Long Story Short
Hey there, I'm Stephan and I've been acting, directing and making goofy movies for years! I think 1ManRemakes has the potential to be my biggest hit yet; Parodies of famous movies with my own creative twist and humor. Jurassic World will easily be the biggest project I've ever done, if for no other reason than I'm doing it all alone. 1ManRemakes means just that, it's only me in front of and behind the camera.
This is something that happened on accident, as usual I shot my mouth off while saying how much I liked the original. "That was so good, I could preform it as a one man play!" ... Famous last words .
I want to make it clear, I'm a man of my word and once I set my mind to it I became determined to finish with our without crowd funding help...
That being said, why should you donate? Donations will allow for better production value, costumes, props and most importantly time. Donations will allow me to get these done faster by allowing me to take time from work to do them. This is a passion project, and I am passionate about finishing it.
What I Need
Some people may say “Wow, he's asking for a lot.” Well, the original had 150 million dollars, and a cast and crew and I'm only 1Man.
This money will put a better product on the table and help get it done more quickly.
The latest episode got over 3,000 views in a day, and was made by working with things around my house. With even a small amount of funding
Of course people need to trust you to want to fund you, so I plan on reaching out, getting the fans and donors involved and having fun with donation perks!
If we don't raise the full amount nothing changes, I will still complete the movie but the funds will be used to both increase quality and reduce the time it will take to do so.
The Impact
If you look at the YouTube page https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4-c2q57G_8 there is not one bad comment, in fact the response has been overwhelmingly positive and has made me even more passionate and determined to finish this project.
Here are some of the comments:
"you are a gift to the world. this is an absolute masterpiece"
"way more entertaining than the real one"
"There's something so mesmerizing about his version."
"You better make the whole movie! I love it! Much better than the original imo"
"Keep up the good work dude!"
And lastly the one that made me realize that I had found my calling in life...
"thank you for your contributions to society I just got stoned and forgot I was't watching the real movie"
The biggest obstacle I face is time; doing everything alone is time-consuming and I have spent 14 hours straight working on the Jurassic World Remake some days, and over the last few weeks I have worked an average of 40 to 70 hours a week on this project. That is in addition to an actual full time job.
Filming every role, editing, sound, making backgrounds and trying to self promote all at once is challenging.
Help a Brotha Out
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help! Please, Share the videos and the channel with whoever you can! Tweet, Facebook, Thumbs Up, Subscribe, and most importantly simply watch the videos!
Get the word out and make some noise about 1ManRemakes! Use the Indiegogo share tools!
And that's all there is to it! I want to make 1ManRemakes a lasting channel that will continue to spoof Movies, TV, and Music. I just need your help to get it on its feet. Jurassic World is only the beginning!!!