Hi, I’m Dr. Pamela Ellis, Executive Director of Books Motivate Foundation here with Indiegogo to launch a phenomenal nonprofit program for high school students, their families, and the broader civic community, the 2019 National Climate Essay Competition. Your donor support will make a tremendous difference.
If you have ever been inspired by the words and works of Henry David Thoreau, John Muir, Rachel Carson, Beatrix Potter, Jane Goodall, Sylvia Earle, Wangari Maathai, Nelson Mandela, and countless more, in the spirit of Ubuntu, take the time to encourage yourself by having your name featured as a donor in our upcoming climate publication.
If you are a high school student, lay claim to destiny, write an essay, use our reference list, share your voice on climate science. Research scientists, policy leaders, and employers need the next generation NOW expanding their STEM scholarship and climate issue awareness. Spend the time needed to review publications, research findings, and communicate by writing an essay for submission before the 2019 deadline on May 30. For further information, visit our website, booksmotivate.org.
Environmental science teachers, parents, and community supporters agree….Prove your Scholarship…..Advance the Climate Discussion Forward… with Solutions….for yourself, and for local, and global communities.
Our IndieGoGo funding goal is to raise $100,000 to cover the costs of program activities including student winner scholarship awards with an annual recognition event (80%), publication and marketing costs (10%), administration (10%). All student climate essayists are eligible for competition entry whether enrolled in U.S. public high schools, private schools, or home schools.
Books Motivate Foundation plans to continue the National Climate Essay Competition and yearly book publication as an annual appeal until the year 2030. We look forward, and hope to welcome you at our upcoming 2019 Breakfast of Champions awards event on Saturday, August 31, 2019 in Washington, D.C. during the National Book Festival weekend.
Review the 2019 National Climate Essay Competition submission details here.
Volunteer opportunities are listed here.
Help students achieve quality of life educational goals by volunteering with the administration of our programs, and make financial donations. You will find a deep sense of fulfillment as well as gain deserved recognition for your great work! We continue to express gratitude for our growing network of Books Motivate Foundation supporters and donors…Thank you!