"Yorktown: A Time to Heal" is a non-profit fan film produced by Stan Woo. The film was directed by Ronald Lennstrom. The film was shot between 1985 to 1987, and stars George Takei (Star Trek) and James Shigeta (Die Hard).
The money raised by this campaign is being used to transfer all of the original 8mm footage to digital. A new transfer is needed in order to match the original footage with the new scenes and new FX. This footage contains scenes that have not been seen in over 25 years! In order to complete the film and have it look the best that it can for fans, we need to make a proper transfer this Spring.
The 8mm film transfer will also include color correction, which is badly needed for the film. We recently raised $738 from friends and family towards this cost, but we still need to raise an additional $1500 to cover the rest of the costs. Any extra funds raised above that goal will go directly to completing the visual FX.
Since this fan-film was first mentioned in Starlog Magazine in 1987, fans have been asking to see the film. For years, this film was discussed among fans, and many thought that it would never be finished. Now, the film is back in production, and we are nearly wrapped. Our goal is to have the fan-film finished by December of 2016.
Other Ways You Can Help:
Spread the word! This is a short campaign to help get the film transferred in May of 2015, and we can use all the help we can get! Share us on Facebook and Twitter, and anywhere you think it can help to make a difference :)
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