Tune Into The Windsinger Vibration
Can you feel it?
The Windsinger is a sonic vibrational musical instrument.
Whether you know how to play an instrument or not, or hold a tune, or not, we all have a primal sense. A feeling within us, that enables us to feel along with music when it is played for us. It gets us to move. To dance...
Albert Einstein said, “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter... We are all Vibration!”
Enter the Windsinger...
“The Windsinger is the newest and easiest instrument to play in the world!”
The Windsinger enables you to be one with any music played, any tone, any vibration, even a chainsaw, or traffic noise is vibration that you can play with. All without the fear of making a wrong tone!
This tune-able vibrational instrument has many applications percussion, drone, wind-chi workout, sound healing device, lightsaber, and many more
Did you ever want to play an instrument, or play with a band?
Have you ever dreamed of playing the Didgeridoo, but couldn’t master the circular breath?
The Windsinger is an extension of your breath and your breadth, an extension of your arms, an extension of your very energy field... helping you to vibrate in a new and primal way.
But it is much more than that...
This is a movement—A vibrational movement and way to empower individuals, especially young people to play with vibrations and to connect our thoughts and feelings as we project our energy... together!
R*evolutionary MISSION
Our mission and purpose is to connect people... to get them to resonate within themselves and with one another; For people to have fun as they play with vibration, in a new way!
Funding Needs
Minimally, we need the funds to purchase 1000 fully decked out Windsingers (with LED lights) that we can give away (to you!) so we can create a number of "Windphonys" throughout the Bay Area, at Burning Man and ultimately around the world! A Windphony is a band of Windsingers (which could mean hundreds of players, or more, who will gather together to play this vibrational instrument in concert.)
We want to create an effective video and social media campaign that will light the fuse on the Windsinger Re*evolution! Once created we will seed Windsngers around the world, especially at hot spots, and through our video train "Windsinger bands" to use these powerful tools to better the world.
Cool Perks
Our perks are way cool! Our supporters can get one of the first of the Windsingers that are now being manufactured, as well as acknowledgement in the video, on the website and in our growing global community, for their contribution to help us spread this powerful vibrational message...one Windsinger at a time.
We plan to do a number of performances throughout the Bay Area and a premier Windphony with 888 players at Burning man 2013. And we want YOU to be a part of it! This will create a template that can be applyed to "bands" coming together around the world, to vibrationally transform a space. We will produce a video tha will inspire the world to the benefits of the Windsinger.
We want to create a new genre of transformational movements that can be produced over and over again, as a template for positive actions around the world. We will empower and "arm" a small army of Windsingers to lead the charge...and ultimately inspire millions of Windsingers to come together to make positive change—on a vibrational level!
Help us in our cause and even if you can't contribute financially, please help us get the word out. Use the IndieGoGo share tools and let's get the show on the road...it is time for the world to shift gears, one Windsinger at a time!