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Join the Zeoform Revolution!

Zeoform is a revolutionary eco material made from cellulose fibres and water – and absolutely NOTHING else.

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Join the Zeoform Revolution!

Join the Zeoform Revolution!

Join the Zeoform Revolution!

Join the Zeoform Revolution!

Join the Zeoform Revolution!

Zeoform is a revolutionary eco material made from cellulose fibres and water – and absolutely NOTHING else.

Zeoform is a revolutionary eco material made from cellulose fibres and water – and absolutely NOTHING else.

Zeoform is a revolutionary eco material made from cellulose fibres and water – and absolutely NOTHING else.

Zeoform is a revolutionary eco material made from cellulose fibres and water – and absolutely NOTHING else.

Alf Wheeler
Alf Wheeler
Alf Wheeler
Alf Wheeler
1 Campaign |
Byron Bay, Australia
$5,439 USD 96 backers
0% of $1,000,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

How do people feel when they touch zeoform? - The truth about zeofom

For articles in leading publications, see MEDIA page.

We believe it’s important you know how your contribution will be used, so check out our six essential FAQs, read over our website and ASK any burning questions you have.

What will Funds be used for? 

We intend to construct a commercial scale manufacturing plant and learning centre – The Zeoform Centre of Excellence – where individuals and companies from all corners of the globe can experience Zeoform – the material and production technologies – to develop and advance Zeoform industries in their own regions.

How will Zeoform get into your hands?

Zeoform will be available as a raw material – dry, light-weight granules – which can be hydrated and molded into Zeoform products once a working knowledge is gained. Quantities of 1kg (2.2lbs) and greater will be provided to funders and early adopters, with commercial / industrial level quantities available upon request. A free ‘how-to’ app is being created for craft / artisan use, while commercial training and licensing for industry will be conducted at the Zeoform Centre of Excellence.

Why make a donation?

Remember when you wanted to change the world, make it a better place? Well, by contributing to the Zeoform Revolution, you are helping to launch a commercially viable replacement for unsustainable materials and practices used globally in manufacturing. Not only will this (over time) significantly improve the environment, it will also create vibrant new economies in regions currently suffering economic collapse and redundant industries (eg, Paper Mills). Together we can change the world – by putting ‘people and principles before profits’.

Where will the first Centre of Excellence be built?

While exact details of the first Centre of Excellent are confidential at this time, Zeoform plans to rapidly expand into regions with abundant natural & recycled cellulose feedstock, and where opportunities to re-stimulate local economies abound; These including India, Indonesia, USA, South America, Africa, Europe, and many others. Upon achieving our crowd-funding goal, Zeoform will release information about the first Centre and strategic partners involved.

When will I have Zeoform in my hands?

Zeoform granules and a ‘how to’ app for funders and early adopters will be available by September, 2014 for craft and artisan use. For commercial and industrial application, companies are invited to make inquiries and application for licenses in specific regions. Our progress will be posted on the Zeoform website, in blogs and regular newsletter updates for subscribers. Click here to subscribe.

Who are We?

As the perennial anthropologist Margaret Mead once said "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.  Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."  With successful backgrounds in business, marketing, science, industry and education, the Zeoform team believes we are those people.  We share a singular purpose: to launch a Revolution in how things are made, used and disposed of in our consumer-driven, throwaway society. If you’ve ever wanted to do something to tip the balance toward a more sustainable earth and abundant economy, watch the video and contribute now to JOIN THE REVOLUTION!

Centre Of Excellence

Every Revolution starts with a small push - "from little things big things grow".
Zeoform will build a Centre of Excellence as the central hub to bring together the combined resources and intelligence of; science, academia, business, investors, government, NGOs, research and development, technology, design, engineering, architecture and manufacturing. It will be a showcase for products and processes, the world's first Zeoform retail outlet and it will lead a new industry with:

  • Integral leadership on the material
  • Performance of best practices
  • Research and development
  • Industry support, training and events
  • Product knowledge and skills development
  • Employment and competency development
  • Rapid prototyping and product development
  • Facilitation and collaboration (of clients/sectors)
  • Business development (ie. large clients)
  • Consumer education
  • Marketing, promotion and media
  • Showcase for Zeoform processes and products


Zeoform considers Open Source principles as key to developing the Zeoform industry worldwide and is building the first (of many) Centre of Excellence to provide knowledge, facilities and technical support to:

  • Large multinationals as well as smaller corporations
  • Technical non-profit organisations developing sustainable technologies
  • Social non-profit organisations operating in communities
  • Government and local municipalities
  • Manufacturing Research Centres and other Faculties at Universities as well as Skill Development Institutions
  • Venture Capitalists
  • Start-up companies that want to create new enterprises using Zeoform

Alf Wheeler, CEO, says "ZEOFORM™ is a ‘game-changing’ technology that will generate a new global industry – much like plastic did in the post-war years. A ubiquitous, eco-friendly material used on all continents in nearly all industries to produce endless, innovative consumer products. The collective attainment of this vision will undoubtedly help transform planet Earth into a more balanced and sustainable environment for all".


The team at Zeoform are constantly inspired by todays's philanthropists, innovators, and passionate entrepreneurs who are more empowered than ever before to solve humanity's grand challenges. Humans are hard wired to assist each other. X-Prize, Open-Sourcing, Crowd-Sourcing, Crowd-Funding, The Gates Foundation and Virgin Earth Challenge are just a handful of the motivational idea and concepts that build on this aspect of human nature and motivate the Zeoform team to continue to think outside the box and find innovative ways to tap into our collective nature for doing good. With that in mind we created the ZEOVATION awards. It's an exciting way for us to fund innovative solutions and to recognise and reward the inventiveness of the Zeoform Open-Source community.

Zeovation is a sponsored design competition intended to stimulate the best creative minds to push the boundaries of Zeoform ensuring it becomes the ideal substitute material for more and more everyday products. Zeoform will offer a combination of cash prizes and marketing and business development support for the winning entries to assist the best ideas and concepts to successfully make it to market.

Zeoform recognises that competitions inspire hundreds of different technical approaches, which means that they don't just give birth to a single-point solution but rather to an entire industry. And, of course, this is exactly what Zeoform has started building.


Do I add the shipping fee to the pledge amount or is it included?

All shipping costs are included in the pledge price because “if you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours!”

What happens if you don’t reach your funding goal?

A Centre of Excellence is essential to kick starting the global Zeoform industry; it will showcase Zeoform manufacturing processes to anyone wanting to learn and act as a hub to progress the Zeoform technology.  Drawing from previous experience of being completely overwhelmed with interest as soon as Zeoform pokes its head out from under the covers, we believe we will reach our target (and hopefully have to plan subsequent Centres of Excellence!).  If we were to come through the Zeoform Revolution campaign with less than $1million, we will create a smaller-scale Centre of Excellence that can be built up over time.

When will my Rewards arrive?

Zeo shirts – By mid December at the latest.

Zeoform Key rings and Modelling Kits – We expect to have the Centre of Excellence producing material in September 2014, and your orders will be the first off the production line!

We will also keep you updated with all our news and progress through our website, blog and social media sites.

I/ my kids/ my friends have allergies but want to play with Zeoform, what should I be aware of?

Zeoform is JUST waste paper fibres and water – nothing else!  It is completely non-toxic and safe for EVERYONE.  In fact we have had brilliant results from trials with children who have various learning difficulties and behavioural problems engaging deeply with Zeoform as an alternative to traditional modelling materials.

Where can I get some now?

Zeoform has a pilot plant in Australia and is up scaling to a commercial manufacturing facility in 2014.  

Currently there are no third party manufacturers or vendors for Zeoform, however we are considering various companies wishing to represent us.  Zeo will carefully evaluate every opportunity to select the most suitable candidates.

Is it waterproof?  Can I use Zeoform in outdoor products?

Pure Zeoform is water resistant, not water proof, but can be coated and treated like any hardwood for use outside.

Can I build my home out of it?

Zeoform flat panels have a high strength to weight ratio making them ideal for cladding and internal facia boards (walls, ceilings and floors).  Please see our Built Environment page for more details.

Can Zeoform only be made from waste paper?

The feedstock for Zeoform is cellulose, and cellulose is found in all plants.  Any plant with a high cellulose content can therefore be transformed into Zeoform including (but not limited) to hemp, cotton, sisal, jute, kenaf, bagasse and flax.

Zeoform is biodegradable, does that mean it won’t last very long?

The biodegradability of Zeoform does not affect the product’s stability or lifetime – just like wood.  Zeoform products will only start breaking down when you have actively thrown them away.  The time Zeoform products take to break down depends heavily on the composting conditions: soil, moisture levels, enzymatic activity etc.

I recycle all my paper at home/ at work, can I send it to you?

No, but thanks for the offer!

Please see for more technical/ material details and applications.

Why is Zeoform choosing to embrace an Open Source policy? And what’s in it for me?

The world needs Zeoform and it needs it fast.  An Open Source policy provides a low-cost way for Makers all around the world to experiment and push the boundaries of Zeoform.  Under the principles of open source there will be a universal redistribution – through the ZEOFORUM - of improvements, blueprints and designs, so that the Zeoform technology is rapidly taken up and advanced by as many Makers as possible.

Through the Zeovation Awards, teams who come up with successful solutions to technical problems will get commercialisation support for their product/ process and become part of the Zeoform Brand.

When is the first Zeovation competition?

The newly constructed Zeoform Centre of Excellence will house a state of the art manufacturing facility that is compatible with emerging cellulose extraction technologies to showcase the Zeoform technology.  A world-class teaching facility will be a highly effective knowledge transfer mechanism empowering anyone and everyone wishing to be a part of the Zeoform Open Source Community.  Once this centre is producing enough material to satisfy the demand sparked by something as exciting as the Zeovation Awards and there is a need for a particular solution, a Zeovation challenge will be announced.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Official Zeoform Revolutionary

$10 USD
Pledge and Make The World A Better Place
21 claimed

Zeoform Key Ring

$25 USD
Flaunt your Revolutionary status, with this 'first production run' Zeoform key ring.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
14 claimed

Zeoform 100% Organic T-Shirt

$35 USD
Show the world that you want to Make it a Better Place, by WEARING your support for the Revolution. Bound to become a collector's item!
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
12 claimed

Zeoform T-Shirt + Key Ring

$55 USD
Complete your Revolutionary status with the full set!
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
6 claimed

Zeoform Experience Kit

$95 USD
1kg of Zeoform granules + DIY hobby kit instructional App
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
5 claimed

Zeoform Revolutionary Kit

$140 USD
1kg of Zeoform granules + DIY hobby kit (Instructional App) + Zeo Shirt + Key Ring Because "I've seen the movie, got the Zeo shirt and now I just have to get my hands on the stuff"
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
6 claimed

2 x Zeoform Experience Kit

$250 USD
Spread the Revolution, keep a kit and share one with a friend. 2 x 1kg of Zeoform granules + DIY hobby kit (Instructional App) + 1 x Zeoform Shirt + 1 x Zeoform Key Ring
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 claimed

5 Zeoform Experience Kits

$500 USD
Spread the Revolution, keep a kit and share with friends. 5 x 1kg of Zeoform granules + DIY hobby kit (Instructional App) + 1 x Zeoform Shirt + 1 x Key Ring
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 claimed

Zeoform Developer Kit

$1,000 USD
1 x 25kg Zeoform granules + Developer App + 1 x Zeoform Shirt + 1 x Key Ring
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 claimed

Limited Edition Peanut Chair

$10,000 USD
Designed by Furst and Bartosch - made to order - your choice of colour. One of these will surely liven up any living space and guarantee intriguing conversations.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 out of 100 of claimed

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