Lost in Reality
<P>"Lost in Reality" was written by Bernadette Chapman and is being produced by Mary Anne Garrett and Bob Fitts. We are passionate about film and take pride in our work! We would love to have your support!</P> <P> </P><css3-container style="Z-INDEX: auto; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 64px; LEFT: 0px"><background style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px"><group1><?xml:namespace prefix = css3vml ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><css3vml:shape style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 712px; HEIGHT: 48px; TOP: 0px; BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML); LEFT: 0px" coordsize = "1424,96" coordorigin = "1,1" fillcolor = "white" stroked = "f" path = " m0,8 qy8,0 l1416,0 qx1424,8 l1424,88 qy1416,96 l8,96 qx0,88 x e"><css3vml:fill></css3vml:fill></css3vml:shape></group1></background></css3-container> <DIV class=" ">Bernadette Chapman, originally from Ohio, is a Radio/TV graduate from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. After college she worked in the video world for 10 years in Baltimore & D.C. Bernadette now resides in Birmingham and works as an actress, filmmaker and bookkeeper.</DIV><css3-container style="Z-INDEX: auto; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 128px; LEFT: 0px"><background style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px"><group1><css3vml:shape style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 712px; HEIGHT: 16px; TOP: 0px; BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML); LEFT: 0px" coordsize = "1424,32" coordorigin = "1,1" fillcolor = "white" stroked = "f" path = " m0,8 qy8,0 l1416,0 qx1424,8 l1424,24 qy1416,32 l8,32 qx0,24 x e"><css3vml:fill></css3vml:fill></css3vml:shape></group1></background></css3-container><css3-container style="Z-INDEX: auto; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 128px; LEFT: 0px"><background style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px"><group1><css3vml:shape style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 712px; HEIGHT: 64px; TOP: 0px; BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML); LEFT: 0px" coordsize = "1424,128" coordorigin = "1,1" fillcolor = "white" stroked = "f" path = " m0,8 qy8,0 l1416,0 qx1424,8 l1424,120 qy1416,128 l8,128 qx0,120 x e"><css3vml:fill></css3vml:fill></css3vml:shape></group1></background></css3-container> <DIV class=" ">Mary Anne Garrett has over 20 years experience in information technology working with clients across the nation as consultant and business analyst. She has a successful track record with IT projects, ensuring they come in on time and to the delight of her clients. She holds a degree in Finance from Jacksonville State University and is active in Birmingham's theatre and film community as an actress, volunteer and enthusiastic patron.</DIV><css3-container style="Z-INDEX: auto; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 208px; LEFT: 0px"><background style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px"><group1><css3vml:shape style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 712px; HEIGHT: 48px; TOP: 0px; BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML); LEFT: 0px" coordsize = "1424,96" coordorigin = "1,1" fillcolor = "white" stroked = "f" path = " m0,8 qy8,0 l1416,0 qx1424,8 l1424,88 qy1416,96 l8,96 qx0,88 x e"><css3vml:fill></css3vml:fill></css3vml:shape></group1></background></css3-container> <DIV class=" ">Bob Fitts is a Birmingham native and graduate of UAB. He is self employed in employee benefits sales and has experience as a financial advisor. Bob is active in the local film and theatre community as an actor, producer and patron.</DIV><css3-container style="Z-INDEX: auto; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 272px; LEFT: 0px"><background style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px"><group1><css3vml:shape style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 712px; HEIGHT: 16px; TOP: 0px; BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML); LEFT: 0px" coordsize = "1424,32" coordorigin = "1,1" fillcolor = "white" stroked = "f" path = " m0,8 qy8,0 l1416,0 qx1424,8 l1424,24 qy1416,32 l8,32 qx0,24 x e"><css3vml:fill></css3vml:fill></css3vml:shape></group1></background></css3-container> <DIV class=" "><css3-container style="Z-INDEX: auto; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 288px; LEFT: 0px"><background style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px"><group1><css3vml:shape style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 712px; HEIGHT: 16px; TOP: 0px; BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML); LEFT: 0px" coordsize = "1424,32" coordorigin = "1,1" fillcolor = "white" stroked = "f" path = " m0,8 qy8,0 l1416,0 qx1424,8 l1424,24 qy1416,32 l8,32 qx0,24 x e"><css3vml:fill></css3vml:fill></css3vml:shape></group1></background></css3-container></DIV> <DIV class=" "> </DIV><css3-container style="Z-INDEX: auto; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 272px; LEFT: 0px"><background style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px"><group1><css3vml:shape style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 712px; HEIGHT: 16px; TOP: 0px; BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML); LEFT: 0px" coordsize = "1424,32" coordorigin = "1,1" fillcolor = "white" stroked = "f" path = " m0,8 qy8,0 l1416,0 qx1424,8 l1424,24 qy1416,32 l8,32 qx0,24 x e"><css3vml:fill></css3vml:fill></css3vml:shape></group1></background></css3-container><css3-container style="Z-INDEX: auto; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 320px; LEFT: 0px"><background style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px"><group1><css3vml:shape style="POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 712px; HEIGHT: 16px; TOP: 0px; BEHAVIOR: url(#default#VML); LEFT: 0px" coordsize = "1424,32" coordorigin = "1,1" fillcolor = "white" stroked = "f" path = " m0,8 qy8,0 l1416,0 qx1424,8 l1424,24 qy1416,32 l8,32 qx0,24 x e"><css3vml:fill></css3vml:fill></css3vml:shape></group1></background></css3-container> <DIV class=" "> </DIV> <P><BR> </P>