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Wintergreen Foods: Farmers seeking Funders

Help us connect area farmers to schools and grocery stores in the Western Upper Peninsula. We want to bring healthy, local food to our entire community.

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Wintergreen Foods: Farmers seeking Funders

Wintergreen Foods: Farmers seeking Funders

Wintergreen Foods: Farmers seeking Funders

Wintergreen Foods: Farmers seeking Funders

Wintergreen Foods: Farmers seeking Funders

Help us connect area farmers to schools and grocery stores in the Western Upper Peninsula. We want to bring healthy, local food to our entire community.

Help us connect area farmers to schools and grocery stores in the Western Upper Peninsula. We want to bring healthy, local food to our entire community.

Help us connect area farmers to schools and grocery stores in the Western Upper Peninsula. We want to bring healthy, local food to our entire community.

Help us connect area farmers to schools and grocery stores in the Western Upper Peninsula. We want to bring healthy, local food to our entire community.

andrea corpolongo smith
andrea corpolongo smith
andrea corpolongo smith
andrea corpolongo smith
1 Campaign |
Ontonagon, United States
$8,350 USD 94 backers
100% of $8,350 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

We know that a lot of people in the Western Upper Peninsula want to see more local food options and more successful small farms in this region.

In fact, we want to see those things too.

So, we’re opening a vegetable processing facility in Ontonagon County, called Wintergreen Foods.

Wintergreen Foods will provide products like bagged salad mixes, carrot sticks, and squash puree for sale to local school cafeterias. We are developing these products in partnership with cafeteria staff to ensure that they are easy to incorporate into school menus and profitable for everyone involved.

We’ll also market these products to stores and restaurants, and produce items specifically for sale in area stores, such as dried tomatoes, zucchini chips, precut pasty mix, and more.

Everything made at Wintergreen Foods will be made from local produce. Some grown by us, on site or at Wintergreen Farm, but much grown by other area farmers.

Dale, working. 

             Like this guy.

We plan to sell more than we can possibly grow ourselves and we want Wintergreen Foods to benefit the entire agricultural community in the Western Upper Peninsula.

We're already underway. We’ve purchased the location, the old Candlelight Restaurant. It has much of the equipment we’ll need to get our facility started – including some cold storage space to allow us to keep locally grown produce fresh beyond our limited growing season.


    Soon to be Wintergreen Foods

But we need a few more things. That’s where you, and your money, come in.

We know we’re asking for community support from a cash strapped community, so we are keeping our request modest. We'll also spend a significant amount of the money we receive at other local businesses, namely Peninsula Graphics, Burke Design and Baron Services.

With the $8350 we’re asking for, we’ll purchase a small commercial dehydrator, packaging materials and labels, an impulse sealer (for sealing packages), a high capacity legal for trade scale, a six foot tiller, a row cultivator, a potato hiller, and a flail chopper. And we'll pay our neighbor the rest of the money we owe him for our "new" tractor as well as get a web site started.

The dehydrator and packing equipment will allow us to begin producing specialty dried items before the end of the 2013 growing season. Dehydrated products have a relatively long shelf life (compared to fresh salad greens), so they’re the perfect place to start as we expand our relationships with area grocery stores, restaurants, and institutional kitchens.

We even have an agreement in place to sell dehydrated fruits and vegetables in the Ontonagon school vending machine this fall.

The field equipment will help us make the jump from our current two acres of vegetables to our goal of growing about five acres of vegetables next year. Even with the employees we intend to hire in the spring of 2014, we'll need to increase our mechanization to properly manage that much land.

We'll use the flail chopper to cut mountains of grass for composting. We love compost.

Of course, this campaign can raise more than $8350. It’s up to you. Every extra dollar will help us grow this new facet of our agricultural business that much faster.

We will put any funds over $8350 towards these costs:

  • We'll need some cash to remove this rotten section of flooring above the crawlspace along the southeast side of the building. Once we get it out, we'll level out the ground and pour a concrete pad - future flooring for about 400 square feet of additional cold storage space we plan to build as soon as practical. The rest of the building is sound.

                       Don't worry. The rest of the building looks good.


  • Additional funds will help us immensely by allowing us to purchase the many "little things" (like gloves, hairnets, business cards, parchment paper...) we'll need and cover the on-going expenses involved in a food processing business, such as licensing and certification fees, water testing, utilities, and payroll as we get things rolling.

We understand that not everyone has money to spare. If you can't contribute funds, please contribute a tiny bit of your time and energy by sharing this campaign with absolutely everyone you know.


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Choose your Perk

Thank you!

$1 USD
That's it. We'll say thank you. We'll do it in our heads and on our facebook page too, just so everyone knows how thankful we are.
0 claimed

Wall of Support

$5 USD
Be our daily inspiration by adding your name to the wall of support at Wintergreen Foods! Stop by and sign it in person this fall, or we'll put your name up for you if you're too far away. Everyone that contributes $5 or more will be included.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
3 out of 1000 of claimed

Glassful of Ontonagon History

$10 USD
We know that our new venture marks the end of a storied area landmark, the Candlelight Supper Club. Drink to its memory from your own historic glass - straight from the Candlelight Bar to you. Help us save on shipping. If you can pick up in person, let us know.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
12 out of 200 of claimed

Wintergreen Sampler

$25 USD
You'll get your thank you, plus a tasty (mailed) sample of three of the following dehydrated products: Dried Tomatoes, Zucchini Chips, Vegetable Bouillon, Green Smoothie Mix, Kale Chips, or Fruit Leather. Help us save on shipping. If you can pick-up in person, let us know.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
32 out of 100 of claimed

Come Taste With Us

$50 USD
For fifty dollars you will receive an invitation to our "Grand Tasting" event. The date is to be determined, but we are aiming for early in 2014.
21 out of 50 of claimed

Be Our VIP

$200 USD
Enjoy the royal treatment at our "Grand Tasting". You'll have the best seats, get the first tastes, and receive a personal toast for your generosity.
2 out of 10 of claimed

Name that Vegetable

$500 USD
Help us name one of our products. Want to make sure your kids always eat our carrot sticks? We'll name the carrots in their honor. Want everyone to know that your business supports ours? Pick a product you like and we'll put your name on every package we sell.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
2 out of 5 of claimed

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