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500 Orphans Need School Supplies & Holiday Cheers

Help insure that 500 Orphans in Benin Get School Supplies for the Fall + Food, Toys For the Holidays

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500 Orphans Need School Supplies & Holiday Cheers

500 Orphans Need School Supplies & Holiday Cheers

500 Orphans Need School Supplies & Holiday Cheers

500 Orphans Need School Supplies & Holiday Cheers

500 Orphans Need School Supplies & Holiday Cheers

Help insure that 500 Orphans in Benin Get School Supplies for the Fall + Food, Toys For the Holidays

Help insure that 500 Orphans in Benin Get School Supplies for the Fall + Food, Toys For the Holidays

Help insure that 500 Orphans in Benin Get School Supplies for the Fall + Food, Toys For the Holidays

Help insure that 500 Orphans in Benin Get School Supplies for the Fall + Food, Toys For the Holidays

Raymond Colby
Raymond Colby
Raymond Colby
Raymond Colby
2 Campaigns |
Raleigh, United States
$464 USD 8 backers
1% of $30,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

We Rise By Lifting Others: Our Story

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read about our project.  We hope our story will inspire you to help us meet our goal to provide school supplies and spread Holiday cheer to over 500 Orphan children in the country of Benin this December....  And, you'll also get some unique and fantastic Perks for contributing!  

We are Little Angels Children's Charities; an American charitable organization, recently set up to provide direct financial and logistical support to Amour du Prochain Fondation, a Benin based NGO founded by the highly celebrated, award winning lyricist and traditional West African entertainer, Norberka.   The name of the NGO literally translates to "Love thy Neighbor" Foundation.  

For the past four years, Norberka has gone to great lengths to spread Holiday cheer to hundreds of Orphaned children who yearn to feel wanted and acknowledged, particularly during the holiday season.  Every December 25th, in her hometown of Sahoué Doutou, Benin---Norberka puts on a free Live music concert and also contributes a large portion of her yearly earnings to purchase food, gifts and school supplies for as many orphan children as her funds will support.   Furthermore, she expends a great deal of  energy to rally the town dignitaries, the local king, volunteers;  and insures that they not only commit to being present at the event; but also agree to give speeches to honor the children.  

In addition to its yearly Holiday obligations, the foundation also seeks to provide school supplies for each Orphan child during the fall & winter semesters.   Without parents to purchase backpacks, writing instruments, notebooks and even clothing for school, these children are often deprived of the tools that are minimally required, just to be considered a prepared student.  In some cases, students are 100% responsible for purchasing their own textbooks.   With your support, we are confident that we'll be able to meet their needs in this regard.  

On this side of the Atlantic, we've dug into deep into our pockets and did what we could on a personal level to help support Norberka's cause, over the past four years.   However, this year we decided to wise up, incorporate and file for a 501(c)3 non-profit, in order to attract support from a wider audience.  And by the end of 2015, we'll also be able to provide tax deductible receipts to our sponsors.    

Impact: A Child's Nourishment Defines His Capacity
For Orphan Children in the country of Benin, the year-end Holiday season is a time when deeply buried feelings of exclusion bubble up to the surface.  Non-Orphan children in West Africa are deeply tied to family, ancestry and cultural traditions. The absence of family influences and traditions in the life of an Orphan, often compels that Child to construct an inner reality that is rooted in feelings of abandonment.   And there's no time like Christmas and other family-centric holidays, to remind an orphan child that he/she is alone in the world.   A time in which their young adolescent hearts should be replete with joy and laughter, is instead filled with agony and dread.  After all, most of their caretakers will leave to go spend Christmas with their own families; and local children in the surrounding neighborhoods---who have parents, will be celebrating and showing off their new toys and gifts.  

We all know what its like to feel left out----- but to simultaneously feel "Left Out" and "Less Than" during Christmas,  is to experience an emotional trauma that unfolds in three acts:  discovery, distress; and, ultimately detachment.   The psychological impact to children who repeatedly experience this year after year, is akin to PTSD.   Norberka's efforts to introduce these children to the modern ceremonial practice of holiday-themed gift giving; encourages them to feel more acknowledged, loved and nurtured; resulting in a vitally cathartic experience that lovingly ushers each child towards a path of recovery from feelings of abandonment, harbored deep within their tender hearts.      

Nourishing Their Minds, Bodies and Souls: 

It's not just about the Holidays.  In keeping with a holistic approach to serving the overall needs of each orphan, the foundation will utilize some of the funds raised through this project, to purchase enough school supplies to last these kids an entire school year.   

You can make a real difference this year by Helping us pool enough resources to provide School Supplies, Food and Toys to over 500 Orphan children this year. Your support will go a long way to helping each and every child feel "included" and "acknowledged.".   Support our project.  Make a big impact today!   And do check out some of the unique and wonderful Perks that you will receive, as a show of appreciation!  

What We Need & How We'll Show YOU Appreciation:

Our goal is to raise $30,000 this year to provide school supplies, toys and 1 week worth of food to each of the 500 children!  But, if we can exceed the initial goal of this project, many more children beyond the expected 500 will be included in this years Holiday-themed charity event.   

Your donation will go towards the foundation's 2015 Holiday Orphan budget.   Last December 2014, Norberka's Amour Du Prochain Foundation provided toys and a few days worth of food for nearly 500 children.   This year, we hope to be able to provide them with food, toys along with school supplies.   We're asking you to Help us feed their minds, bodies and souls. 

Reciprocity is a strong feature of African society; it is, in fact, a feature of any well-meaning community of sentient beings.   In Benin,  a thank you is often demonstrated in the form of a reciprocal act, not just with words.   The young orphans who will benefit from your generosity,  yearn for the opportunity to demonstrate their thanks to you.   Therefore, you can also expect a personalized thank you note from them and, in addition, these children will also have some input into the selection of the Perk(s) that you will receive, with the full understanding that this is their way to show you gratitude and appreciation.  

The Perks:  A Glimpse into West African Reciprocity

If you look at the photos on this page or watch the music video above, you will see Norberka, her band members and dancers,  all adorned in various styles of Krobo bracelets and necklaces that are similar to the ones being offered as perks below.   These beaded bracelets and necklaces are handcrafted by Artisans who originate from the Krobo mountains of Ghana.    These people have been crafting beaded bracelets and necklaces since the stone age.  They are much sought after throughout West Africa for their exquisite level of craftsmanship and attention to detail.  

The Bracelets and Necklaces are made from Recycled glass bottles that are crushed into powder, then poured into molds in order to create the appealing shaped beads. Decorations on the beads are made with a paste consisting of colored glass powder and water, which is applied using a thin wooden stalk. They are baked twice to fix the decor.  Since ancient times, these artisans have always utilized Sustainable and Eco-friendly practices in the crafting of these beads.  

Each Bracelet and/or Necklace is unique and so you will not receive the exact same beads shown below, but something similar in craftsmanship.  Bracelets are adjustable to fit all Wrist sizes equally.   The perks will be sent to you sometime in late December 2015, so expect delivery around early January.  

When was the last time you did something Self-Less and got Rewarded for it? 

See The Perks Below, And Choose The One Appeals To You: 

Perk #1 - Get 1 Krobo Bracelet: Authentic Handmade by West African Artisans 

Perk #2 -  Get 1  Krobo Necklace:  Authentic Handmade by West African Artisan

Perk #3 - 1 Krobo Bracelet + 1 Krobo Necklace:Handmade by West African Artisans

Perk #4 - Get 3 Unique Krobo Bracelets + Digital Download of Norberka's Album  

Perk #5 - 2 Unique Krobo Necklaces + A Digital Download of Norberka's Album

Perk #6 - 1 Wrist-Full of African Krobo Bracelets:  Get 5 to 6 Beautiful Bracelets 

Perk #7 - For All CollectorsGet 2 Wrist-Full of Krobo Bracelets. 10 to 12 Total

Perk #8 - Get 7 Hand-made Artisanal Krobo Necklaces + Download Norberka's CD

Perk #9:  Cater To Your Inner Child-like Nature: Receive 9 Unique Krobo Necklaces

Perk #10 -You Are A Thousand Points of Light:    You will Receive Perk 7 + Perk 9, along with an autographed photo of Norberka and 1 download of Norberka's album.  In addition, you will also receive a special video thank you message from Norberka and the children, to be recorded at the December 25th event.    This is the ultimate Swag Bag.  You get two wrists full of bracelets and 5 Krobo Necklaces with this perk.  

Perk #11 - Attend A Bead Making Workshop in West Africa:   Come to West Africa and spend a day learning the art of Bead making from Artisanal masters of the craft.  Learn vital techniques and skills that date back to the stone age.   Leave with some wonderful parting gifts, marketable skills, a culturally immersive experience and some beautiful creations of your own making.  In addition, you will also have a chance to spend the day with Norberka and the Orphan children.  

Perk #12 -  An Evolved Soul Walks Among Us:   At this level, you will Receive non-duplicated items within Perks 7 & 11.  And, in addition, you also receive:
  • A special commemorative plaque thanking you, along with an invitation to attend the December 25th event as our guest of honor.  
  •  An opportunity to accompany Norberka and a few of the children on a special multi-hour air-conditioned cultural tour of the city of Cotonou, the capital of Benin.  This will provide you with a  wonderful opportunity to see and learn about the Ancient sites of Benin/Dahomey, its people and customs. 
  • A chance to Experience the local and traditional cuisines of Benin.
Perk #13 -  Behold! A Philanthropic SuperStar is Born:  You will Receive All non-duplicated items in Perks 7,9 & 11.   In addition: 
  • You will come to meet the Minister of Culture of Benin (rare opportunity). In a country where culture is at the forefront of society, meeting this minister of culture is comparable to meeting the secretary of State of the United States. 
  • Norberka and her musicians will Perform a Special Private Concert For You and with any other individual who donates at this level.   
  • Members of local TV, radio and print media will be invited to both the Charity event and to your private concert.  And you will have the  opportunity(should you desire) to be interviewed and recognized for your generous support and participation.  The TV viewing public of Benin will come to know you for your generous act of philanthropy. 
  • You will also Receive an autographed, authentic West African Djembe style DRUM from Norberka's personal collection!! 

We and the Children Sincerely Hope that You Find the Perks Above Appealing! 

Be Someone's Reason to Smile: Support our Effort

Does Shipping Cost Extra? 

Does shipping cost extra?

Yes. Indiegogo allows us to add any extra shipping to our special perks that need delivering, so please be mindful when you go through the checkout process that a small charge is added for shipping.   We want to make sure that close to 100% of your donation goes to the program and that is why shipping is added at checkout, to the suggested donation price on this page.

Please help spread the word to help make this possible

1. Share our campaign link with family and friends:
2.  If you prefer to make an offline cash (tax deductible) donation, please make a check payable to the "Little Angels Children's Charities" and ask us for the mailing address.  We will happily provide it to you via email or telephone: 

Your individual help can make a huge difference to the success of this project and is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

· Tell your friends, family & others why this should be supported

· Please share our story on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, etc

· By all means, spread the word worldwide to any media source that might be interested!

· Please use the Indiegogo share tools! 

Thank you Kindly.

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Choose your Perk

Thank you Photo from the Kids

$25 USD
We appreciate you supporting our cause; every amount helps us towards our goal! As thanks, we will send you one hi-res digital image from the charity event, so you may use as a background/wallpaper on your computer or phone.
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
1 claimed
Ships to United States of America

One HandMade Krobo Bracelet

$50 USD
Perk #1 - An Exquisite strand of powdered glass African beads, crafted by artisans from the Krobo Mountain (Ghana, Africa). Made from recycled glass bottles crushed into powder, then poured into molds in order to create the appealing shaped beads. Decorations on the beads are made with a paste consisting of colored glass powder and water, which is applied using a thin wooden stalk and then Twice-Baked to fix the decor. Sourced from Artisans using Sustainable Eco-friendly practices. Unisex
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

One HandMade Krobo Necklace

$100 USD
Perk #2- Receive 1 Krobo Necklace. Crafted in the same manner described in regards to the Bracelet above; but in this case, the molds are fashioned into drum shaped beads prior to baking them twice. The result is nothing short of exquisitely beautiful work of art. These types of beads were once traded as Currency in some parts of Africa. The bracelet or necklace you will receive will consist of Unisex Beads, and therefore can be worn by either Men or Women.
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

1 Krobo Bracelet +1 Necklace

$150 USD
Perk #3 - Get One Krobo Bracelet and One Krobo Necklace. This is for the discerning individual who can't make up his/her mind. Accessories like beaded Jewelry offer a perfect way to bring life to an outfit and enhance your best features. Wear both! Own Both! We bring the best of West Africa to you. The bracelet and necklace that you will receive will consist of UNISEX Beads, and therefore can be worn by either Men or Women.
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Album Download+Krobo Bracelets

$200 USD
Perk # 4 - Get a Full digital download of Norberka's entire Album for your music player, iPhone or Android device. In addition, you will also receive Three authentic Krobo Bracelets. Wait, there's more! You also receive a hi-res thank you photo from the December charity event. The bracelet or necklace you will receive will consist of Unisex Beads, and therefore can be worn by either Men or Women.
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Album Download+Krobo Necklaces

$250 USD
Perk 5 - You receive 2 Krobo Necklaces and a Full digital download of Norberka's Album for your music player, iPhone or Android device. You also receive a hi-res thank you photo of the December charity event and a video thank you message from the December charity event. The bracelet or necklace you will receive will consist of Unisex Beads, and therefore can be worn by either Men or Women.
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

1 WristFull of Krobo Bracelets

$300 USD
Perk #6 - You obviously believe that variety is the spice of life! A this level you will receive an entire Wrist Full of Krobo bracelets. Wear them with confidence. Attract the attention of your friends and acquaintances. Share stories about the origin of your bounty. 5 to 6 Bracelets will be sent to you as part of this wonderful perk. The bracelets you receive will consist of Unisex Beads, and therefore can be worn by both Men and Women.
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

2 WristFull of Krobo Bracelets

$500 USD
Perk #7 - For Collectors At Heart! Get Many Krobo Bracelets. Wear them all at once, or change up your look each and every day. Lots of Options to for you to play with. Have Fun! Between 10 to 12 Krobo Bracelets will be included in this reward. The bracelets you receive will consist of Unisex Beads, and therefore can be worn by both Men and Women.
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

All Good Things Come in 7's

$750 USD
Perk #8 - Seven Krobo Necklaces For You! Expand your collection beyond just a few. Get 7 Hand-made Artisanal Krobo Necklaces and you also get to Download Norberka's Album for your music player, iPhone or Android device. The necklaces you will receive will consist of Unisex Beads, and therefore can be worn by both Men and Women.
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Your Inner Child Yearns 4 More

$1,000 USD
Perk #9 - Cater To Your Inner Child-like Nature: Give into your desire for more, if only just this once: Get 9 Unique Handmade authentic Krobo Necklaces! The necklaces you will receive will consist of Unisex Beads, and therefore can be worn by both Men and Women.
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Get Creative-Mix & Match Perks

$1,500 USD
Perk # 10 - The best of Both Worlds! Mix and Match from Perk #7 and Perk #9. The ultimate Haul of Fine Goods! Here's what you get: Get enough Krobo Bracelets for both wrists and 9 Unique Krobo Neckaces. A perfect Swag Bag of Goodies. Gift some to friends & family or enjoy them all yourself. You will also get a free download of Norberka's album thrown in. The bracelets and necklaces you receive will consist of Unisex Beads, and therefore can be worn by both Men and Women
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Bead Making Workshop w/Artisan

$2,000 USD
Perk #11- Attend A Bead Making Workshop in West Africa with true Artisans and Masters of the craft. Learn vital skills that date back to the stone age. Leave with exquisite parting gifts from the kids, marketable skills; a culturally immersive experience and beautiful creations of your own making. You also get to meet the orphans and spend time with Norberka. Airfare, hotel & transportation not included. However, we will assist, make arrangements and accompany you the entire time.
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

For The Awakened Soul in You!

$2,500 USD
Perk # 12 - Receive Perks #7 & 11 + You are invited to Benin to be honored at the December event! Accompany Norberka and a few of the children on a special multi-hour air-conditioned cultural tour of the city of Cotonou, the capital of Benin. A wonderful opportunity to see, learn about the Ancient sites of Benin/Dahomey, its people and customs & experience local cuisine. Airfare, Hotel, Transport not included. However, we will assist, make arrangements and accompany you the entire
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

For Philanthropic SuperStars

$5,000 USD
Perk # 13 - You're a born Philanthropist! You Receive all items in Perks 7, 9, 11 + You're invited to Benin to attend the December event and meet the Minister of Culture, an opportunity reserved for dignitaries. Norberka will perform a special private concert for you and other donors at this level. You will have an opportunity to be interviewed by local TV media at both events. You'll also receive an autographed Djembe style drum from Norberka's collection. Airfare, Hotel not included.
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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