Super excited to share this news with you guys!
My new album, 21st Century Lo-Fi will be officially released on March 25th. Yay! This has been THE big pandemic project for me.
I started working on this album in April of 2020, recording and mixing it myself ( Geoff Chown helping me out on the home stretch. Thanks Geoff!). That’s a first for me since my days of recording on the 4-track cassette recorder in my Mom’s basement.
This is why I chose the title, 21st Century Lo-Fi. We have all of these technological tools at our disposal these days, but in the end, it comes down to creativity. This process really brought me back to the beginning of my creative journey( in the 1990’s!!!).
Many differences in modern times, of course: The major one being remote collaborations due to lockdown, with the rhythm section of Jason Mercer and Bonz Bowering . Some truly inspirational performances from those guys.
Also, my kids got involved: Benji plays bass on one track, and Zach provided the amazing artwork!
For me, this album project was a light in the COVID darkness, and holds a special place in my heart for that reason.
I really want you all to hear it, and to BUY it, because I’ve basically been out of work for two years! It’s very weird and stressful when you’re used to playing 200+ shows per year, and it gets reduced to 20. Yikes!
Sign up for the preorder today. Formats include digital, CD and Vinyl. The vinyl won’t be in until summer due to supply chain issues, but when it gets here we’re gonna have a big time party for sure!
I’ve also added a box set option (21st Century Lo-Fi on vinyl and CD, plus 5 previous releases in CD format).
There are a couple of other perks on the indiegogo page you can sign up for as well, such as a private song commission ( I’ll write and record a song specifically for you!!) and private concerts ( either solo or with the full band).
Please share and spread the love around!
Yay! Music!!
P.S. Huge thanks to my Savage Song Supporters ( ) for their support throughout this pandemic. This album would not have happened without you. Your continued support is the fuel for this artist’s creative engine!
Also, thanks to the Kingston Arts Council for awarding me their resiliency grant. This funding provided me the opportunity to buy new equipment and software to see this project through to completion.