Women Stage the World is a New Movement.
On June 11th, 2013 we are taking to the streets of Broadway to end gender inequity in the theater industry.
Through the Advocacy Committee of the League of Professional Theater Women (LPTW), we will inform ticket-buyers about the shows they support and encourage theatre decision-makers to close the gender gap in theater employment.
Support our mission and join us for our EQUALITY PARADE debut on June 11, 2013, where scores of theatre women will march through the Broadway Theater District
Visualize teams of women dressed up as our famous theatrical foremothers in Suffrage-style sashes, advocating for professional theatre women wherever theatre people convene and wherever theatregoers gather.
We will parade through the NYC Broadway Theater District on June 11th, 2013, rain or shine, beginning at 5:30 pm. This will launch our campaign to bring women's voices to the world's stages.
Together we can make a difference.
Women writers/directors/designers/choreographers/actors/stage managers and producers are under-represented in the theatre globally. With your help we will start the conversation about how to get women working in the theatre in the same numbers as men. With your help audiences will hear and see women's stories onstage.
-40% of Dramatists Guild members are women; only 15-20% of produced plays are written by women. And this percentages goes way down at high-end venues: Broadway or Regional Theatres.
-About 60% of the theatre audience is female. And yet for actors, directors, playwrights, stage managers, singers, dancers, more men are employed than women. The only category where the number of workweeks for women roughly equals the number of workweeks for men is Choreographer.
With your help we will bring the female voice deeper into the theatrical conversation.
We plan to catch the attention of the theatrical audience and the artistic and managing directors with our costumes and suffrage-style sashes. You can help to fund this.
We need the attention of the press, space to meet and rehearse, printed leaflets and calling cards to help spread the word and transportation of our women in costume, sometimes with long skirts, parasols, panniers. And you can help to fund these.
Please Donate
Your donation will support: Research, Educational Outreach, Travel, Marketing (buttons, banners, sashes, posters, postcards, placards), Publicity, and more.
No donation is too small. Spreading the word about this campaign is very helpful. Please send this campaign to friends.
Join Us
Please join us on June 11th and beyond.
Email womenstagetheworld@theatrewomen.org to be on our announce list.
League of Professional Theatre Women: Promoting visibility, increasing opportunities for women in the professional theatre. TheatreWomen.org
Earlier on June 4th we will be going to Albany to lobby for the Women's Equality Act with NYWA. Learn more at: nywomensequality.org
For more info check out WomenStageTheWorld.org and thank you so much for your interest and support.