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2100 Samurai #3: A Bridge Too Far

He may know the sheets, but does he know the streets?

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2100 Samurai #3: A Bridge Too Far

2100 Samurai #3: A Bridge Too Far

2100 Samurai #3: A Bridge Too Far

2100 Samurai #3: A Bridge Too Far

2100 Samurai #3: A Bridge Too Far

He may know the sheets, but does he know the streets?

He may know the sheets, but does he know the streets?

He may know the sheets, but does he know the streets?

He may know the sheets, but does he know the streets?

Nick Gibson
Nick Gibson
Nick Gibson
Nick Gibson
6 Campaigns |
Belleville, United States
$1,407 USD by 47 backers
$1,349 USD by 43 backers on Jun 5, 2023
Mountain Filled 6 Projects Mountain Filled 6 Projects

Once Kiro Had A Life

A samurai born into antiquity, thrust into modernity. Kiro, the warrior who everything. Has now lost everything. 

His way of life

His would be wife

Anything and everything that he once held dear is now gone. 



His life, dead.

His soon to be wife, now among the living dead. 

Kiro must build anew.  Living among some of the lowest rungs society can offer.  Our warrior finds an old sense of kinship among these stragglers. Chief among them being their reluctant leader: Tyler


A street urchin by trade, with only her sister to care about her. With her sister Judy now gone. Tyler has inherited not just her dearly departed sister's brothel, but also all the problems that come with it. 

Namely, rivals. 


A Warlord of considerable experience. Gladden has seen countless challengers come and go. Kept at bay by Tyler's dearly departed sister Judy. With her gone, a vaccum has opened up. One he intended to exploit to it's fullest. 

Will he get the upper hand?

Will the Pleasure Palace fall under his sway?

Find out all this and more in...

As usual, this campaign is solely to raise funds for a 500 copy print run. Those who have supported us before have an idea of what to expect. 

And for those who don't?

This book will be 20 pages of pulse pounding, blood spewing, cyberpunk action. Kiro will not stand idly by as this fragile existence he has eked out is challenged.  A Samurai till the bitter end.  Kiro will stick by his new master and defend her interests. 

If you are a fan of manga, than you will be right at home here. As this book is a blending of such classics as Ghost In The Shell and Blade Runner. A true meeting of both East and West. 



On offer is not jut the usual digital and physical copies but also some other things of special note




These were previously stretch goals for the last campaign but Mrs. H's art was so good we just had to bring them back!  


Something that is quickly becoming a stable of us. Only this time around you will be able to nab a set of 4 cards instead of the usual 3. 



If you wanna support 2100 Samurai in the best way possible then the Blood and Steel Edition is for you! Designed for the hardest of the hardcore, it includes

A Physical Copy of issues 1&2

The Latest set of trading cards

The Set of 3 stickers.

A Special "Blood and Steel" edition of the comic with spot foil on the cover, and addition of red to the regular black and white. 

Plus there may or may not be some other  goodies yet to be announced to sit tight. 




We are proud to be once again be partnering with Comix Wellspring for printing. They have done amazing job with the previous books and we have no doubt they will continue to amaze us.


Critial Blast did such a good job on the fulfilment of Screecher that I had to bring him back for this one. If you need stuff shipped and shipped well, he's your dude. 



Well, for starters, backing the campaign certainly helps.  Beyond that, spreading the word can do as much for us as any donation. So please, spread the word. Tell your friends, tell your family, heck, tell your dog if you think it might help!


Well...this is where you come in. I've told you why I think this is a comic worth supporting. But now it's up to you to decide if my comic is worth your hard earned money.  Either way I thank you for stopping by. 

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Digital Comic

Digital Comic

$5 USD
For those who are international or you just like digital this tier is for you. Comes with a pdf of 2100 Samurai #3.
Included Items
  • Digital Comic
13 claimed
Physical Comic

Physical Comic

$10 USD
Included Items
  • Physical Comic
Estimated Shipping
December 2023
8 claimed
Ships to United States of America
Goodie Bag

Goodie Bag

$20 USD
Included Items
  • Digital Comic
  • Physical Comic
  • Stickers/Cards
Estimated Shipping
December 2023
4 claimed
Ships to United States of America
Catch Up Tier

Catch Up Tier

$30 USD
Included Items
  • Digital Comic
  • Physical Comic
  • Physical 1 and 2
Estimated Shipping
December 2023
15 claimed
Ships to United States of America
Blood and Steel Edition

Blood and Steel Edition

$100 USD
The Penultimate Tier With this one you not only get everything offered before but your comic will be upgraded to the limited Blood and Steel Edition Hand Signed/Numbed Holo Foil Cover Black, White, and RED interiors!
Included Items
  • Digital Comic
  • Stickers/Cards
  • Physical 1 and 2
  • Digital 1 and 2
  • blood&steel comic
Estimated Shipping
December 2023
4 out of 25 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

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