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Neuroon Open: World's Smartest Sleep Tracker

Neuroon Open: World's Smartest Sleep Tracker

Neuroon Open: World's Smartest Sleep Tracker

Neuroon Open: World's Smartest Sleep Tracker

Neuroon Open: World's Smartest Sleep Tracker

Neuroon Open wakes you up energized, improves your sleep and helps to experience lucid dreams.

Neuroon Open wakes you up energized, improves your sleep and helps to experience lucid dreams.

Neuroon Open wakes you up energized, improves your sleep and helps to experience lucid dreams.

Neuroon Open wakes you up energized, improves your sleep and helps to experience lucid dreams.

Inteliclinic Inc.
Inteliclinic Inc.
Inteliclinic Inc.
Inteliclinic Inc.
1 Campaign |
San Francisco, United States
$453,604 USD by 2,518 backers
$357,769 USD by 2,125 backers on Jul 27, 2017 with another platform
The project team has begun turning their prototype into the final product. Their ability to ship the products may be affected by product development or financial challenges.
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Concept Prototype Production Shipping
Star Filled Sleep Products & Devices Star Filled Sleep Products & Devices
Neuroon Open is a wearable that improves your sleep and helps you wake up feeling energized thanks to its many features. Neuroon Open measures your brainwaves and tests your sleep in order to design a perfect wake up for you and support you with meditation and experiencing lucid dreaming. You can also connect Neuroon Open with your smart home equipment and adjust your bedroom to your needs. The device is managed by Neuroon Open app available for iOS and Android.





Neuroon Open is made of soft foam that adapts to the shape of your face
Neuroon Open is made of soft foam that adapts to the shape of your face








You can easily sleep on your side with Neuroon Open
You can easily sleep on your side with Neuroon Open





 Press kit available here














The most advanced sleep tracker on the market!


Neuroon Open is an advanced sleep tracker that uses build-in sensors to measure your sleep.  

What parameters does Neuroon Open measure?  

- brainwaves (1-channel EEG- Fp1-Fp2)  

- heart rate (pulse oximeter)  

- oxygen saturation (pulse oximeter)  

- changes in the skin temperature (thermometer)  

- movement (accelerometer)  

All this information is processed by our core sleep-staging algorithm and then used to build your personal sleep staging, which is shown in Neuroon App. In the morning you can read EXACTLY when you fell asleep, when you had the fastest heart rate and when the slowest. 

Thanks to this data, Neuroon Open algorithms can show you a detailed architecture of your sleep, calculate your sleep efficiency and what is the most important for you, advise how to improve your sleep habits by suggesting tools (such as meditation) to get a better night’s sleep.

After sleep you can read all the data in the Neuroon Open App


After sleep you can read all the data in the Neuroon Open App

Every single feature in Neuroon Open works due to the mask’s ability to measure sleep metrics in such a detailed manner. And most importantly for most of the features: sleep analysis takes place in REAL TIME!

Would you like to know more about this feature? Click here to get more information.


Learn how you sleep and boost your energy for the day  

When we read about sleep and best practices to have a good night’s sleep, it often looks as though there is an universal solution for everybody. But is that really the case? Should all people wake up in the lightest phase of sleep and go to bed around 11pm?  

We want to give you a tool to check your sleep performance, then find your best sleep pattern based on both short and long-term feedback.


So how will this tool work?  

A/B testing consists of two parts. First it helps you measure your subjective evaluation of sleep quality after various sleep patterns. Second it will objectively check the condition of your brain.  

1. After each sleep you will be given a short test in which you estimate your sleep quality and sleepiness after waking on VAS. This self-evaluation system records changes in the subjective reception of your sleep. This is then combined with metabolic and sleep-staging data in order to provide information about the best sleep pattern to suit you.  

2. As a voluntary extra option, you will have the possibility to try two short games which measure your mental capabilities after sleep. The working memory test will check your perception and working memory condition upon waking. The cognition test will check your cognitive capability. During the first ten days, Neuroon Open will gather data from the tests to personalize its analytic software. After this period, you will be informed about your daily results compared to the average, allowing you to choose the best sleep pattern for your top mental condition.  

These two methods help you to optimize Neuroon Open’s sleep-adjustment tools according to your needs. These tools include artificial dawn, bedroom conditions, specific sleep stage awakenings and optimal time-schedules for falling asleep and waking up.  

In short: they will help you sleep like a child.

Would you like to know more about this feature? Click here to get more information. 


Your entrance to the world of lucid dreaming

The brain has the innate ability to act as a virtual reality generator, generating complex visual scenes, scenarios and imaginary characters, in the form of dreams. Lucid dreaming is a metacognitive state within a dream, which may enable the dreamer to know that they are dreaming or even give them full intellectual ability and volitional control over the dream.

Sounds familiar? According to a meta-analysis of lucid dream prevalence and frequency studies, no less than half of you reading this may have experienced at least one lucid dream in your life! The authors of the meta-analysis have proposed that “the capacity for lucid dreaming is widespread”!

The system we present to you is the most advanced on the market due to its professional sleep tracker and artificial algorithm methods.
The system we present to you is the most advanced on the market due to its professional sleep tracker and artificial algorithm methods.

Lucid dreaming is thought to be a trainable skill that has been demonstrated to increase through the use of cognitive and external stimulation techniques. Both techniques are features of Neuroon Open!

Neuroon Open will use a combination of methods, including guided audio sessions (similar to guided audio mindfulness sessions that e.g. HeadSpace app uses) and external stimuli (light/sound/vibration) to help induce lucid dreams more reliably and easily. 


Cognitive techniques are audio sessions that you use before falling asleep- there are similar to guided audio mindfulness sessions that e.g. HeadSpace app uses (  

External stimulation consists of light and vibration stimulation provided you while you are asleep, in REM sleep. You can find a simplified scheme of this stimulation (based on F. Paul, M. Schädlich, D. Erlacher, Journal of Dream Research Volume 7, No. 1, 2014).

Would you like to know more about the science behind Lucid Dreaming feature? Find more information here.


Prepare your body and mind for the night

Nowadays there is no space to stop doing things and focus on calming your mind and body, and yet the benefits of meditation are priceless. With Neuroon Open we provide guided mindfulness meditation sessions. For those who are unfamiliar with the term: mindfulness meditation is a basic form of meditation in which one concentrates on his or her inner self. 

 It begins with breath awareness and builds from there. Whenever you find your mind full of thoughts, you return your awareness back to breathing. Because it provides an opportunity to explore one’s mind without judgement or resentment, it is widely used as an integral part in cognitive therapies (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy or MBCT for short). 

With Neuroon Open you can start meditating whenever you feel you need it: at home, at the office or outdoors. The benefits from meditation are visible even after 2 hours of practice. 


Neuroon Open meditation feature consists of the three components:  

1. Guided audio meditation sessions. Mindfulness meditation audio sessions will interact with your personal physiology based on brain wave readings and pulse oximetry. For example, when you are calm, you will be guided in a different way than when you are tense and nervous. Guidance will be adjusted to these parameters and will change in the middle of the session if your mood dramatically changes. Neuroon Open is the first device that guides your meditation session based on EEG and pulse oximetry in real time.  

2. Recording option. Neuroon Open will record your EEG readings, movement and pulse, along with any variations in heart rate during each meditation session. You can compare different sessions and see your progress and the influence of external factors on your mood. It’s not only the mind that alters the way your body functions; your body changes your way of thinking, too.  

3. Biofeedback. The Neuroon App gives you the chance to choose which form of feedback you’d prefer and what you’d like from the mask, for example, vibration when dominant brainwaves are alpha or light stimuli while your pulse is raised and unstable. You can customize your biofeedback depending on your needs. It’s all up to you.

Would you like to know more about the science behind Meditation feature? Click here to find out more. 


Design your perfect wakeup and get energy for the whole day  

You might have noticed that it is much easier to wake up when it’s already after sunrise and sunny outside. When you wake up in very dark room you have many difficulties avoiding sleep inertia and getting out of bed on time.  

Neuroon Open simulates the light of a slowly-breaking dawn so that you wake up the natural way. The sleep tracker eliminates morning grogginess by waking you at the optimal moment.  

When it’s time to wake up, the mask will gradually fill with light that simulates a natural dawn. If you don’t wake up, Neuroon will add gentle vibrations followed by a final audio alarm from your mobile phone.  


Neuroon Open allows you to choose out of which phase of sleep you’d like to wake up. For some people the optimal phase to be woken out of is light sleep. For some it’s REM. Using the Neuroon Open app, you will be able to choose. Additionally, while analyzing the EEGs of sleeping people during the product development stage, we discovered that before waking up there is a great deal of what is called “micro wakeups”. We added an option under the “automatic” button an option to be woken up from these micro wakeups.  

You can choose:  

1. If you want to be woken up by light or not  

2. If you want to be woken up using vibration or a ringtone, both or neither  

3. If you want to use smart wakeups, meaning you can pick a time when the mask should start to gently wake you up before the final alarm (as well as the sleep phase you would like to start waking up in).  


 Control your home while you sleep  

Have you ever wished your bedroom lighting would automatically turn up when you get out of bed in the middle of the night? Maybe you’d like other adjustments made on your behalf.  

Of course Neuroon won’t clean your apartment for you but it can definitely make your sleep routine easier and help you sleep better.  

So how does it work?  

As has already been noted, Neuroon Open is doing sleep data analysis in real time. All of the recorded signals are forwarded to different algorithms, which can then detect various events. After that those events can be further fed into your home network.  

To begin we plan to integrate Neuroon Open with IFTTT. This is a free web-based service that can be used to create chains of simple conditional statements, called “applets”. Each applet consists of a trigger and an action. We would like to program a few triggers for the mask that can then be integrated with other smart home devices compatible with IFTTT.

Adjust your bedroom to your sleep
Adjust your bedroom to your sleep


Triggers that will be implemented for this campaign include:  

1. The moment of falling asleep  

2. REM and NREM detection  

3. Exact wake-up moment, or the moment the mask is removed  

With such triggers it will be possible to:  

- Connect Neuroon Open with your smart hi-fi set and so that the volume is reduced when you fall asleep  

- Connect Neuroon Open with smart lightning in the home, making it shine gradually every time you wake during the night and take off the mask to go to the bathroom  

- Connect Neuroon Open with your Nest and lower the temperature in your room when you enter the REM phase of sleep  

Of course there are a great deal more possibilities for smart home integrations. 

It all depends which IoT devices you use at home. It also depends on the number of triggers we program – but given Neuroon Open is open source, why not to program some useful solutions yourself?


We want you to get the most from our work. That’s why we have decided to make out device open-source and share our algorithms. This is what makes Neuroon Open unique.


Our product is now transparent, available to the experts who can audit the code and provide constructive feedback as to what we can make better.  

It is verifiable. Researchers using Neuroon for their experiments can see where the results come from and can track the resulting data to electric circuits in the mask.  

It is accessible to DIY and Quantified Self-enthusiasts as it provides SDK and raw data access.  

Its functions may be extended or enhanced with custom apps and tools. With open APIs and data formats, it’s ready for integration with existing and upcoming technologies.  

In an unlikely worst case scenario, if we as a company decided to withdraw our product it could easily be resurrected by a collective of enthusiastic individuals.  

We hope that together we can create a new open standard for exploring and enhancing our minds.  

On the start day of the Kickstarter campaign we will release all of our work-in-progress:  

- Electronic design files  

 - Sources for Neuroon’s firmware  

 - Sleep-staging algorithms  

We encourage everybody to use the materials for both personal and commercial work, so long as the results remain open source.




Would you like to read more about our sleep staging algorithm? Click here to find out more.

Replay with sound
Play with


For our product to be truly successful is to provide a new standard, an open platform for working with your sleep, dreams and meditating mind.

It can only happen with mass adoption and thriving and healthy community around Neuroon Open. The most important part of which, next to the early adopting customers, is the community of developers, makers, FLOSS hackers, diy coders, researchers, etc. Shortly, the people creating new layers of tools and research upon our part of the work.  

Clean and well-documented open-source Software Development Kit  

In order to make it comfortable and rewarding we intend to provide the ever-growing set of clean and extensive documentation and real-life examples of usage of our SDK and other tools.  

Imagine creating your own tools, algorithms and research with scripts as simple as the following conceptual Python snippet:  


As our code and user base matures, we plan to organize several hackathons around the world to ignite some interesting community projects. The first one is already on the horizon and will take hopefully take place in August this year in Warsaw at Copernicus Science Center!

Here on the campaign we would like to share with you a part of our hardware documentation! We explain there how Neuroon Open measures your forehead temperature, what is the meaning of this temperature and a little bit more technical/ geek details for hackers- measurement method description with the whole analog layout, pin connections and more. 

Please mind that this is just the beginning. We are working really hard to make the whole documentation fully nonconfidential during the campaign!

You can find the documentation here

Neuroon Open App is so called remote controller of Neuroon Open.

If you don’t want to write your own software on Neuroon Open this app will be your very best friend when using Neuroon Open. It will guide you through all the Neuroon Open features, gather your sleep data, show you your sleep score and personalized sleep tips.  

Neuroon Open app is needed to manage your device and trigger different features of the mask. It also controls the mask, analyzes the data coming from the device and present it to you.  

The app works with Iphones and Android phones.  

You can find all* screens of the new app under this link. 

*Please be noted that Meditation and Lucid Dreaming features will be developed after the Kickstarter campaign finish.  


Replay with sound
Play with


Get an awesome set: Neuroon Open + headphones!


Neuroon: noise cancelling headphones are a great addition to your Neuroon Open. These headphones will support you while meditating, having audio sessions for lucid dreaming induction and finally to get some peace and quiet when needed, eg. on a plane.

You can connect your phone to Neuroon headphones via Bluetooth or 3.5mm audio cable (mini jack).


These headphones are also equipped with microphone so you can answer your calls and with other button easily switch between the songs. 

You can charge them using micro USB cable. You can use them for up to 12 hours of calls or playing music.







Product certifications essentially ensure that a product has passed various performance tests and quality assurance checks before it hits the mass market. Neuroon Open has already received all required certifications, which means it is safe and can be market and manufacture. 


 Would you like to take a look at the certificates that Neuroon Open obtains? Click here and scroll down for the links. 


Our first Kickstarter campaign took place in December 2013 and lasted one month. During this time 1,944 backers pledged $438,573 to help us bring Neuroon to life. We have reached the goal of the campaign: $ 100 000 within 1 day! Here are the statistics of that campaign: Infographic here During the last 3 years we received a lot of valuable feedback and positive comments from our users.



We are very thankful to all the backers who supported us at that time. We couldn’t be here today without them, without their belief and patience :) 

Our team has learned a lot through these 3 years. We are aware that we have delivered the product to our backers with a delay so now we have planned everything much better in terms of production and logistics and the whole process with run very smoothly. 

Production of Neuroon Open
Production of Neuroon Open

This time we won’t spend much time on development because Neuroon Open is pretty much done. It just requires some final polishing and the factory that is based in Poland will start its work in 100%. The most important thing that we learned through the last 4 years was to listen to all the comments and feedback that we have received - the community gave us always lots of energy, great ideas and topics to think about.

Last units of our first product has been shipped to customers.
Last units of our first product has been shipped to customers.


The formal name of our company is Inteliclinic. We are based in San Francisco, California, and Warsaw, Poland. 

In February 2016 we became a member of Sky Deck accelerator organized by one of the most respected universities in the world - the University of California Berkeley in US and member of Pfizer Consumer Healthcare & Galvanize network.  

We are also prizewinners of many prestigious, global competitions for the most innovative new companies eg. first place at the LeWeb contest in Paris in 2013 and first place at the ReleaseIt at SXSW in Austin, TX, the USA in 2016. 

Also the company has been selected as the best sleep startup in 2015 by HealthXL with cooperation with Cleveland Clinic. Inteliclinic was also awarded the Best Health Startup from the Plug and Play accelerator program by Johnson & Johnson and received a $25K award.



In 2016 Neuroon was featured in the Lufthansa FlyingLab that allowed passengers to test out innovative products in accordance to their ‘Sleep Better’ theme.

In 2017 we received prestigious grant: $1.7mln from the European Commission as part of the Horizon 2020 program for implementing a medical version of Neuroon Open for sleep apnea detection and sleep screening tests.


Would you like to always get the first-hand news from us? Follow our social media channels!





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If you choose any physical reward then you should add the shipping fee depending on the country of delivery. Moreover you may expect some additional taxes and customs fees depending on your country’s legislation.   



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