THEATER : A French American project in DANCE THEATER and video based on Sarah Kane's 4.48 Psychosis .
Throughout my career, I have been very blessed to work with directors and choreographers such as Georges Lavaudant, Raimund Hoghe, Yves Beaunesne , Anatoli Vassiliev , Jean- Marie Patte, Frederic Fisbach , Helene Vincent , Christophe Perton , Robert Moses Kin , Benoit Jacquot , Frederic Berthes , Moise Toure ... Those creations allowed me also to travel to multiple places around the world such as India, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, USA (San Francisco, Boston, New York, Los Angeles...I also directed Othello by Shakespeare , Three sisters by Tchekov , The lover by Marguerite Duras , Phedre in India by Jean Christophe Bailly .
Being granted the "Villa Medicis" allowed me to focus more on dance . I created a dance theatre piece : “Life or
Theater” after Charlotte Salomon ’s paintings. (performed at ODC Theater in San Francisco
and at MAHJ in Paris ). 4:48 is in direct continuation with "Life or Theatre". This time I am focusing on how the body is able to translate, through dance and words, the trouble of the mind.
En parralèle à une carrière de comédienne avec des metteurs
en scène tels que Georges Lavaudant, Raimund
Hogue, Yves Beaunesne, Anatoli Vassiliev, Jean Marie Patte,
Frederic Fischbach, Helène Vincent, Christophe Perton,
Benoît Jacquot, Federic Berthes, Moïse Touré... mon
exploration de la danse s’est poursuivie avec Peter Goss,
Mary Carbonara, Wayne Mc Greggor, Alonzo King. Celle-ci m’a
encouragée à rechercher la sensation de liberté et d’émotion
brute qui s’exprime dans le language du corps. J’ai aussi mis en scène “les trois soeurs” de Tchekov,
“L’Amant” de Marguerite Duras, Phèdre en Inde” de Jean
Christophe Bailly, Par mon travail j'ai pu voyager de part le
monde, en Inde, France, Espagne, Italie, Allemagne, USA.
EN 2014 j'ai reçu la Villa Medicis hors les murs et me suis installée à San Francisco pour developper un spectacle en danse theâtre d'après l'oeuvre de Charlotte Salomon "Life or Theatre", joué à ODC Theatre, San Francisco et présenté au MAJH, Paris. "Black and white 448 psychosis" est le second volet de 'Life or Theater ' , Ce projet mêle le mouvement , le texte et la video .
What arouses my creativity is to mix dance and theatre in the
same pieces. In parallel to this, mixing in plastic arts,
paint, sound and video projection has enabled me to fully
satisfy my need to express emotion. Sarah
Kane's writing in "Psychosis 4.48" allows movement and open
interpretation to body language.
« Psychosis 4.48 » est le second volet de mon travail basé
sur «Life or Theatre ». Cette fois je me concentre sur la
manière dont le corps humain peut traduire les troubles de la
pensée à travers la danse et les mots.
Ma créativité nait dans le lien de la danse et des mots. Y
mêler les arts plastiques, la peinture, le son et la projection
video me permet de pleinement satisfaire l’expression de mon
émotion. L’écriture même de « 448 Black and white psychosis" permet
le mouvement et l’interprétation du corps.
Freedom and feminine figures are two focuses that entice my creative flow. Women who want
to rebel and speak against violence and captivity is an act that inspired me into this creation .
In 1999 the author committed suicide. She wanted to speak about the world around her . She was quite
young, the same age as Charlotte Salomon who spoke
through her paintings. I am creating a sense of confinement but the piece is about memory and hope.
On November 4th we showed 30mn of the piece at Gibney Art center in NY. Your help will allow us to finish the piece and open a window on the fragility of the human being . And I hope light in the darkness . Why I named it
"Black and white psychosis" .
Astrid Bas is an actress and director.
She acted in severals productions in France, Italy, Spain, India, New York, Usa (New York , San Francisco , Los Angeles) In France she worked with Georges Lavaudant , Jean Marie Patte , Raimund Hoghes, Yves Beaunesne, Louis do de Lencquesaing, Anatoli Vassiliev, Frederic Fisbach, Christophe Perton , Helene Vincent ... She made movies with Benoit Jacquot , Patrick Volson , Jean Dominique de la Rochefoucauld ,Edward Niermans , Frederic Berthes .
She directed Platonov and Three sisters by Tchekhov ( Odeon Ateliers Berthier ) , The Lover by Marguerite Duras ( Theatre de la Colline , Phedra in India , with the dancer Mallika Sarabbai in Delhi and Bombay .Life or theater after Charlotte Salomon's paintings , performed at ODC theater (San Francisco and MAHJ , Paris)
Christine Bonansea is a dancer and consulting choreographer.
Selected for professional program in French National Choreographic Dance Centers with Catherine Diverres, Regine Chopinot, Mathilde Monnier (Exerce 99), she completed her professional training and choreographic studies.
Over the last 10 years, she explored visual arts as well as physical performing techniques in collaboration with artist specialist from various field (musician composer, visual artist, filmmaker). She’s been challenging the dynamics of live performance within the diversity of environment that she experienced in Europe, USA and Africa as an interpreter and choreographer.
She’s teaching advanced modern dance classes, improvisation techniques and contact improvisation in different art spaces and Dance Centers (Dance New Amsterdam-NYC, Cornel University, Kunst-Stoff arts-SF, The Garage-SF, Lycee Francais-SF, Ponderosa-Germany, Dakar -Africa).
Lana Boy is a French-American actress/director and writer.
Lana Boy is a 20 year old actress who performed for the first time at the age of 8 in the play "Alice in Wonderland" as the Chechire Cat. She then pursued her work in Bangkok (Thailand) where she played in multiple plays such as Twelth Night by Shakespeare, Metamorphoses de Mary Zimmerman, and many other. With her IB diploma in hand, she then moved to Paris to join the Cours Florent where she completed 3 years of acting studies and then worked as an editor and theatre assistant to multiple teachers. She then directed more than 9 short films and is now living in New York. She met Astrid a coupe of weeks ago and is now in collaboration with her work on Sarah Kane as a assistant director in New York and Paris.
Sandra Cheres is a painter and artist
Sandra Cheres will be will be opening a gallery in December to present the work with Astrid Bas.
Fanny Caranco is an assistant director working on the project.