The ADOM crowd funding campaign is over and it was a MIND-BLOWING success. Thank you to all who participated and help to carry this campaign so much further than I ever dreamt of... and read the latest updates on the blog.
![The successful end of the ADOM crowd funding campaign - dragons and trolls defeated! Thank you so much!!!]()
(listen to the March of Triumph by Lucas Dieguez)
The following chart shows the stretch goals we managed to achieve.
![ADOM stretch goals ADOM crowd funding stretch goal chart]()
The following explanations detail the individual stretch goal levels.
As the first stretch goal we intend to integrate Zeno's NotEye into ADOM. NotEye provides a graphical front end to textual roguelikes and seems to be the perfect option to provide tile support for ADOM (and best of all: for ADOM II, too, so effectively you are supporting two games in one). This will allow for
- graphical tile sets in various resolutions (32x32 and 64x64 at least)
- custom tile sets provided by the community
- selecting either a graphical or ASCII version of ADOM for play
- the possibility of a 3D mode (even if it's more of a joke mode)
Our Youtube video video shows a sample demo, using NotEye, a demo tile set and an early version of a composition by Lucas Dieguez. Enjoy!
The following image gives a more detailed impression of what NotEye can do for ADOM:
![NoteEye & ADOM NoteEye & ADOM]()
![Custom made tile set Graphical Barrel of Tiles]()
STRETCH GOAL #2: CUSTOMIZED TILE SET ($55,000, unlocked)
This stretch goal will provide a customized tile set for ADOM, done solely by Krys, our artist. Krys will do his utmost to create the most beautiful tile set ever. And the tile set will not only benefit ADOM but it also could be used for ADOM II. If we reach this stretch goal I thus promise that I'm then going to add tile support to ADOM II, to. See the image below for a sample of what Krys is capable of:
![Tile set demo for ADOM & ADOM II Demo of the planned tile set for ADOM and ADOM II]()
Two new PC races will be added: Mist Elves and Ratlings. Two new PC classes will be added: Duelists and Chaos Knights.
STRETCH GOAL #4: ADOM DELUXE ON STEAM ($65,000, unlocked)
At this level we will produce the long ago promised Deluxe version of ADOM, specifically to be published to Steam. And we'd try to do our best to also support other platforms like Gamersgate and Desudura. All donors from the $40 and above levels of this campaign will receive a free license for ADOM Deluxe if we reach this level. ADOM Deluxe will include new challenge games, restorable save files and an extended character generation process allowing you to select from more options. ADOM Classic still will remain free, the idea of this stretch goal is to use the awesome tile support at this level to make ADOM Deluxe more of a mainstream game in order to be able to fund the continuing development of the free ADOM Classic version.
STRETCH GOAL #5: ACHIEVEMENTS ($70,000, unlocked)
At this level we will add achievement systems and global high scores to the game, hopefully even more furthering the appeal to more casual gamers.
![Volcano Quest Questing Chest of the Volcano]()
STRETCH GOAL #6: VOLCANO QUEST ($75,000, unlocked)
A highly detailed and extensive quest related to volcanoes (no, not a boring variant to the tower of eternal flames) will be added to the game. It's going to be chilling to the bone, believe me!
![Rolf Quest Rolf's Crate of Questing]()
STRETCH GOAL #7: QUEST FOR ROLF ($80,000, unlocked)
The mysteries surrounding Rolf finally will be solved with a series of exiting new levels and quests introducing many new monsters, items and artifacts and unravelling one of the many mysteries of AODM.
![Two more community chosen quests Community Chest of Quests]()
STRETCH GOAL #8: TWO MORE NEW QUESTS ($85,000, unlocked)
Two additional new quests will be added to the game, details to be discussed with the community.
![Three more community chosen quests Community Chest of Quests]()
STRETCH GOAL #9: THREE MORE NEW QUESTS ($90,000, unlocked literally in the last second of the campaign)
Three additional new quests will be added to the game, details to be discussed with the community.
![Four more community chosen quests Community Chest of Quests]()
STRETCH GOAL #10: FOUR MORE NEW QUESTS (upon reaching $95,000)
Four additional new quests will be added to the game, details to be discussed with the community.
![Colored ADOM Lite RPG rules Colorful Light Tome of Roleplaying]()
STRETCH GOAL #11: FULL-COLOR ADOM Lite RPG (upon reaching $100,000)
At this level the ADOM Lite RPG will be done in full color. All donors for the RPG will receive this upgraded print for free!
That's it, folks. If we ever should come close to the stretch goals in the nineties I will think of more exciting stuff!
STRETCH GOAL #12: iPad Support (upon reaching $110,000)
At this level we'll produce both ADOM and ADOM Deluxe (with tiles support!) for the iPad.
STRETCH GOAL #13: HARDCOVER ADOM RPG (upon reaching $120,000)
At this level the ADOM Lite RPG will be transformed into a full-blown RPG, full color, hardcover, 128 pages. Getting this instead of ADOM Lite will cost an extra $20 (sorry, but I just checked with Lulu and printing this alone will cost more than $30 per item, shipment costs not included, can't do it for free as originally announced lest I'll actually lose money meant to be spent for ADOM development :-( That's what you get for making up extra stretch goals without thinking about them). But this version later on also will be available via the standard Lulu shop.
STRETCH GOAL #14: Android support (upon reaching $130,000)
At this level ADOM and ADOM Deluxe will be ported to Android tablets.
PLEDGE UPDATE #4: ADOM Lite RPG for everyone!
Since there have been quite a few requests and since I faltered and started giving out physical gifts in any case I now have decided to make the "ADOM Lite RPG" from the "Master Thief" pledge level available to anyone. There now is a new "Seeker" pledge level at $40 that will give you the following:
- Your receive the 64 page (yes, I have upped the page count!!!) "ADOM Lite RPG" that previously only was included in the $400+ pledge levels.
- Each print version will be signed and numbered.
- Add $25 for each additional copy you would like to receive.
- This is a once-in-a-life-time offer. The "ADOM Lite RPG" never again will be printed or distributed once this crowd funding campaign is over!
- Shipping included!
If you are interested now is the time - the opportunity never will come back! And the "Master Thief" donors also benefit - to compensate for the general availability of the ADOM Lite RPG they will receive an additional 32 page "ADOM Lite RPG Arcana" RPG supplement that also never again will be reprinted and includes the rules for advanced and master classes for PCs. Additionally it serves as a preview of what it to come in that respect in ADOM II as ADOM includes multi-classing and special classes for high level characters.
UPDATE: ADOM 1.2.0 p1 and p2 are out!
Read all details and if you haven't pledged so far use the opportunity to convince yourself that we are dead serious and would love to have your support!
PLEDGE UPDATE #3: Purchase the limited edition ADOM Classic Boxed Set!
Yes, I've finally broken in and added two new pledge level: The "Master Thief" pledge level and the "Avatar of Thieves" pledge level can now be selected to gain a highly limited copy of the ADOM Classic Boxed Set!
The ADOM Classic Boxed Set is a truly unique and amazing collectors item that I personally will handcraft in our basement (box, hand-glued cover and all), sign and package. At the Master Thief pledge level it will contain the following once-in-a-life-time items:
- Boxed Set with hand glued limited edition print cover painted by Krzysztof Dycha,
- Collector's Certificate (with print number ranging from 1 to 100 depending on your position as a donor for this pledge level; first come, first serve),
- a CD with another limited print containing ADOM 1.2.0 for all available platforms, all documents for the game _and_ the oldest ADOM version we still manage to compile from the sources to get a unique glimpse into the past (probably just for Linux or DOS - we need to check that)
- a hand selected 20 sided die that will be tuned by myself to roll with luck by hand-rolling it 27 times (guess why?),
- a print version of the "ADOM Lite RPG" (UPDATE 08/08/2012: buffed to 64 pages in size!!!) that contains a very simple but complete rules set for pen & paper RPG campaigns set in the world of Ancardia,
UPDATE 08/08/2012: a print version of the "ADOM Lite RPG Arcana supplement", a rules extension for the ADOM Lite RPG that will give you more than a dozen advanced and master classes for your PC and also provides a preview of what is to come in that regard in ADOM II and
- a poster map of the Drakalor Chain again painted by Krzysztof Dycha
The Avatar of Thief pledge level will add the actual source code for the oldest released version of ADOM that still is contained in my source code repository to the CD (together with an NDA forbidding you distribute significant parts of said source code or using it for your own game - sorry, this is research-only).
You find the two new pledge levels in the section to the right!
Add $10 for shipping within Germany, $20 for shipping within Europe and $40 for the rest of the world (I know, that's high, but shipping costs from Germany are insane - I was shocked myself concerning the prices for packages :-( ). Shipping is included starting with the Legend level.
PLEDGE UPDATE #5: Fifth power pledge drive over!
The fifth and final power pledge drive: Arifacts netted a total of 32 (!) new items and 46 new artifacts to be added to the game. Wow :-) These totals have already been added to the total below.
PLEDGE UPDATE #2: Second power pledge drive over!
The second power pledge drive: monsters and items for the ADOM crowd funding campaign is over and we scored an amazing total of 13 new items and 4 new monsters. I'll try to make each a very special one - thanks for the continuing support!
July, 23rd: Started at $22.601.
July, 24th: $22.911. +1 new item so far.
July, 25th: $23.416. +2 new items so far.
July, 26th: $23.526. +3 new items so far.
July, 27th: $23.676. +3 new items so far.
July, 28th: $23.891. +4 new items so far.
July, 29th: $24.051. +4 new items so far. Pushed past 50%!!!
July, 30th: $24.201. +5 new items so far.
July, 31st: $25.946: +11 new items (!!!, what a jump!) due to the base pledges and another 4 new monsters and 1 new item to the huge jump for a total of +12 new items and +4 new monsters!
End of July, 31st: $26.541: +13 new items and +4 new monsters!
PLEDGE UPDATE #1: First power pledge drive over!
Due to the amazing amount of pledges 12 new corruptions will be added to ADOM 1.2.0 and the corruption system itself will be even more randomized.
ADOM is one of the most successful roguelike games ever created, with downloads in the millions and many more every day. ADOM was the first roguelike to add a true role-playing experience to the roguelike genre, and boasts a brilliant mix of story, exploration, and intensely strategic and flexible combat. ADOM was in development from 1994 until November 2002, when the last build was released. ADOM is still part of the roguelike conversation, even after ten years of frozen development.
![Concept art sketch Concept art sketch]()
ADOM is primarily known for being the first roguelike to include vibrant towns, NPC dialog, and quests, but it offers more than just a rich story line in a complex fantasy world:
- A huge game world with dozens of locations such as towns, randomized dungeons, and secrets
- Loads of races and classes allowing for almost infinite play styles
- Hundreds of monsters and items, many with enhanced random features
- A corruption system forcing you to balance lust for power with fear of damnation
- Spells, prayers, mindcraft, alchemy, and more
- Dozens of quests and branching story lines
- Numerous wildly different endings that might alter reality itself!
Sadly, although ADOM was highly polished, it was left in an unfinished state. Bugs, loopholes and other problems have been identified over the years, but I never had the resources to fix them. I believe I’ve found just the team of experienced, enthusiastic developers and artists to pick up where I left off and make ADOM something truly epic.
If this Indiegogo campaign is successful in reaching the funding goal, you will see a new release of ADOM, version 1.2.0. Here are some of the things you can expect:
- New stable releases for all supported platforms (Windows, Linux, MacOS, Amiga, NetBSD, FreeBSD; Android and iPad/iOS are going to be stretch goals). Operating systems have evolved since 2002 and compatibility is becoming a serious issue.
- Bug fixes for every bug we can find
- Game balance patches
- At least 12 new corruptions will be added to the corruption system.
- 45 new items will be added (but see below for that extra level).
- 46 new artifacts will be added (available as subsets per game, but see below for that extra level).
- 4 new monsters will be added (but see below for that extra level).
- As a result of "getting over with funding on August 22nd" an extra special new boss monster with a special new map, 2 new artifacts, 4 new minion monsters for said boss and 16 new items that only will be recoverable on said special level are going to be added to the game.
- More elaborate interaction for many things that are currently only handled superficially
- UI improvements to bring ADOM up-to-date with the progress the roguelike genre has made, to be decided upon based on recommendations of players in the forums (e.g. colored message, some kind of auto-exploration and others)
- A series of magical statues distributed across the dungeons
- A roster of new named random boss monsters with special powers
- Exciting new graphics for the title screen and some quest-related events
- Audio for sound effects and music for the game areas and important events
- A freshly revised manual
Honestly, I have very high hopes for ADOM. I’m keeping this campaign modest, but I have big ideas in case we surpass the goal. I‘ll be announcing the stretch goals later in the campaign, but let me give you a taste of what I have in mind. I‘m thinking at least two new races and classes, builds for Android and iOS, a scripting module for user extensions, and finally, the release of the ADOM source code as open source, with community management, building, and training included.
An amazing team has gathered to support me in continuing the ADOM story. With your support, I’ll be adding Jochen Terstiege as co-developer, Krzysztof Dycha as the lead artist, and Oneiros Dieguez as lead composer and sound magician. All three will be involved and paid to help in reviving the development of ADOM.
Jochen has been following and supporting ADOM since the early days and has built many of the ports. I have known him for more than twenty years, and we have worked together in a professional environment for more than eight. Oneiros blew me away with his ability to create immersive sounds and compose memorable music. He is a professional musician by trade and has years of experience in the field. Krys is a talented computer artist who I met through the ADOM II community design competition, which he won. He has some great ideas for a new graphical user experience for the blog and the game. He's a professional artist and works with computer companies and studios.
I have put many thousands of hours, if not tens of thousands, into ADOM development and shown my ability to produce an original and polished product, which has proved immensely popular. All this I did while asking only for postcards from fans, of which I have gratefully received a great many. Unfortunately, life has changed, and my goals exceed my resources. I'm calling on those who love the game and want to see it improved to invest to give ADOM the rebirth it deserves. I place tremendous value on ADOM, and I know its fans do too. Please put your faith in me and I will show you what a seasoned developer can do. ADOM will remain free, but your investment will help give it a new lease of life.
Easy. You pledge an amount of money you choose (see the sidebar to the right). The pledge will be withdrawn from your account immediately. If the campaign fails to reach its goal and the minimum of $48,000 is not reached, your pledge will be refunded at the end of the campaign.
This is an all-or-nothing campaign. I do not believe in delivering inferior work with insufficient funds. Either enough money is raised to do an absolutely great job or we'll drop it, mourn, and get on with our lives. Your money only will be used if our goal is met. Otherwise, Indiegogo will refund your pledges at the end of the campaign.
First and foremost by pledging. Your contributions are the fuel this project needs to reach its goals. We can’t get anywhere without you. Donate today to get this train rolling!
And as importantly, by spreading the word and sharing the campaign via the Indiegogo tools, on social networks, blogs, forums--basically everywhere. Talk to friends and other gamers about it. Share the link. There once were hundreds of thousands of fans out there, if not millions, but many of them are not plugged in to the community and are hard for me to find. Let them know that today is the day!
ADOM is in your hands. You are the ADOM tribe and you will determine the further fate of ADOM. You’ve been incredible supporters and friends, and I believe that with your help, we can create something truly memorable.