Short Summary
"49 Years After" is an adventure into the parallel world of the undead. It tells the story of a clairvoyant woman named Sofia, who practices alternative medicine in New York. Sofia has a young client named Annie, who sees a lost boy (Andrew is an Irish immigrant in NY in 18th century), that no one else can see. Annie's mother cannot see Andrew, but believes her daughter and asks Sofia for help.
Annie causes Sofia to recall painful buried memories of her childhood in Rhodes, Greece. As a young girl, Sofia also had visions that no one else could see. She was punished harshly by her mother and the village priest who didn't know understand her gift. Sofia is determined to help Annie to reunite her friend Andrew with his loved ones in the afterlife.
Annie opens a memory of Sofia discovering the hidden bones of a Jewish boy under her great-grandmother's death bed. Her grandfather is forced to tell her a story about a young child who belonged to one of the many Jewish families he helped escape from Rhodes to Turkey during WW2.
Sofia digs deep into her memory of her father and his painful experience during WW2. He tells her of his friendship with a German soldier and his punishment in his refusal to kill him.
49 years after, Sofia decides to share her story as a legacy to her family and to the world. "49 Years After" inspires the values of friendship and humanity. “49 Years After” is an exciting story that changes world consciousness from good to the better.