How would it be, if every film was made by a cast and crew absolutely passionate about the subject? How many times have great works been lost in translation from book to film because the makers had no genuine love for it? Three Hedgehogs Films have done something unique and brought together a cast and crew who all share, without exception, a genuine love for Emily Bronte's masterpiece, Wuthering Heights.
Director Elisaveta Abrahall made the decision to make what we hope will be the definitive version in time for the bi-centenary of Emily's birth. There has never been an in depth version which covers all 30+ years of the novel, and investigates deeply the character's motivations and origins, whilst at the same time keeping closely to what Emily intended.
An enormous amount of research, work and effort has gone into the pre-production phase but as we move into production we really do need your help to make this a reality as there are expenses from which we cannot escape.
We need to raise £50,000 for the initial shoot phase, which for a feature film comes under the category of micro budget.
- The vast majority of these costs will go on shooting, talent and locations as well as obvious necessities such as insurance, VSX and props.
- The good news is it's not hard to help us as we have perks for every pocket starting at £1 and going all the way up to £7,500. Treat yourself to something unique or buy for a friend, all the while knowing that your contribution will help us breath life into the film.
- If we don't reach our entire goal on Indiegogo, the money raised here will be set aside until we can complete funding by other means. The film will be made, no matter what, you can help us make it really well.
- Your contribution no matter how small will help us make this film a reality.
- The enormity of bringing this film to life with no budget whatsoever is lessened with each donation.
- Helping this film forward to fruition via crowd funding will give the novel the chance to be truly represented without the normal constraints that usually apply giving the closest possible retelling of Emily's story.
The greatest challenge and threat to this project is not being able to raise the money needed quickly enough to get filming completed by the end of the autumn. As so much of the story also revolves around the seasons, we feel it is vital to keep true to that, in addition to needing to capitalise on some of the locations closed times which keep costs at a minimum.
- We are great problem solvers, and have a tight knit Production crew with very positive attitudes and the ability to think outside the box and make things happen.
- We know we can accomplish what we need, on time, if we achieve the funding here that we require.
We appreciate that times are hard for some people, and thank you for your interest even if you can't assist financially. But you can still help!
- Get the word out and make lots of noise about the film! Tell everyone!
- Don't forget to use the Indiegogo share tools!