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Walter The Wave - Pilot Project

Walter has been a great success in the app and book space. However our dream is to get him on TV's across the globe. Help us create his first pilot for TV :)

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Walter The Wave - Pilot Project

Walter The Wave - Pilot Project

Walter The Wave - Pilot Project

Walter The Wave - Pilot Project

Walter The Wave - Pilot Project

Walter has been a great success in the app and book space. However our dream is to get him on TV's across the globe. Help us create his first pilot for TV :)

Walter has been a great success in the app and book space. However our dream is to get him on TV's across the globe. Help us create his first pilot for TV :)

Walter has been a great success in the app and book space. However our dream is to get him on TV's across the globe. Help us create his first pilot for TV :)

Walter has been a great success in the app and book space. However our dream is to get him on TV's across the globe. Help us create his first pilot for TV :)

Shane Janssens
Shane Janssens
Shane Janssens
Shane Janssens
1 Campaign |
Vancouver, Canada
$1,576 USD 25 backers
5% of $30,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Walter's Story and Direction

My name is Shane Janssens and I am the creator of Walter the Wandering Wave. Walter was born through my passion for surfing and all the characters in the first book I have seen up close while out in the ocean. I wanted to tell an ocean story like no other, from the eyes of a wave that travels across vast oceans in search of land. On his travels he meets amazing friends and overcomes great challenges which help kids to learn in a fun and exciting environment.

The have been so lucky the book and interactive app have been very successful to date. Featured by lots of cool blogs and by companies like Apple and Red Bull!

With over 7 international and local studios keen to work on Walters TV series we finally settled on one of the top animation studios in the business. They are ready to get started with us on developing a pilot and helping us sell Walter into the market. With your support you can help us pull together the funding for a great pilot and story bible. Walter has the potential to be the next big kids show with some hard work and creative development.

Check out the 2011 radio interview below for more background on Walters Journey :)

What We Need & What You Get

We need to raise $30k to develop the pilot. Where your money goes:

  • Scriptwriting team
  • Creating a story bible for the broadcasters
  • Voice actors
  • Artist's
  • Animation team
  • Production
  • Sound/ music

If we dont make the required budget we will use all the funding to produce our best production for that budget.

If we way exceed our budget we will use the money to grow out walters app and book products and will include more gifts for you as we hit new mildstones.

The Impact

The story is unlike any other and because of this we have had a vast amount of interest from studios, print media, radio, online blogs (lots of surfing and app related ones) and most importantly parents and kids!

Walter has become a favourite bed time story for kids all over Canada and Ireland.

We have been featured by the Red Bull magazine in a 2 page spread. Apple featured our app #1 under "New and Noteworthy" and under "What's Hot" sections of its books sections and we have people contacting us frequently to feature him in various media.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you cant contribute you can still help us:

You can make some noise about our campaign. Share through social media and indiegogo.

We can't do this without you!


Shane Janssens

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Choose your Perk


$1 USD
A massive heart felt thank you and download of pilot when it is done.
Estimated Shipping
April 2013
1 claimed


$5 USD
A download of the iPhone or iPad interactive app and download of pilot when it is done.
Estimated Shipping
April 2013
1 claimed

App Share

$10 USD
3 downloads of the iPhone or iPad interactive app (1 for you and 2 to share). A download of pilot when it is done.
Estimated Shipping
April 2013
3 claimed

Character Print Pack

$15 USD
3 signed, high quality character prints of your choice. A download of pilot. Prints Available: 1. Walter the Wandering Wave, 2. Sammy the Super Starfish, 3. Dorothy The Dancing Dolphin, 4. Stevie The Not So Scary Shark, 5. Willy The Windy Whale
Estimated Shipping
April 2013
0 claimed

2 App, 2 Print Combo

$20 USD
2 high quality character prints of your choice. 2 interactive app downloads and a download of pilot
Estimated Shipping
April 2013
0 claimed

Book and Print Combo

$25 USD
1 signed copy of the book with a personal message. 1 high quality character print of your choice and a download of pilot
Estimated Shipping
May 2013
4 out of 1000 of claimed

Book, App and Print Combo

$30 USD
1 signed copy of the book with a personal message. 1 high quality character print of your choice. 1 download of the interactive iPhone or iPad app and a download of pilot
Estimated Shipping
May 2013
1 out of 1000 of claimed

Super Combo

$50 USD
2 signed copies of the book with a personal message. 5 high quality character prints (one of each character) 2 downloads of the interactive iPhone or iPad app and 2 downloads of pilot
Estimated Shipping
May 2013
5 out of 1000 of claimed

Bonanza Share Pack

$100 USD
4 signed copies of the book with a personal message. 20 high quality character prints (4 of each character) 4 downloads of the interactive iPhone or iPad app and 4 downloads of pilot. Your name or a loved ones name in the credits
Estimated Shipping
May 2013
0 out of 100 of claimed

Vancouver Class/ Party Visit

$500 USD
(Limited to one class or private party) Shane will spend a morning with your kids class or at a private party. His interactive session includes fun interactive reading with a group. Already a bit hit with corporate family days and schools in Vancouver. References available on request. Includes: 1. A signed copy of the book with a personal message for each kid, 2. A signed print of 1 character or their choice, 3. A free app download per kid, 4. A free pilot download each
Estimated Shipping
May 2013
0 out of 10 of claimed

Vancouver School Visit

$1,000 USD
Includes all from the Vancouver Class Visit but is extended to all classes in your kids school from kindergarden up to grade 2. Each kid will get a signed book, app, pilot download and signed character print.
Estimated Shipping
May 2013
0 out of 5 of claimed

Canada School Visit

$5,000 USD
Shane will travel to your kids school anywhere in Canada, outside of Greater Vancouver. Alternatively a corporate event can substitute a school event. Above $6000 Shane will travel to USA or Europe. This includes everything in the Vancouver School Visit pack. Each kid will get a signed book, app, pilot download and signed character print.
Estimated Shipping
May 2013
0 out of 2 of claimed
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