Our Indiegogo campaign is over, but you can still get a Voltmaker. Head over to www.thevoltmakers.com for more info and to place a pre-order or click directly here.
The Volt Makers' team thanks you a lot for your support. Even if we didn't achieve our goal on Indiegogo, we are still working to produce the Voltmaker before Christmas!
Want to help The Volt Makers? Follow us on Facebook or Twitter or contact us at contact@thevoltmakers.com!
We invented, designed and tested this awesome tool and our partners are ready to industrialize the production and make it available for everyone! All we need is a kick-start. Thank you so much for making it all happen!
Power your electronic devices wherever and whenever you need to!
Are you sick of your batteries dying at the very moment you need them to make an urgent call, use a torch to change a blown fuse or find your position on a GPS when you are lost in the outdoors?
Let us introduce the Voltmaker, designed to save the day in such situations. An innovative universal device which can be operated with one single hand in case of emergency but which can also be charged up at home to offer you security.
This innovation provides the security of charging up a device immediately and also acts as a second battery. This is definitely a endless source of power for your smartphone, using renewable energy.
The Voltmaker is ideal for hikers, travellers and urbanites whether in the city or in the countryside and in particular in places where electricity is scarce. Being small and compact, this device tucks away nicely in your backpack, handbag, glove box or even your jacket pocket ready to save the day.
Pour en savoir plus: http://www.thevoltmakers.com/fr/
Mas sobre Voltmaker: http://www.thevoltmakers.com/es/
Aprenda mais sobre o Voltmaker: http://www.thevoltmakers.com/pt/
Learn more about the Voltmaker: http://www.thevoltmakers.com/en/
How does it work?
1/ At home: fully charge the Voltmaker with your standard USB wall charger.
2/ Is your phone's battery dead? Plug the Voltmaker into your phone. You can fully charge it with the energy contained in your Voltmaker's battery.
![Plug to phone]()
3/ Are your phone AND your Voltmaker's batteries dead?
![Voltmaker Spinning]()
With a unique, simple, fast, and fun charging system, anyone can generate energy for all kinds of portable electronics including cell phones, smartphones, iPods, among others.
With a few twists of the wrist this hand-held device is capable of generating a few extra minutes of power for your telephone or other small appliances that demand lower power levels (MP3 players, torches, GPS devices, cameras, etc.). This system uses kinetic energy.
4/ Need some light? a clever USB system transforms the Voltmaker into a torch, making the device multi-purpose.
![Flashlight Module]()
Battery: 2,000mAh Lithium
Output: 5V USB (standard A)
Input: 5V USB (micro)
Weight: Approximately 300 grams / 10.6 ounces
Size: 15,5cm/6.1'' (length), 3,6 cm/1.4'' (diameter)
Accessories: flashlight module
We have decided to develop a high-end dynamo product with high performance by focusing on details. We wanted the Voltmaker to be cool. We made it! We gave it a pure and uncluttered aspect.
We have gone above and beyond all the existing autonomous charging solutions to develop a unique product presenting outstanding features: playful use, robustness, multipurposeness and smartness.
Its tubular form makes it perfectly ergonomic, the simple impulse of the ratchet being enough for the generator to work.
What we have thought up and designed requires very few efforts - it can be operated using only one hand and it's actually very fun to use. The innovation lies in the gesture itself.
A scalable product
The Voltmaker is designed to be scalable. Additional modules can be plugged into it thanks to its ingenious USB interconnection system (a standard Type A female connector). As of today, we have developed a flashlight module and our engineers are currently designing the modules of tomorrow: a radio, a fan, an emergency stroboscopic module, a water sterilizer….
![Flashlight Module]()
Security at all times
We wanted a high-performing charger built with the most recent technology. You can charge the Voltmaker with your standard USB wall charger. The Voltmaker then acts as a backup power source for your USB-powered devices. You can charge your phone, and other devices simply by plugging your standard charging cable into to the standard USB port on the Voltmaker.
The Voltmaker contains a battery which can fully recharge a smartphone under all circumstances. Its smart electronic system manages the charging process in a way that increases the battery life cycles, allowing years of use.
What they say about us:
Christophe Bricout (Embedded Electronic System’s Advisor at Cap'Tronic, a French government-funded program): "an innovative project mixing a smart and optimized power solution"
Watt Consulting: " We have been working months to optimize the electronic system and ensure the best efficiency compared with what exists on the market."
The Voltmaker: a smart charger
- Elegant: a bold design
- A fast and entertaining recharging system
- An eco-friendly technology
- Apps for Android
- An ingenious USB Connection
- Smart with the use of microcontroller (for use of GPL, check our website)
- Robust
Smartcharge on open source software (GNU GPL license)
The Voltmaker contains a microcontroller that ensures the communication with other devices plugged into it via USB.
The microcontrollers will provide endless opportunities: detection of the modules plugged in via USB, assessment of the amount of generated power, etc. Thanks to the microcontrollers, the process of charging up a device becomes smart. For example, they can modify the resistance of the generator.
The Voltmaker thus adapts itself to its user's strength, whether he or she is an adult or a child.
![GNU GPL]()
All our code will be released as free software, licensed under the GNU GPL, so that everyone can study and adapt the code according to his or her own needs.
Play with apps
The Volt Makers is composed of smart electronic devices which will enable you to:
- Play with apps during the charging up process and to use your Voltmaker as a video game controller
- Know the exact quantity of remaining energy
- And if you like, they'll enable you to join the Voltmakers’ community in order to know when and where the Voltmakers have been used by others: lost in the Sahara, on mount Kilimanjaro, etc…
If you're an app developer, big or small, please keep The Volt Makers in mind! Contact us.
Apps will be developed for Android phones.
Use of Funds
The Voltmaker has been designed, developed, tested and is operational. We need your help to take the next step. With you contribution we will put the Voltmaker into production.
We are an experienced team supported by highly professional partners.
We’ve been working on The Volt Makers for more than 2 years now. Your contribution will help fund:
- Production tooling
- Large component order
- Launch sales
- Development of apps
What's the money for?
Backers of this project will be helping create the first production run of the Voltmakers.
What makes the Voltmaker so cool?
The Volt Makers will enable you to experience true independence. You will be able to charge your phones quickly and
- Use it as a lighting device
- Play games on your phone
- Power any low voltage electronic device
The Voltmaker is perfect for camping, performing any outdoor activities, travelling, making a gift, etc… and soon it will be a solution for the off-grid population which needs both reliable phone charging and lighting systems.
Will there be future The Volt Makers products?
We have designed a unique system which is able to charge any extra low voltage device. We are already developing new products which you'll be able to connect to your Voltmaker: radios, lighting security systems, lighters …
Send us a Twitter or Facebook message if you have an idea about a module you'd particularly like to add to your Voltmaker!
What is The Volt Makers?
It's just us, Christophe, Alexandre, Tristan and Bertrand and many people that have volunteered tons of time toward the company. The Volt Makers is based in Paris, France. Alex loves long trips on the back of a horse or on a bike, Christophe, an electronic engineer is fond of innovation, the third one is an expert in green products and a keen surfer and Bertrand is a talented designer. The Volt Makers came out of these four mindsets.
Is the Voltmaker patented?
Yes. Our product has been proudly patented since shortly after having being invented in April 2012.
How big is the Voltmaker?
It's 3.6 cm (1.4 '') in diameter and 15.5 cm (6.1 '') long. It weighs around 300 grams (10.6 ounces). It's actually smaller than the one you can see in the movie which is not the latest version.
How are the Voltmakers made?
The Voltmakers will be produced by our industrial partner whose offices and production units are located in Europe and China.
When will the Voltmakers shipped exactly?
The product will be available before Christmas 2013. Most probably on October / November.
Which devices can I charge with the Voltmaker?
You can charge any very low voltage electronic device that has a USB port, such as your phone, your MP3 player, your camera, your GPS device….
Will I be able to order replacement parts?
Yes, please contact customer service at customer@thevoltmakers.com.
Will The Volt Makers affect my phone?
No, the product we develop won’t affect your phone. The 5V regulated output guaranties security of your devices. The USB output is exactly the same as your computer, laptop…
Can I choose the color of my Voltmaker?
Yes, you can choose between the following colors: pink, blue, green and aluminum. You will receive an email before the shipping so you can confirm the color you want. Buy now, choose later!
How long should I spin the ratchet to be able to make a phone call?
Basically, the ratio is between 1:1 and 1:4 depending on the way you turn the ratchet, the strength of the gesture and the type of phone you have. On average, 2 minutes of spinning will give you enough battery power to make a few minutes long urgent call.
How long should I spin the ratchet to be able to use the flashlight?
Two minutes of spinning will give you around 20 minutes of lighting.
How long should I generate energy to be able to fully charge the battery?
Due to the fact that the Voltmaker is equipped with a very powerful battery (2,000mAh - able to fully charge your iPhone), fully recharging the battery by spinning the ratchet would take you about 2-3 hours! This is why we recommend that you should recharge your Voltmaker using your standard USB wall charger at home. You should only use the manual generator in case of emergency in order to give a few minutes long phone call.
Is the cable included with the Voltmaker?
Yes. Each Voltmaker will be delivered with a USB cable (standard type A/micro USB).
Press Coverage
NEW !!! Gizmag: It's all in the wrist: The Voltmaker kinetic smartphone charger
NEW !!! Dvice: Voltmaker can charge your phone, even without a power source
NEW !!! Mashable: Charge Your Phone — With a Flick of the Wrist
NEW !!! PSFK: Smartphone Charger Uses Wrist Movements To Power Up
NEW !!! Blackberry Cool: The Voltmaker: A Smart Charger for a Smartphone World
NEW !!! Inhabitat: Voltmaker Kinetic Charger Powers Your Smartphone With a Flick of the Wrist
NEW !!! Gizmo Tech News: Phone out of juice? Just twirl this tube charge
NEW !!! Canoe.ca: Voltmaker charges with the flick of your wrist
Urban Daddy: Honorable Charge - Giving Your Phone Eternal Life
Inhabitat: The Voltmaker Charges Your Gadgets Off-Grid With Kinetic Energy
Eco Chunk: The Voltmaker harnesses kinetic energy to give your gadgets a clean charge
Braun Publishing: Voltmaker
Fubiz: THE VOLT MAKERS : pour recharger vos appareils électroniques à tout moment
Balsas: „Voltmaker“ – kinetinės energijos kroviklis elektroniniams prietaisams
Bizion: 회전력으로 스마트폰을 충전시키는 신개념 충전기
Bokraonline: اختراع جهاز Voltmaker يمكنك من شحن جوالك دون مصدر كهربى ثابت
Décisions Durables: THE VOLT MAKERS, coup de cœur du jury
E-cology: Voltmaker ricarica i tuoi dispositivi elettronici grazie all’energia cinetica
Eco Seven: Ecoinvenzioni: il generatore tascabile di energia rinnovabile
Eko idėjos: „Voltmaker“ – kinetinės energijos įkroviklis elektroniniams prietaisams
Energy Saving Media: บริษัทผลิตอุปกรณ์อิเล็กทรอนิกส์แดนน้ำหอมสร้างเครื่องชาร์จไฟฟ้าพลังงานจลน์
Натур Продукт: Эспандер, заряжающий смартфон
Green News Techno: Mention spéciale pour The Volt Makers
Green Packs: Voltmaker is a Kinetic Energy Charger For Gadgets
New Smart Traveller: How To Make Your Favorite Gadgets Survive in the Wilderness
Ouest-France: 4L Trophy (The Volt Makers' car): les étudiants entre sport et bénévolat
L'Indépendant: 4L Trophy (The Volt Makers' car): une Cabestanyenque s'engage sur les pistes du Maroc
Enovamag: THE VOLT MAKERS une source d’énergie autonome à portée de main pour les appareils très basse tension.