Short Summary
Yes Alliance 59 is a national, grassroots, network - in "real life" and Social media.
We are experienced pro-independence activists, acting autonomously and collectively, to promote the best political outcomes for our nation.
It will be obvious to all with an interest, that we MUST do all that we can, to help install the maximum number of pro-independence MP's in Westminster, at the 2015 UK general election.
As part of that objective, we must rid our nation from the scourge of the Red Tories, once and for all.
With this campaign, we aim to send (at least) ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND messages, to the Red Tory Scotland branch AND highlight to the citizens of our proud nation, just how unpopular these, sell-out merchants have become.
What We Need & What You Get
Raising £4200 will allow us to produce 100,000 high quality, waterproof stickers (100mmx75mm) and cover the costs of Indiegogo's fees, plus the costs of postage and packaging, to send them out to contributors (YOU !)
We are experienced organisers and we already have the network and volunteers in place, to see the project through efficiently. The volunteers are donating their time and travelling costs for free.
This project is scaleable - it will go ahead, provided that funding of over £1000 is raised. If the level of interest is higher than we anticipate and we manage to raise more than the target amount - we will simply "up-scale" and have more stickers produced and sent out to more people :)
There is a very small "profit" element within the costings - this is literally a few pence, created by rounding up to the nearest pound. Depending on the level of funding achieved, it is also possible that we may achieve further discount from the printer - by economy of scale.
It is impossible to predict what (small) amount may be left once we have fulfilled our commitments, therefore, we may spend the excess by simply increasing the number of stickers sent to each contributor, or we may spend it on a banner or other kind of campaign material. In any case - we promise that ALL funds raised will be used on campaigning activities and materials, to help oust the Red Tories from our nation.
The Impact
We must keep the momentum in Scottish activism. It is imperative that the politicians know how the public think, and it is imperative that the public know how the majority feel.
We have already produced and distributed a test batch of these stickers, which proved to be instantly popular. They are striking, highly visible, long lasting, and an interesting talking point - they are already proving very useful in getting our message across.
We will endeavour to complete the printing and mailing operation as quickly as possible. Hopefully, that will be complete by Early March, but in any case - we will ensure that all commitments are fulfilled by the end of March at the very latest.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please help us reach our goal, by sharing this project and contributing if possible.