Yuhuu Games Development Future Games
We are a game dev company started in 2020 and already make 2 games Ding Dong, Dong https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.YuhuuGames.DingDongDong&hl=id&gl=US quaRuntine https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.YuHuuGames.QuaRUNtine&hl=id&gl=US
As the leader of the company, i plan to start making hypercasual games for starters and continue progressing at a bigger scope, the investment will be used to hire game dev members as we go.
A video of our latest game, Ding Dong, Dong Even though it's our latest game, it was released before 2021
We make games that introduces Indonesian culture to the world, always has, and always will be however we are flexible about it and open to new ideas