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Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm

Help three former SNK / King of Fighters developers complete their indie game passion project: the original 2D fighting game Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm!

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Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm

Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm

Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm

Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm

Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm

Help three former SNK / King of Fighters developers complete their indie game passion project: the original 2D fighting game Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm!

Help three former SNK / King of Fighters developers complete their indie game passion project: the original 2D fighting game Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm!

Help three former SNK / King of Fighters developers complete their indie game passion project: the original 2D fighting game Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm!

Help three former SNK / King of Fighters developers complete their indie game passion project: the original 2D fighting game Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm!

Seon King
Seon King
Seon King
Seon King
1 Campaign |
Osaka, Japan
$118,243 USD 3,585 backers
173% of $68,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


Welcome to the crowdfunding campaign for Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm, an original 2D fighting game by an Japanese indie game development team comprised of three former SNK / King of Fighters staff. The purpose of the campaign is to power up and complete the game that has our labor of love for the last six years: Yatagarasu.

With your support, we will add new characters, new features, and fully localize the game to into a new version that we will bring to gamers all over the world: Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm!

Shimo from Yatagarasu

What is Yatagarasu

Yatagarasuis an original 2D fighting game for PC (Windows) which features 8 playable characters, high quality old school graphics, and gameplay that is easily accessible to anyone. The introductory video for our campaign is the trailer for the latest version of Yatagarasu (v4.3) and shows how the game currently looks and sounds.

We’ve worked hard to make Yatagarasu a fighting game that everyone can enjoy by creating a simple structure and straightforward gameplay without the clutter of lots of unnecessary features. Our game also features a completely unique commentary system which provides dynamic commentary in real time based on developments in the match.

Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm will bea brand new version of Yatagarasu with all-new new characters and many new features, and which will be fully localized into English for gamers around the world.

Screenshot from Yatagarasu


Our small team has being developing Yatagarasu with limited funding for six years.  Developing a 2D fighting game is extremely time-consuming and expensive, but we’ve made up for our lack of resources by putting lots of time into the game. But, progress on development has been slow and we are not sure that we will be able to continue developing the game with this approach.

We are seeking funding to allow us to make a leap in progress and also to add new elements that we otherwise might not be able to include. A successful funding campaign will allow us to do this and complete the game we have always wanted to make: Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm.

Our campaign is for flexible funding, which means that we will still receive most of the contributions provided, even if we are unable to reach our funding goal. In this case, we will proceed with work on Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm and use the contributions we have received to fund as much as possible of the new features and improvements. We will make up for the shortfall in funding wherever possible by putting more time into development, but progress on the game will be much slower.

 Screenshot from Yatagarasu

*Screenshot from an earlier version


Key new features for Yatagarasu AC

New Characters

At least two new characters will be added to the existing roster of 8 playable characters. Here are the candidates for inclusion in the game.


New Character: Kazama Kotaro

Voiced by Uchida Maaya (IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS, Holy Knight)

Kotaro came to Tokyo to study to become an operetta singer. She dreams of becoming a worldwide star and to make the world a happier place with her singing and dancing. She is always practicing her dramatic delivery and sometimes tried out other accents. She can be haughty, but is gentle at heart and quick to help out people in need. When fighting, her agility and speedy fighting techniques barely gives her opponents time to breath.

*Update* Fighting Style: Kotaro carries a short sword, but it isn’t her primary weapon. She’ll be agile, have fast attacks, and many mid-air moves. She’ll have either numerous mid-air special attacks or moves to dominate the air.

“Do sing and dance allay our woes, for here we face our curtain close. That promise which binds you and me: to end our parts but merrily. (Oh, yeah! Totally nailed it!)”


New Character: Azure

Voiced by Kaji Yuki (Attack on Titan, Final Fantasy XIII, Genso Suikoden)

Known as the “Merciful Maniac”, Azure is half-English and half Arabian by descent. A student majoring in Astronomy, he lost his family and country when the conflict broke out. He is pursuing a belief that physical matter, emotions, and even religious faith can be boiled down to mathematical equations. His intent is to bring his theories into practice by combining Shinto rituals that are imbued with divine power and mathematics to bring his deceased mother back to life.

He travelled to Japan after learning about the world through his study of alchemy. On visiting the ninja settlement of Koka to study pharmacy, he was impressed by the ninja who stoically train for their sworn master and to carry out their missions.

*Update* Fighting Style: Like the main protagonists, Azure has a standard fighting style. His basic game play concept is that he can continuously attack. For example, we plan to have a continually-useable charge-type flying weapon as one of his main attacks.

Man sakata sarima. You will achieve the wisdom of the silent. Say your prayers.”


New Character: Nene

Voiced by *To be Announced!*

Nene appears to be a red light district courtesan, but she is in fact a bodyguard and professional killer. She was taught the assassination arts after being abandoned on the mainland as a child. It is rumored that she once belonged to an organization that dealt with the mainland Emperor and commissioned officers of the Japanese army and came to Japan through that connection.

Nene is fiercely protective of her territory, and on hearing that the red light district is to be demolished, sets about beating down suspicious characters as soon as she finds them.

*Update* Fighting Style: Nene can create and control a duplicate of herself. She coordinates with her double to perform multiple techniques, including long-range attacks. We plan for her to be able to perform satisfying continuous attacks. Creating a double aside, her kicks are her main weapon.

“So tell me… how do you feel right now? C’mon, you can tell me. Does it hurt? Tee hee hee!”


New Character: Aja Salisbury

Voiced by *To be Announced!*

Hails from England. Aja was an intelligence operative for the Conservative Party and undertook dirty work to protect to protect old traditions. After a radical party called Order of the Blue Flower rose to prominence, representatives of the Conservative Party fell from power one after another. Having nowhere else to go, Aja fled to England’s military ally, Japan.

However, even in exile, she was unable to escape her political ties, having lost all faith in the world, she thought abandon dreams for her own life and live only as a hired assassin, but through a certain incident she came to wish for world reformation.

*Update* Fighting Style: Aja's main weapon is her sword which is sheathed in a white scabbard. In contrast to Hina and Kasumi who use iaijutsu, Aja will use dramatic swordplay. Basically, all of her attacks will be huge swings and she will have many bold moves.

“My country is now on the path to self-destruction. But I’ll put an end to this scourge.”


New Character: Qadl

Voiced by *To be Announced!*

Qadl was once a singer and dancer with deep love of poetry and wine, but fell into deep depression when her husband and children were lost in the civil war. Wandering in despair, she came to a village called Faraguit (“The Hidden Gardens”) which belonged to an organization of assassins called “Bahrain’s Long Winter” and was a training camp for assassins. Now her four limbs have become weapons that she is able to stretch and retract at will. Now, in these troubled times, she has arrived in Japan to assassinate Aja Salisbury.

*Update* Fighting Style: Qadl is a long range specialist and has the longest reach of all of the characters. In addition to long-range attacks, she will be able to transform parts of her body to use to make unpredictable close range attacks.

“Tell me, isn’t my honey delicious? Doesn’t it take you back to when you were born?”


New Character: Chiriakuta

Voiced by *To be Announced!*

Chiriakuta does not know how he came to be, how long he has existed, or what his purpose is. His cravings know no bounds and he absorbs whatever comes into reach. He creeps around, seeking to capture the ‘Black Beast’, a calling that was born from nothing. He toys with his opponents using moves derived from the baseless chaos.

*Update* Fighting Style: Chiriakuta's unique characteristic is that he can defy gravity. We plan for him to move like a dancer. As our ‘wild card’ character, we’re planning a variety of outlandish moves for him.

“I eaaaat alllllll. Givvvvve meeeee morrrrrrrre.”


Yatagarasu Goes Global!

The PC version of Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm will be fully localized into English and contain both English and Japanese language options. As a stretch goal, we are planning to add French, Italian, German and Spanish localizations.


Yatagarasu Goes ARCADE! (Japan only)

We will develop a NESiCAxLive version to be appear in video game arcades around Japan. NESiCAxLive producer Fujimoto Takafumi was kind enough to give us this comment:

"Yatagarasu Finally Hits the Arcades! Yatagarasu is an accessible, but deep game which keeps evolving with each new version. We here at Taito are looking forward to bringing Yatagarasu to nationwide arcade centers via NESiCAxLive!"

Fujimoto Takafumi
NESiCAxLive Producer


What happens if we reach our funding goal

If we reach our funding target of $68,000, we will add the below new features. Each item has the required cost listed to show how all of the funds will be used.


New Character: Kotaro ($20,000)

Includes pixel art, character portrait, voice over, story writing, game play balancing, etc. The actual cost of character creation is $25,000, but to improve the chances of adding her, we will self-fund the remaining $5,000 for Kotaro.


New Character: Azure ($25,000)


MC Voiceover by Koori Masao ($2,000)

TOUGEKI announcer Koori Masoi will join as the Yatagarsu Attack on Cataclysm's official MC. He will announce the player’s names and affiliations at the start of a match, and MC and comment on match highlights after the match has finished. This will add a new level of excitement that is totally unique to Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm.


English Localization ($4,000)

Nyu Media will fully localize the game menus, text, dialogue and graphics into English.


English Language Dynamic Commentary! ($4,000)

One of Yatagarasu’s standout features is the edgy commentary system and provides dynamic commentary in real time based on developments in the match. English commentary by pillars of the Fighting Game Community jchensor, UltraDavid, and Maximilian!


New Japanese Commentary ($2,000)

The commentary will be completely revised and powered up, including newly recorded commentary by renowned Japanese fighting game player Kokujin.


Creation of a New Trailer ($2,000)

New trailers will be newly created in both English and Japanese.


IndieGogo Perks Creation ($5,500)


IndieGogo fees and other costs ($3,500)


In addition, the below improvements and additions will be made that will be self-funded by the development team.


New, High Quality Graphics

New graphics by Yatagarasu dev team member Kotani:Tomoyuki.


Game Play Improvements and Game Balancing Overhaul

Together with adding the new characters, we will review and completely rebalance game play, add powerful new moves, and make the game even more accessible and fun to play.


Story Rewrites

Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm will have new story developments along with the new characters.


Improved Online Support

We will add error resolution and high speed networking, and make online match support even more smooth. A new team play function will be added, so you can fight team versus team matches. A new “My Icon” function will be added that allows icons made by players to be used in the game.


NESiCAxLive Version

See above for details about Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm's arcade debut!


Collaboration with Taito Station

In collaboration with Taito Station, MC Koori will appear and MC at actual Taito Station arcades. What’s more, other arcade centers are being added to the participation list! (Japan only)


Screenshot from Yatagarasu

*Screenshot from an earlier version


Here are the perks we have prepared for our campaign backers.



Backers will receive our gratitude and ‘SPECIAL THANKS’ listing on the Yatagarasu homepage. We’ll also send regular progress updates on the game development. Please enter the name you would like to have listed into the Shipping Information details.


Early Delivery of the PC version

The PC version of the completed game, ahead of the official release date and with free shipping. (The retail price of the finished game will be $15.)


Digital Art Pack

An exclusive digital collection of wallpapers, My Icons (can be used in the game), and an arcade-style special moves insert.


Original Soundtrack

The full collection of music tracks from Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm.


Unlock Keys

These codes unlock various hidden functions in the game.

1. Hidden characters with different move sets.

2. Exclusive titles to use in the game.

3. Exclusive backgrounds for use with titles.
4. Exclusive player colors, available only to perk recipients.

Please note:

The number of hidden characters available will depend upon the level of stretch goal reached. The hidden characters may become available for all players to use in future.


Access to the Beta Version

Receive beta versions of the game as development progresses.


Full Color Artbook

Planned to be printed in Japan, this full color artbook will be choc full art and graphics, such as rough art and graphics for the new characters, graphics for all existing characters, pixel art animation, etc. Also, at the end it will have exclusive interviews with the developers. The three dev team members will chat with people from the video game industry and will unveil development secrets.



A full color Yatagarsu Attack on Cataclysm postcard.


Deluxe Pack

A deluxe pack which includes all of the below items.

  1. Full color artbook (physical)
  2. Frame data book (digital). A book of frame data for all the characters.
  3. Yatagarasu Complete Set (digital). A complete set of all seven previous releases of Yatagarasu, from the Ver1 that was released in 2008 to the current Ver4.3.
  4. A doujinshi (self-published comic) by Kotani:Tomoyuki (digital). A digital reprint of a doujinshi created by Kotani:Tomoyuki.


Custom Voice Pack - Actors

A custom voice pack by the Yatagarasu voice actors, including Uchida Maaya, and which will include all of the following contents:

  1. Voice files to use to customize the in-game voiceovers, e.g. title announcements, new challenger voice overs, etc.
  2. Access to an in-game menu item of thanks.
  3. One of the backers who contributed to this perk will be selected at random to work with the dev team and record customized voice over of their liking.


Custom Voice Pack - Announcers

Kokujin and Koori will record voiceover of your name, and team or other affiliation of your choice, and will announce out your name in–game. The match commentators will be calling your name, just like in EVO or TOUGEKI events.


Join in a Development Meeting with the Yatagarasu Dev Team

Participate via Skype call in a development meeting with the development team. Throw in with your opinions!


Custom Character Color Schemes (one per character)

Work with the development team to create your very own custom character color scheme.


Made-to-Order Digital Art by Kotani:Tomoyuki

Kotani:Tomoyuki will create a digital art based on your request.


You or Your Original Character Design Appear as a Background NPC

You or an original character of your design will appear in an special match background in the game. This is your chance to appear in the game.


Made-to-Order Physical Illustration by Kotani:Tomoyuki

Kotani:Tomoyuki will create a physical piece of art based upon your request.


Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm Custom Fightstick

Custom, *very* limited edition fightsticks, produced by our friends at Mad Catz and featuring exclusive artwork by KOTANI!

*UPDATE!* We have now decided to award the fightsticks to the top 3 highest contributing backers, regardless of the contribution amounts. To clarify: the contribution amounts could be lower than $5,000, but whoever is in the top 3 contributors at close of the campaign will receive a fightstick!

Below is a mock-up design for the fightstick, but please note: this is placeholder art and customization. The final stick will be MORE AWESOME!

Yatagarasu Custom Fightstick (placeholder)

Appear in a Special Scene

Work with the dev team to include you or your original character in a special scene in the game.


Character portrait of Hanzo from Yatagarasu



Contributors for standard rewards tiers of $10 or more will receive credit as 'Backers' in the Contributor Credits in the game. Please include the name by which you would like to be credited in 'Shipping Information' when contributing.


$1: Special Thanks

  • ‘SPECIAL THANKS!’ listing on the Yatagarasu homepage and all updates on development progress.


$10: Game Pack

The above items, plus:

  • Early delivery of the PC version of Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm (digital)
  • Digital art pack
  • A "Backer" title in the Contributor Credits


$20: Original Soundtrack

Everything above, plus:

  • The original soundtrack (digital)
  • A "Backer" title in the Contributor Credits


$40: Open Access

Everything above, plus:

  • Unlock keys
  • Beta version access
  • Access to the invite-only forum
  • A "Backer" title in the Contributor Credits


$60: Digital Art Book

Everything above, plus:

  • Full color art book (digital)
  • A "Backer" title in the Contributor Credits


$100: Physical Pack

Everything above, plus:

  • Original soundtrack (physical)
  • Full color postcard (physical)
  • A "Backer" title in the Contributor Credits

For orders outside of Japan, please add an additional $8 to your contribution.


$150: Deluxe Pack

Everything above, plus:

  • Full color art book (physical)
  • Frame data book (digital)
  • Yatagarasu Complete Set (digital)
  • Doujinshi by Kotani:Tomoyuki (digital)
  • A "Backer" title in the Contributor Credits

For orders outside of Japan, please add an additional $8 to your contribution.



Contributors for custom rewards will receive special titles in the Contributor Credits in the game. Please include the name by which you would like to be credited in 'Shipping Information' when contributing.


$180: Bushi

Everything in the Deluxe Pack, plus:

  • Custom voice pack - Actors
  • A "Bushi" title in the Contributor Credits

For orders outside of Japan, please add an additional $8 to your contribution.


$200: Ronin

Everything in the Deluxe Pack, plus:

  • Custom Voice Pack - Actors
  • Custom Voice Pack - Announcers
  • A "Ronin" title in the Contributor Credits

For orders outside of Japan, please add an additional $8 to your contribution.


$300: Yojimbo

Everything in the Deluxe Pack, plus:

  • Participate in a development meeting with the Yatagarasu development team
  • Custom Voice Pack - Actors
  • Custom Voice Pack - Announcers
  • A "Yojimbo" title in the Contributor Credits

For orders outside of Japan, please add an additional $8 to your contribution.


$400: Samurai

Everything in the Deluxe Pack, plus:

  • Custom character color scheme
  • Custom Voice Pack - Actors
  • Custom Voice Pack - Announcers
  • A "Samurai" title in the Contributor Credits

For orders outside of Japan, please add an additional $8 to your contribution.


$500: Ninja

Everything in the Deluxe Pack, plus:

  • A piece of made-to-order digital art by Kotani:Tomoyuki
  • Custom Voice Pack - Actors
  • Custom Voice Pack - Announcers
  • A "Ninja" title in the Contributor Credits

For orders outside of Japan, please add an additional $8 to your contribution.


$1,000: Bakufu no Inu

Everything in the Deluxe Pack, plus:

  • You or your original character appear in the background as an NPC
  • Custom Voice Pack - Actors
  • Custom Voice Pack - Announcers
  • A "Bakufu no Inu" title in the Contributor Credits

For orders outside of Japan, please add an additional $8 to your contribution.


$1,200:  Kuromaku

Everything in the Deluxe Pack, plus:

  • A made-to-order physical piece of art by Kotani:Tomoyuki
  • Custom Voice Pack - Actors
  • Custom Voice Pack - Announcers
  • A "Kuromaku" title in the Contributor Credits

For orders outside of Japan, please add an additional $8 to your contribution.


$2,500: Shogun

Everything in the Deluxe Pack, plus:

  • All of the above custom items
  • You or your original character will appear in a special scene
  • A "Shogun" title in the Contributor Credits


$5,000: Tenno

Everything in the Deluxe Pack, plus:

  • All of the above custom items
  • A Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm original controller (see below for placeholder mock-up and update for details)
  • A "Tenno" title in the Contributor Credits

*UPDATE* We have decided to award the Tenno title and fightsticks to the top 3 highest contributing backers, regardless of the contribution amounts. To clarify: the contribution amounts could be lower than $5,000, but whoever is in the top 3 contributors at close of the campaign will receive a fightstick!


$7500: KAMI

Everything in the Deluxe Pack, plus:

  • All of the above custom items
  • Meet the Yatagarasu team at Japan’s Comic Market event. Includes:
    • Airfare
    • 3 nights' stay in a Tokyo hotel
    • After event dinner with the dev team
  • A "KAMI" title in the Contributor Credits

Summary of Rewards:

Yatagarasu Rewards Summary


In the event that we exceed our funding target, we’ll be able to add even more cool new features that we would like to add. Based on the amount of funding raised, we will do the following:


$73,000: GGPO Added! *NEW*

After launching the Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm campaign, we received many requests from the Fighting Game Community for Yatagarasu AC to use GGPO middleware to minimize lag in online matches. Thank you for all the feedback - we have added GGPO implementation as our first stretch goal.
  Please note: we have not fully tested GGPO yet, so it’s possible we may encounter technical problems that will delay the release of the game. If it looks like there will be significant delay, we will release the game first without GGPO and then add it as soon as the implementation is completed (it may be as soon as a few days.)


$75,000: New Song

A new song track with vocals.


$85,000: Refinement of the Existing 8 Characters

New moves, new voice acting, and rebalancing of the existing characters.


$117,000: 3rd New Character

A 3rd new character. Which character we add will be decided by backer voting.


$149,000: 4th New Character

A 4th new character. Which character we add will be decided by backer voting.


$162,000: New Dynamic Commentator (Japanese)

New Japanese lanaguage commentating by a *to be announced* commentator.


$178,000: Alternate Characters x 2

'Ura' (alternate) versions of Kou and Hanzo with different move sets will be added.


$194,000: Alternate Characters x 2

Ura versions of Jyuzumaru and Hina with different move sets will be added.


$210,000: Alternate Characters x 2

Ura versions of Shimo and Jet with different move sets will be added.


$226,000: Alternate Characters x 2

Ura versions of Chadha and Crow with different move sets will be added.


$246,000: FIGS Localization

French, Italian, German, and Spanish language localizations.


$266,000: Limited Edition Physical Comic

A limited edition, physical Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm comic, created by the publisher of the Street Fighter comic series, Udon Entertainment.


$316,000: NESiCAxLive Special Version

If we reach this stretch goal, we’ll add a host of new features that take advantage of the NESiCAxLive system and release it as a special version.


>$316,000: Development & Promotional Expenses

Presently the development team members work for zero pay, but any funding received in access of the stretch goals will be allocated to their development expenses and toward promoting the worldwide release of Yatagarasu Attack on Catacylsm. With the additional funding, you can expect even more quality and volume in Yatagarasu and it will reach even more gamers around the world.


Hina from Yatagarasu

In addition to the stretch goals, we will release the following bonus perks as we hit the below funding milestones.


New Character Art Reveals

  • $10,000: Hanzou **ACHIEVED!** See below!
  • $20,000: Azure **ACHIEVED!** See below!
  • $30,000: Kotaro **ACHIEVED!** See below!

Check out all of the new character art, plus a bonus image of Kou below!

Bonus Art - Kou

Bonus Art - Hanzo
Bonus Art - Azure

Bonus Art - Kotaro

Voice Bonus Perks

(These are separate to the Actors custom voice pack and will be available to all players)

  • $5,000: Bonus in-game voiceover (Uchida Maaya) **ACHIEVED!**
  • $10,000: Bonus in-game voiceover (Kaji Yuki) **ACHIEVED!**
  • $15,000: Bonus in-game voiceover (Kokujin) **ACHIEVED!**
  • $20,000: Bonus in-game voiceover (Koori) **ACHIEVED!**


The 3rd and 4th new characters will be decided by voting by backers. Backers: please send an email to, with subject “Vote” in the subject line and include your name, contribution amount, and character you would like to vote for (Nene, Aja, Qadl, or Chiriakuta) .

$1 of contribution will count for 1 vote, and the characters with the highest votes will be added to the game.

 Yatagarasu character outlines


The Yatagarasu development team is a Japanese independent game development circle made up of three former SNK / King of the Fighters developers: Shiza, Kotani, and Umezono.

Shiza heads up overall progress and programming. Specifically, he handles everything programming-related, manages progress, and handles odd jobs that come up. He takes care of all programming-related matters, including the game engine, main program, character programming, server programming, and the network engine.

Kotani is in charge of design and graphics. He creates all of the character-related graphics by himself, as well as the character design, artwork, menus, etc. He also creates the character pixel art by himself, which is a rare thing to find these days. He works extremely hard to produce graphics that of consistently high quality.
  Kotani is also active other projects and work, including many commercial products, such as character design for the shooting games Mushihimesama and Ibara, card games, and pixel art for various commercial titles.

Umezono is responsible for gameplay and balancing. He is in charge of all things related to the gameplay and overall tuning of the game system design, character roster, animation, collision detection, etc. Umezono also has a track record as a fighting game player and is active in game tournaments, etc.


Support for this IndieGogo campaign is provided by Nyu Media.

Nyu Media is a London-based independent publisher whose mission to bring great Japanese PC games to English-speaking audiences worldwide and support independent game development in Japan.

Nyu Media has partnered with the Yatagarasu development team to help plan and run the Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm crowdfunding campaign, prepare and deliver rewards, then localize, market and publish Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm overseas.


Our campaign will not succeed with out you! Thank you for supporting Yatagarasu Attack to Cataclysm and please spread the word!!!



Kou from Yatagarasu



Yatagarasu is an original 2D fighting game by former SNK/King of Fighters staff which features high quality, old school graphics and gameplay that is easily accessible to anyone.


An Original 2D Versus Fighting Game

An original 2D pixel art-based versus fighting game  – these have become rare in recent years.


A Game Based around Reading Your Opponent’s Body Language

Reading body language is the central to the game play of Yatagarasu. It’s a game based on the to and fro of reading, parrying and countering your opponent’s attacks.


Accessible, But Deep Game Play

Yatagarasu is surprisingly simple for a modern fighting game. This may sound like hot air, but it really is easy to learn, but deep.


Dynamic Commentary System

Yatagarasu’s most unique feature: an edgy dynamic commentary system that provides commentary in real time based on what is happening in the match. (This can be turned off, of course.)


Online Match Support

Yatagarasu’s network engine has been developed from scratch and allows smooth online matches with low lag and no jarring behavior such as rewinding. It has various features such as rank match, lobby match, play while waiting, and spectating. It also has handy features such as Twitter integration and checking on matches by mobile phone.


Low-Res Pixel Art

Another characteristic of Yatagarasu is the use of low-res pixel art for the in-game characters. We use this style because the dev team members are huge fans of low-res pixel art! This isn’t a commercially feasible stylisic choice, but creating a game that uses low res pixel art was one of the points that motivated us to create Yatagarasu.


Years of Development and Detailed New Versions

We have been developing and improving Yatagarasu for over six years.


Release Date

The PC version of Yatagarsu Attack on Cataclysm is planned to be completed around February 2014.


Screenshot from Yatagarasu

*Screenshot from an earlier version

Kou Bonus Art Hanzo Bonus Art Azure Bonus Art

In common with the protagonist Kou, Azure has a standard fighting style.

The basic concept for Azure is that he can continuously attack. For example, we plan to have a continually-useable charge-type flying weapon as one of his main attacks.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
Need more information
Let us know if you think this campaign contains prohibited content.

Choose your Perk

Special Thanks

$1 USD
‘SPECIAL THANKS!’ listing on the Yatagarasu homepage and all updates on development progress.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
53 claimed

Game Pack

$10 USD
The above items, plus: early delivery of the PC version of Yatagarasu Attack to Cataclysm (digital), Digital Art Pack, and a "Backer" title in the Contributor Credits.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
2056 claimed

Original Soundtrack

$20 USD
Everything above, plus: a digital copy of the Original Soundtrack (digital), and a "Backer" title in the Contributor Credits.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
488 claimed

Open Access

$40 USD
Everything above, plus: Unlock Keys, beta version Access, access to the invite-only forum, and a "Backer" title in the Contributor Credits.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
536 claimed

Digital Art Book

$60 USD
Everything above, plus: the Full Color Art Book (digital), and a "Backer" title in the Contributor Credits.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
159 claimed

Physical Pack

$100 USD
Everything above, plus: the Original Soundtrack (physical), an exclusive Postcard (physical), and a "Backer" title in the Contributor Credits. For orders outside of Japan, please add an additional $8 to your contribution.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
24 claimed

Deluxe Pack

$150 USD
Everything above, plus: a physical copy of the Full Color Art book, a digital copy of the Frame Data Book, the digital Yatagarasu Complete Set, a digital Doujinshi by Kotani:Tomoyuki, and a "Backer" title in the Contributor Credits. For orders outside of Japan, please add an additional $8 to your contribution.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
99 claimed


$180 USD
Everything in the Deluxe Pack, plus: the Custom Voice Pack - Actors, a "Bushi" title in the Contributor Credits. For orders outside of Japan, please add an additional $8 to your contribution.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
11 out of 200 of claimed


$200 USD
Everything in the Deluxe Pack, plus: the Custom Voice Pack - Actors, the Custom Voice Pack - Announcers, and a "Ronin" title in the Contributor Credits. For orders outside of Japan, please add an additional $8 to your contribution.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
35 out of 200 of claimed


$300 USD
Everything in the Deluxe Pack, plus: participate in a development meeting with the Yatagarasu team, Custom Voice Pack - Actors, Custom Voice Pack – Announcers, a "Yojimbo" title in the Contributor Credits. For orders outside of Japan, please add an additional $8 to your contribution.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
3 out of 4 of claimed


$400 USD
Everything in the Deluxe Pack, plus: design your own Custom Character Color Scheme, Custom Voice Pack - Actors, Custom Voice Pack – Announcers, and a "Samurai" title in the Contributor Credits. For orders outside of Japan, please add an additional $8 to your contribution.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
4 out of 8 of claimed


$500 USD
Everything in the Deluxe Pack, plus: a piece of made-to-order Digital Art by Kotani:Tomoyuki, Custom Voice Pack - Actors, Custom Voice Pack – Announcers, and a "Ninja" title in the Contributor Credits. For orders outside of Japan, please add an additional $8 to your contribution.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
5 out of 10 of claimed

Bakufu no Inu

$1,000 USD
Everything in the Deluxe Pack, plus: you or your original character will appear in the background as an NPC, Custom Voice Pack - Actors, Custom Voice Pack – Announcers, and a "Bakufu no Inu" title in the Contributor Credits. For orders outside of Japan, please add an additional $8 to your contribution.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
5 out of 19 of claimed


$5,000 USD
Everything in the Deluxe Pack, plus: all of the above custom items, a Yatagarasu original controller, and a "Tenno" title in the Contributor Credits ***UPDATE*** We have decided to award the Tenno title and fightsticks to the top 3 highest contributing backers, regardless of the contribution amounts. To clarify: the contribution amounts could be lower than $5,000, but whoever is in the top 3 contributors at close of the campaign will receive a fightstick!
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 out of 3 of claimed


$7,500 USD
Everything in the Deluxe Pack, plus: all of the above custom items and meet the Yatagarasu team at Japan’s Comic Market (includes airfare, 3 nights' stay in a hotel in Tokyo, after event dinner with the dev team), and a "KAMI" title in the Contributor Credits.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 out of 2 of claimed
sold out


$1,200 USD
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
3 out of 3 of claimed
sold out


$2,500 USD
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
3 out of 3 of claimed
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