What We're Doing
The Pond Science Institute will be issuing commemorative medallions for a number of nearly forgotten yet significant scientists, engineers and other notables such as Nikola Tesla (already funded!), Walter Russell Commemorative Medallion web page, John Keely, Viktor Schauberger, Edgar Cayce, Rudolf Steiner, Wilhelm Reich and others. A prime qualification of these chosen ones is their demonstrated intent of service to humanity. We love these people and we wish to do them honor for their personal sacrifices and unselfish accomplishments and contributions.
What We Need & What You Get
To strike or mint these beautiful medallions (sometimes called 'rounds') requires a certain amount of up-front cash investment. There is no way to gauge how the market will respond to this opportunity. So to be on the conservative side a modest strike of 1000 units in .999 pure copper is being proposed. Should this prove successful as I'm sure it will be we will be enabled strike more units and even have them produced in .999 pure silver.
To accomplish this goal $2,500 is required to create the initial artwork, dies, purchase the copper and for packaging, shipping & handling. All perks will be shipped post paid.
The Impact
Collecting and Preserving - The Pond Science Institute will be issuing commemorative medallions for a number of nearly forgotten yet significant scientists, engineers and other notables such as Nikola Tesla (already funded!), Walter Russell, John Keely, Viktor Schauberger, Edgar Cayce, Rudolf Steiner, Wilhelm Reich and others. A prime qualification of these chosen ones is their demonstrated intent of service to humanity. We love these people and we wish to do them honor for their personal sacrifices and unselfish accomplishments and contributions.
Should this first minting in copper prove successful we will contemplate a new issue in silver. At that point it is all about how much financing we raise. It will require $10,000 - $20,000 (depending on quantity minted) to complete a minting of the Tesla medallion in silver.
Collector's Item - Collect all the issued units and you will have a valuable collection preserving for all time the names and likenesses of these unique and noteworthy individuals. As collector units their value may increase over time.
Practical - A few weeks ago I started swapping copper rounds around town for minor products and services I've been acquiring locally from independent individuals. Everyone likes to barter and readily accept the copper rounds valued at (more or less) $1.50 - $2.00 per copper round, 1 ounce .999 purity. Please keep in mind and in conversations rounds are NOT coins or currency. They are in simplest barter terms "1 ounce of .999 copper or silver rounds" with diverse embossings on them - a pretty hunk of metal that feels good in your hand.
Building Community - Bartering with metal rounds is a good thing because what cash comes into your community and is converted into copper or silver rounds more or less stays in your community. Your community wealth goes up in direct proportion to the acquisition and circulation of these rounds instead of being sent out of the community in the form of investments, not-made-here products, travel expenses, etc. all of which takes these rounds out of circulation and reduces their utility. Copper and silver in your pocket and in circulation is liquid wealth and builds more wealth. The copper or silver round holds the value of the transaction indefinitely. And we do not need nor seek anyone's permission to barter and contract among ourselves. Individuals are freely contracting and bartering between other individuals as they see fit and they have been bartering since ancient times. Bartering value for value is one of the best ways to honor each other's creativity and presence.
Prosperity - An extraction of liquidity (removing cash) from the market (people's pockets) results in loss of prosperity, asset devaluation, hard times, financial collapse and ruin.
Metal rounds are not subject to any of this. An abundance of circulating metal rounds creates prosperity, asset evaluation and financial gain on all fronts.
Here are some amazing stories about what others have already done - http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/17878-new-monetary-systems-for-a-sustainable-democracy-and-the-great-turning
Other Ways You Can Help
You can help make this commemoration a success. Acquire a few medallions for your collection or many of them if you wish to barter and contribute directly to the prosperity of yourself and your local community. Meanwhile spread the news of this campaign on FaceBook, Twitter and other social networks to honor the scientists and engineers who have significantly contributed to the advancement and well being of our society.