Thank you for taking the time to check this out.
Already I've been overwhelmed at the interest and support from Grave Robber fans for this "solo" Christmas e.p. Thanks for that!
I'm raising funds to record as high quality of recording as you've come to expect from Grave Robber. This will be no different. If you love Grave Robber, and you love
Christmas songs, I feel confident you'll love this project.
Best part is, I have a DEADline. . .Santa Claus is coming to town and I have to have this completed by early October!
The plan is to have Grave Robber's producer, Tim Bushong at the helm once again, making me sounds way better than I actually do! Also, a fantastic, up and coming comic book artist, Tim Baron will be constructing some amazing artwork for the packaging. On top of that, I'm looking into some guest appearances. One of
which I'm hoping to get is ex-Grave Robber Drummer, Mark "Dr. Cadaver" Mettert, who played on "Be Afraid".
I will obviously need your help on this project not only with funding, but with spreading the word about the project. I'm all alone on this recording, but so many of you have made me feel like this is a group effort. A REALLY HUGE GROUP! For that, I'm humbled and indebted.
I think I've included some pretty nice perks for helping out! Please check them out and thank you in advance for the help! How much money is raised will obviously impact what I'm able to do regarding this project. Thanks again!
Ok, let's do this!
Escaping The Grave,