Massive-Brush: Because others are small and plastic
Microplastics are a big environmental issue. Most bicycle cleaning brushes, are frankly pathetic. And made of plastic. Massive-Brush brings luxury and green values to bike cleaning:
- Massive-Brush is made from thick, sustainably sourced wood.
- Massive-Brush has durable plant bristles - it's completely Plastic Free.
- The longest production bike cleaning brush on the planet at 48.5 cm
Massive-Brush is safe for carbon fibre, all paint types and all bikes and parts.
A Brush Designed to last over a Decade
We need funding to:
- Produce a large batch of Massive-Brushes. Sustainably.
- Funding will also go towards moving Green Oil bottles to recycled Prevented Ocean Plastic.
- We'll make a smaller bespoke batch of Massive-Brushes should we not reach the target.
Environmental Impact
Green Oil UK, the company behind Massive-Brush introduced England's first bike industry bio-lubricant, the country's first 100% recycled plastic bottle, and now the World's longest bike cleaning brush.
- You spend money on bike parts. You deserve a brush that is made of wood, not plastic.
- Microplastics from bristles in your garden and oceans isn't good. Massive-Brush fixes this.
- Green Oil has successfully created a prototype batch, has production lines set up and is ready to go.
Risks & Challenges
The bicycle industry has been in turmoil.
- People still love cycling - and accessory sales are stronger than for complete bikes
- We have partners to manufacture, pick pack and send your Massive-Brush world wide.
Other Ways You Can Help
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- Repost our videos on Instagram
Join the movement. Support our Indiegogo campaign for a greener cycling world