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Women's Philharmonic Advocacy's Performance Grants 2014

We will offer grants to U.S. orchestras who program music composed by women.

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Women's Philharmonic Advocacy's Performance Grants 2014

Women's Philharmonic Advocacy's Performance Grants 2014

Women's Philharmonic Advocacy's Performance Grants 2014

Women's Philharmonic Advocacy's Performance Grants 2014

Women's Philharmonic Advocacy's Performance Grants 2014

We will offer grants to U.S. orchestras who program music composed by women.

We will offer grants to U.S. orchestras who program music composed by women.

We will offer grants to U.S. orchestras who program music composed by women.

We will offer grants to U.S. orchestras who program music composed by women.

Liane Curtis
Liane Curtis
Liane Curtis
Liane Curtis
2 Campaigns |
Somerville, United States
$7,001 USD 54 backers
46% of $15,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Women's Philharmonic Advocacy's Indiegogo campaign will fund our Performance Grants program that supports U.S. orchestras who agree to program music by women composers.

For over 20 years, The Women’s Philharmonic promoted and celebrated the work of women composers, performers and conductors.  When the orchestra disbanded in 2004, some of us decided to carry on a much-needed part of their mission: to encourage other orchestras to perform music by women . Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy is devoted to that goal: "leveling the playing field" for women composers. 

In 2012, we started our performance grant program, giving $18,000 to 26 different orchestras all over the United States.  They performed music ranging from historic composers -- Clara Schumann, Amy Beach, and Lili Boulanger -- to successful living composers – including Chen Yi, Libby Larsen, and Joan Tower – and also student composers just launching their career such as Emily Koh and Alexandra Bryant.


We plan to give our grants again this fall.  One hundred percent of the money raised through our Indiegogo campaign will go to U.S. orchestras who agree to program music composed by women composers.  Statistics from the League of American Orchestras prove this need is great: less than ONE PERCENT of the music performed by U.S. orchestras is composed by women.  It’s not because the music doesn’t exist.  Rather it’s because of our entrenched habits of accepting the “standard” repertoire, and the prejudices of the past that defined creative power as a male attribute. 


               Amy Beach, featured in our $500 and $1000 perks.

Our 2012 campaign raised a great deal of interest in the work of women composers. We received a range of inquiries, which revealed that many lack knowledge about the achievements of women in music, and are eager to learn.  The Murfreesboro Youth Orchestra (of Tennessee) wrote to us saying:  

Our [orchestral] library of 220 pieces only has three pieces composed by women. We would like to add to the body of literature written by women for youth orchestras…. We hope our concert will address this issue and prompt our orchestra members, patrons and community members to consider the importance of women in music ....

Many people asked us for suggestions and recommendations of music.  We are working to make available the legacy of TWP, who after all, performed around 300 different works by women from all historical periods.  We field questions about repertoire and point the concert planners to the libraries, publishers and distributors who have the materials.   

Our second grant program, planned for fall 2014 in what we envision as a biennial program, will grow on the outreach and excitement generated by the first.  With your generous support we will be able to offer more grants; and we will continue to plan for half the funds to go to youth or student orchestras!  We are organized under the fiscal umbrella of The Rebecca Clarke Society, inc, a 501 (c) 3; your donation is tax deductible according to U.S. law, and all of your donation will be used to support the WPA Performance Grants.

Even if you are unable to donate, you can help us by getting the word out about our campaign to all your friends! Use the Indiegogo Share tools, and also be sure and look at our website,  Your support and encouragement increases the recognition of women's creative ability and brings their work to audiences across the country.

FYI, you can donate without accepting a perk.  And also we will be adding to our offering of perks, so check back.  And PLEASE share this campaign with your friends!

'Jazz' by Lorraine Curtis

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Choose your Perk


Amy Beach - Grand Version

$1,000 USD
Honorary WPA membership, two Amy Beach T-shirts, plus CD of her Symphony and Piano Concerto (recorded by the Nashville Symphony) AND a CD of her songs or chamber music. Also receive virtual recognition, the 'Jazz' card, and two sampler CDs (choral and orchestral). Note T-shirt is in production -- be the first on your block to wear it!
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed

Note of Thanks

$5 USD
Receive a social media shout out and an acknowledgement on our website for your contribution. Thank you for every piece of support! We are a 501 (c) 3, your donation is tax deductible according to U.S. law.
2 claimed

Measure of Gratitude

$10 USD
In addition to our undying appreciation and social media and website recognition, we'll send you a blank notecard, 'Jazz,' featuring painting by California artist, Lorraine Curtis.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
1 out of 50 of claimed

Melody (Choice I)

$20 USD
The virtual thanks and 'Jazz' card, plus the WPA's official Choral Sampler CD, featuring works from historical women composers of the 18th to early 20th century.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
0 out of 15 of claimed

Melody (Choice II)

$25 USD
The virtual thanks and 'Jazz' card, plus the WPA's official Orchestral Sampler CD, featuring works from historical women composers of the 18th to early 20th century.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
4 out of 15 of claimed

Sonata (Choice I)

$50 USD
The virtual thanks and 'Jazz' card, plus The Women's Philharmonic CD from Koch International Classics, including works from Clara Schumann and Fanny Mendelssohn.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
3 out of 8 of claimed

Sonata (Choice II)

$75 USD
The virtual thanks and 'Jazz' card, plus the CD of Florence Price: Symphony No. 3, Mississippi River. Landmark recording of music by Florence Price (1887-1953), the first African-American woman to have a symphony performed by a major orchestra.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
0 out of 8 of claimed


$150 USD
Virtual recognition, a 'Jazz' card, both the Choral and Orchestral Sampler CDs, and your choice of two of the three CDs offered in the Sonata perk. Choice availability based on first-come basis.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
0 out of 6 of claimed

Forte! Loud and strong!

$250 USD
Receive virtual recognition, the 'Jazz' card, and two sampler CDs (choral and orchestral). PLUS any three CDs found on our shop page, We'll be adding more discs to our supply!
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
0 out of 20 of claimed


$300 USD
Receive virtual recognition, the 'Jazz' card, and two sampler CDs (choral and orchestral). PLUS any FOUR CDs found on our shop page, We'll be adding more discs to our supply!
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
0 out of 20 of claimed

Sforzando! A Bold Stroke!

$400 USD
Framed poster of Fanny Hensel, 14" x 18." Produced by The Women's Philharmonic. Also receive virtual recognition, the 'Jazz' card, and two sampler CDs (choral and orchestral), PLUS any two CDs found on our shop page,
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
0 out of 1 of claimed

Amy Beach

$500 USD
Honorary WPA membership, Amy Beach T-shirt, plus CD of her Symphony and Piano Concerto (recorded by the Nashville Symphony). Also receive virtual recognition, the 'Jazz' card, and two sampler CDs (choral and orchestral). Note T-shirt is in production -- be the first on your block to wear it!
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed
sold out

Sonata (Choice III)

$100 USD
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
6 out of 6 of claimed
sold out


$200 USD
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
1 out of 1 of claimed
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