We are running a new campaign!
Multiplayer Demo Download!
Download the Multiplayer demo on PC & OSX at http://www.zedabsolution.com/download
For a ton of information on the game, screenshots & other good things, visit www.zedabsolution.com and don't forget to vote for us on our official Steam Greenlight page and perhaps follow us on our @zedabsolution Twitter account. Thank you!
The Story (So Far...)
Meet ZED - a battle hardened seraphim warrior. Banished from the holy land, ZED vies for his salvation the only way that’s left; by competing in the Tournament of the Accord. Possessing the corpses of fallen kin, he must survive the brutal gauntlet, and work his way through progressively challenging and terrifying realms. Only by collecting the souls of the damned can he earn his way back into the Gods good graces. ZED’s only chance at redemption is to defeat the soldiers of Legion, but he is not left to his own devices. Build a massive arsenal, wield unique powers, and give special blessings to ZED’s armor in order to help him reclaim absolution.
![ZED Gif]()
Sounds great! What's next?
ZED takes elements from many styles of gameplay and melds them into a one of kind experience. At first glance, ZED is a top down throwback arcade shooter in the same vein as Robotron 2048 and SmashTV - albeit brought into the 21st century. But ZED has many layers beyond classics such as these, and brings many elements of gameplay you find in RPG, ISO, and FPS games. A few noticeable features of ZED include:
- Multi-Platform Support
- Multiple Breathtaking 3D environments to battle Legion through
- Full multiplayer support
- A massive arsenal of equippable weapons and upgrades
- Multiple unique special powers and armor blessings
- Balanced Difficulties for new to experienced players
- A full leveling system for players and weapons
- Oculus Rift Support (OMG HOW)
We are currently supporting Windows, OSX, and will support Linux for release. We have hopes of being able to launch to DLC consoles as well, but that will largely be dependant on the success of the game.
We are working with Unity3D for our game engine, Photon Cloud by Exit Games for the Cross Platform Multiplayer Servers, and Buddy's core API platform for our user accounts and management.
Planning, Production & Features
You will be able to purchase weapons, items, upgrades and talents by spending Soul Tokens. You can earn Soul Tokens by finishing off foes.
Currently we have 6 environments with a focus on another six plus and accompanying online game modes for each. Secret paths & traps, dangers and greatness will cross your path.
ZED features over 100 ranks that can be unlocked as you gain souls for your salvation. Your ability to use weapons also improves with use. The more you use the pistol, the better your host gets with the pistol. While it may start out a little slow, you will be churning over hordes with a pistol faster than an assault rifle.
(Preview of the Specials you can purchase in the Armory)
Unlike traditional top-down arcade shooters, ZED features a large arsenal of weapons you can equip and modify before you enter the arena. ZED can carry up to 4 into battle, and they can easily be quick-swapped when you find yourself in trouble. As you earn souls, you might opt to upgrade the specs of your trusty pistol with mods like laser sight for increased accuracy, or fire-rate modification to deal out more damage. On the other hand, you might want to save your hard-earned souls for an automatic shotgun, which when combined with an increased gauge modification, can deliver a wide range of gibbing pleasure.
(Preview of the Blessings you can purchase in the Armory)
There are over 30 weapons currently implemented, including railguns, axes, flamethrowers, smg’s, assault rifles, and tons more to keep you armed to the teeth! Each weapon features its own stats, including fire-rate, critical hit chance, damage per-second, and accuracy - all of which can be improved with leveling and upgrade selection. In addition to being able to throw grenades, Legion’s ghouls also drop a huge variety of powerups, ranging from spinning balls of fire to the stoppage of time.
(Sample of the Powerups you can attain from fallen foes)
Yes - multiplayer. Yes - it’s awesome.
We currently support full co-op gameplay in ZED - which brings a whole new experience to the gameplay. While Legion’s soldiers do get more challenging as more players join, each player can bring individual powers, blessings, and weapons to the arena to create any number of gameplay styles for battling evil. You can blast through a crowd of creatures with your GLX5000 after your confederate pulls them in close for intense melee combat. Stack critical hits for massive damage, or build up your health and regeneration to keep running longer.
While co-op is currently fully supported we have plans to add deathmatch, capture the flag, and domination modes before release.
OST (Official Sountrack)
We are having the entire game scored with an original soundtrack along with a huge variety of bonus tracks added onto the official soundtrack pack. The OST is being composed by Дмитрий Демиденко - Dimitry Demidenko. A composer from Minsk, Belarus.
Occulus Rift Support!
A lot of people are excited, while a lot of others are confused as to how we plan on implementing the Oculus rift into our game experience. Since we don’t have one yet, and haven’t been able to definitively measure the pros and cons of different implementations, the general idea is that you will have control of what you, and ZED, are looking at. We are both very excited about the Oculus rift so I guarantee it will be getting a good amount of attention on this end.
That's great! Who are you?
We have 20 years combined experience in Design & Production of games, web, mobile, and video. That said, there are only 2 of us. It has been a labor of love for gaming and great game experiences, and hopefully one you will be able to share with us. Because there are only two of us, you probably already know the answer to the question below:
Why are you fundraising?
To be honest, ZED will be released no matter what. We have dedicated countless hours and nights to developing this game, so come hell or high water, this game will be completed. That said, this funding will make that happen in a timely manner, and get additional features that we simply can’t tackle without more resources.
We launched ZED on Steam Greenlight October 2012 and found that there was an overall love for the style of game we are trying to build. We have been taking everything the community has had to say about it and are constantly making it better. We're hoping to find the support and community involvement to make this project a success, not only in our eyes, but to you the end user. So what will the funding go towards? We want to be 100% transparent with what these funds will be used for. There are a few things that we must cover in some way, so these items will take priority:
- Rewards for backers
- Software licensing costs
- Server costs for multiplayer and player management
- Once these costs are covered, we will be using our successful funding for the following:
- SFX and soundtrack development
- 3D modeling and animation support
- Additional programming & server support
- Platform licensing costs
We have been thinking about Stretch Goals as well. We have a rough outline of things we would like to implement into the game. We are basing what comes first on campaign funding and community voting. These are subject to change.
What do I get out of this?
Not only will you get an amazing gaming experience, we are offering the following rewards:
BETA ACCESS (Digital Item)
To show our support we are offering any backer who pledges 15$ or above a limited Beta Access key that will come available on Desura. This is different from our global multiplayer. You will be added to a list to get the entire full game beta before launch!
![beta pass]()
An awesome way to show your support!
OST DOWNLOAD (Digital Item)
A digital link to download the OST when the game launches.
We have faction T-Shirts available sizes range from S-XXXL.
FACTION DOG TAGS (Physical Item)
Rep your faction of choice or collect both, ILLINARI and LEGION.(Physical Item)
Each mini poster is signed and sent with love.
Gotta collect them all!
Game and Developer Diary Book
Everything we have to offer, and then some.
Can we help other ways?
The next best way to help ZED which is just as helpful as monetary backing is social sharing. Please follow us on Twitter and Like us on Facebook if you use any of these social platforms and pass them along to friends or family :)
We could use your Vote! If you are a Steam user please take a moment and check out our official Steam Greenlight page.
That's all for now folks!, Thank you for your support!
Risks and Challenges
We've tried to do as much as we can to show the community how dedicated we are at what we do. We both love making games and aside from the possibility of not fulfilling our Indie Gogo Campaign, we would still find some way of finishing it on our own.
Working with contractors can sometimes be difficult with Time Zones and project management. Luckily we have both experience in studio environments as well as working from home, learning some of the best tricks to successful projects, like running daily scrum.
If we don't make our goal we are set to fixed funding. Which means if we don't raise our entire goal all the funds will be refunded to the backers registered on I/G.