR?!), image courtesy Linea de Costa Facebook page.

Can you break it down for me, sister?
Yes, absolutely! You'll be helping me pay for:

-residency fee
-living expenses
-artist & production material
-room/board while travelling

What can I receive from my donations?
I am offering a variety of perks:
- 25.00$: a postcard sent to you while on my travels and attending my residency
- 50.00$: (9 available) a signed 4"x6" print
- 100.00$: (6 available) a signed 8"x10" print
- 150.00$: (6 available) a signed 8"x10" print and credit in the acknowledgments section of book
- 250.00$: (3 available) a signed copy of my photo book and credit in the acknowledgements section
choose a print from my web site

rough map of travel route, ending in Cadiz. locations are estimations - I will actually be travelling in small towns in those areas/provinces.

Why donate?
Well, simply said: this is a project that is much bigger than me. It is bigger than my own personal heritage, and that of my family. It is the story of so many small communities that so many immigrants may feel personal ties and dedication to. This project aims to raise awareness not only for the communities found in these countries which I have my own ties to, but to the importance and value in recording and keeping cultures alive in a world where globalization unfortunately destructs many traditions, dialects, languages, and communities. It is an important heritage, art, and anthropology project to be a part of.
Moreover, it is allowing me the opportunity to explore my own personal heritage, and to create that which I love most from it. Over the last few years, I have focused much of my work on the importance of community, culture, and tradition through my own photo/video work, and am ready to continue this project on a much larger scale.
And finally, it will permit me to connect and network with international artists and international communities, while working in an uninhibited and open environment over the course of my residency.

I don't think I can donate very much, or at all. How else can I help?
You can share this page with your friends, family, community/arts centres, and anyone you think would want to see it. Spreading the word (especially through social networks) helps a lot, too!
If you come from one of the countries that I'll be visiting, or have family and friends that you can put me into contact with, this would be more than appreciated.

my nonno (grandfather) near Rome, Italy, ca. 1958

Montelongo, Italy (artist's family's town of origin), image courtesy Google Street View.

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Choose your Perk

Postcard From My Travels

Currency Conversion $18 USD
$25 CAD
I'll send you a postcard from my trip, thanking you for your donation.
14 claimed

4"x6" Signed Print

Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
A signed print of your choice, selected from any image seen on website.
8 out of 15 of claimed

8"x10" Signed Print

Currency Conversion $70 USD
$100 CAD
A signed print of your choice, selected from any image seen on website.
2 out of 7 of claimed

8"x10" Signed Print & Credit

Currency Conversion $105 USD
$150 CAD
A signed print of your choice, selected from any image seen on website & Name will appear under the acknowledgements page in photo book.
1 out of 7 of claimed

Signed Book & Credit

Currency Conversion $175 USD
$250 CAD
A signed copy of photo book to be completed at the end of residency & Name will appear under the acknowledgements page in photo book.
0 out of 3 of claimed
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