The Tykarindom Saga's, production is being led by Starfree Entertainment, Inc, licensed through ACC Films, Inc., and created by the creator of Theodora the Great.
SUPERNTURALITES, Episode 1 of the Tykarindom Saga, is now streaming On Demand! See it now on the new streaming platform: JCPlus.TV.
Watch the Pilot! Tell your family and friends, the original fantasy-adventure begins today!
The Series Saga begins with Agia The Supernaturalite, her foster sister, Sophia The Tyonian, and her 4 Urbanite companions Nadine, Casandra, Joanna and Muna. They confront danger in a struggle between the realms of the Supernatural and Magic. All the while followed by the mysterious Half-twins, Andrea and Jenny.
In Part 1, Supernaturalites, Episode 1: "Tauntology" (Pilot)
"When Agia, the Supernaturalite, enters the Kingdom of Urban (Tyskland) to confront the rising tide of Magic, the evil Wizard Jude forces her into a dark bargain to extract the Urban Queen's soul in exchange for her stolen Dove." -- Logline/Supernaturalites
"Everything you thought you knew about the Supernatural is about to change!" --Tagline / Tykarindom
Theodora C. (Djay) Johnson, our Director, is a native of Boulder, Colorado. And Founder of Starfree Entertainment, Inc. Born and raised in Colorado, Djay loves creativity in the Arts, and her first love was music. Her years of experience in making music videos lead to ACC Films, Inc. calling upon her long years of expertise and eclectic creative eye to direct Part 1 of the Tykarindom Saga.
Other members of our team --
Dr. Johnson, the screenwriter creator.', founder of ACCFilms, Inc. Also, creator of Theodora the Great and Sounding of Snow (an original Christmas story); On-set consultant .
MICHAEL CONNELL (PRODUCER) Co-Founder Starfree Entertainment Inc. Sound Design, Audio Engineering specialist.
ANDREW BORSES (ASSOCIATE PRODUCER) Director for Disney/ABC Television group 2012-Present
BRYAN CORTEZ Starfree Ent. Cinematographer
We are hoping to raise funding to help make our Supernaturalites series filming kick off a success. We have a basic streaming agreement, and we have filmed Episode 1 (Pilot) "Tauntology" and now we are looking to raise $10,000 to film Episode 2. We ask you to support this original film production. You can make a donation and receive some meaningful perks.